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  1. N

    China launches Xinjiang rejuvenation drive

    Wow, speaking from someone from a country needing mud to fill their stomach, "do they believe they can have both too ?":no:
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    Separatist strike call closes India-controlled Kashmir

    Separatist strike call closes India-controlled Kashmir - People's Daily Online May 21, 2010 A shutdown call by a Kashmiri separatist alliance, Hurriyat Conference, which is headed by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Friday paralyzed life in Muslim majority areas of India- controlled Kashmir including...
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    Chinese think India backward

    Yes, Congrate to India showing the world for bringing "Freedom" to a whole "New" level, "Freedom to eat mud" BBC News - Diet of mud and despair in Indian village
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    Multiple Violent Insurgencies Raging in India

    Poverty probably one of the main reason behind all these, whats else you expect when people are so poor and need to eat mud to fight hunger, obviously "a fight to survive" BBC News - Diet of mud and despair in Indian village 15 May 2010 Children in Ganne have to eat dried mud and silica...
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    Air India Express plane accident leaves scores dead

    Plane crashes in India, 160 people feared dead - Forbes.com By ASHOK SHARMA , 05.22.10, 12:58 AM EDT NEW DELHI -- As many as 160 people were feared dead after an Air India plane arriving from Dubai crashed and burst into flames at dawn Saturday as it overshot a hilltop runway in...
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    Air India Express plane accident leaves scores dead

    Rip, sorry to hear about this news.
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    Chinese think India backward

    Hey pal, why so defensive ? i am just giving the "Facts" of how your leadership's view on this issue. After all, it does not matter whats people say on a forum, its does matter what leader of your country said to the public, am i right ? Care to explain to me whats this interview of your...
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    Chinese think India backward

    Don't worry, my dear Indian friends, future looks bright for you guys, less than 10 years to go, India will beome a developed country, "Have Faith" See ? its been predicted dated back in 2003. 'By 2020 we should become a developed country'
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Pal, no doubt about it since you are in India, practice made perfect i suppose.:azn:
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    China will become global leader in innovations: Premji

    Whats the big fuss ? World's largest copy-cat industry sounds way better than World's largest "slums" when someone "sugar-coating" the incredible "slums" that claim to produce 500 million despite the fact that thousands of slum children die every day because of pitful living condition Mumbai...
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    See, am i right ? now you fully exposed yourself of who you are. And heck, i smell curry.:sick:
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Thats the reason i use local cantonese pronunciation, so that trolls like you will be lost even with the help of google translator. Btw, just like to let you know, google translate sucks in translating Chinese, thats a well known fact. Tough luck, my friend being...
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    Chinese think India backward

    I believe this is only one of million of such incidents thats happened in India thats still practicing a backward "caste-system", still wondering why not only Chinese, but the whole world think India is backward ? UN says caste system is a human rights abuse - Telegraph
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Oh, thanks for being honest for a change, so if you don't understood cantonese, then why accuse me for "vulgarity", if imagine something out of nothing =fact, i feel sorry for you. same could apply to your "credibilty" of your opinion regarding this article.
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    I want the original source from 中国航天科工集团, not some second hand source.
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Lay LOMO choi height, i said from the original source !!
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    If not, it will be like i i tell everybody i know a lot of craps regarding your LOMO, ok.
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Please cut out your opinion craps, "Link" no need a URL link, just give the exact wording of the original source in English now.
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    India Christian schools protest over 'Hindu move'

    BBC News - India Christian schools protest over 'Hindu move' 21 May 2010 The authorities want more recognition of Hindu culture Christian schools in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) have opposed a proposal by civic authorities to promote Hindu culture in classrooms. They argue that...
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    Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

    So, can any fool create a google HK China home-page ? Go pick English language, no more excuse of Chinese or English please. Now be a "man" tell me whats show up when you type "Tiananmen square massacre" ? Google This is what show up, so what say ? Google Since you repeatedly in...
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