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  1. Y

    Pakistan Independence - Why Pakistan?

    India is not secular, thats just a word that it likes to use. if india was secular then why the bjp and destruction of barbari mosque?. if india is so secular why are there untouchables? if india is so secular why killing of christians by hindus?. what by having a puppet sikh in...
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    Pakistan Independence - Why Pakistan?

    My question is what would have happened to pushtoons and balochs, if the people of wat is now eastern pakistan wanted to join utd indian federation? Pushtoons and baloch share no culture, history or genetics with hind. most of the ulema were corrupt and not in tune with the public, they...
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    Worlds biggest illegale Gun market in Pakistan

    Pathan is a word used by eastern pakistanis and indians. we are pushtoons or pokhtoons and not pathans. pathans are like imran khan, a mix blood of pushtoon and punjabi, people like him cant be called pushtoon as they are not pure. however people like afridi and umar gul...
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    Worlds biggest illegale Gun market in Pakistan

    U r a pushtoon or a pokhtoon, pathan is like calling a black man a niga.
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    Worlds biggest illegale Gun market in Pakistan

    I think u r right to some extent, however weapons have big part of tradition of people of nwfp and balochistan. they have ensured peoples freedom, the arms are not a problem but corrupt and incompitent police is. secondly these areas have never seen development and unfair formula of...
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    Pakistan Should Bomb Illegal Indian Dams

    Absolutely wrong, eastern pakistanis share same roots with indians but we in the west have nothing in common from history to genetics. Other pakistani groups can be at peace with India but we can never be at peace with them until jammu and kashmir are set free.
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    First JF-17 fighter plane produced in Kamra to roll out this month: CAS

    I hope so this such good news, but it makes me wonder if we have 10 thunders and are producing 1 this year, so where will the rest come from to make a squadron thats suppose to be flying by the end of the year?.
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    Look yar lets not try to run before we can walk, all these potential customers are just potential. First we must fulfil our own needs strengthen PAF, We are already behind in qaulity BVR platform our neighbours are strong in that area and thus its a dangerous gap. Iran might be intrested as...
  9. Y

    China sold Pakistan's new warships, firing configuration 8 C802 offensive

    No its not its spelled zulifiquar and its named after a very famous sword.
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    Pakistan faces direct threat from extremism, not India: Clinton

    Yup you are right, look at assam and other regions in india especially hindu extremism. What has india or india society done to curb that rather huge defence budgets and unnecessary nuclear missiles ands occupation of kashmir?.
  11. Y

    We want our culture back in NWFP

    why who has taken the culture away or how has it been diluted? Another crank pushttons who is gonna blame everyone else but himself, we have an islamic culture anyother culture is poor and weak and doesnt represent pushttons f the region.
  12. Y

    Crisis deepens as India blocks Chenab flow

    Oh you guys are actively doing that, and all this unrest is good for us it unites us against the common enemy. India is about ot be broken its days are numbered my friend, call its rubbish, fantasy whatever you like but its true. Most pakistanis northern pakistanis are itching for a war and...
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    JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

    Absolutelty right india has failed in every project that it has started. Pakistan on the other hand sought help from china and has absorbed knowledge base from various school of thoughts, from saab to dassault to lockheed martin. Pakistan hasnt decided to start a project such as jets from...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    Who Knows, Insha Allah it will maybe happen at the end of the year, however that is no guaranty in current climate. What do other members here think the arrival of the first squadron will bring to the paf? Will the the first squadron be more airdefence / intercept in nature? Will jf-17 or...
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    Israelis are becoming less confident of the US ability to control Pakistan's nukes

    Classic example of a wolf in a sheeps clothing, our little indian friend is trying pass as an a kashmiri and saying Insha Allah. Heart to fight, well our brave army has proved that wrong, many indians soldiers left their weapons and armour and ran. Read it on bbc and other archives. India...
  16. Y

    Missile Test Inforamtion ?

    Yes Indeed he is, am sure you must remember the mughals? If not let me refresh your memory the people that stood high and proud, defeated your ancestors and shown you class and culture for 700 years. Look around from lal fort to taj mahal to almost everything else. Oh now am sure you wouldnt...
  17. Y

    JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

    Well Pakistan is not and will not be in anybodys pocket, however chinese pocket is like our own pocket so that cant be that bad. The relationship with china is open and transparrent without any hidden conditions and motives, same cannot be said for usa. Pakistan has always stood in solidarity...
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    JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

    No we dont have any ideas, all ideas are drawn and implemented in India. You see india is the home of aeronautical engineering and everyone else has no ideas or technology. Quick few questions my friend. 1)In 1965 India had superior numbers and superior technology, yet PAF outclassed IAF...
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    JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

    Thats ok friend.
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