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  1. D

    Another...Pakistani dies in Indian prison

    It seems that you only read the posts where I defend attacks against me or Africa. You should be more open minded and explore some of my other posts in this forum, alternatively read them instead of just ignoring them if you find that they are of a non defensive nature. I insulted certain...
  2. D

    What a stupid B%^SARD

    Most media are useless at verifying information. On one occasion in our country some foreign media claimed that the army were responsible for the killing of certain bank robbers and then they show pictures of our police force swat members. The news shocked us until we saw the pictures as the...
  3. D

    Another...Pakistani dies in Indian prison

    Hi Anne. Wot a pretty name you have :wave: And its spelt "calm" honey. Saw your earlier intro and must say :welcome: Don't worry about my postings here. I get banned regularly for speaking my mind and the truth :pop:
  4. D

    Obama Insulted in Russia

    The President is introducing people to some delegates !! You should change your icon from a lion to a monkey cos that's wot you just made yourself on this forum with your comical anti American bantering :rofl::rofl: I showed your post to 4 people at my office and they were falling over their...
  5. D

    Cyber war against Pakistan...!!!

    I am a cyber warrior for my country :azn: We are at cyber war with France. We destroy their pornographic sites and they destroy ours on a daily basis :rofl:
  6. D

    Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

    When a noted and learned jurist who happens to be a Jewish South African, Judge Richard Goldstone, condemns Israel for war crimes committed against the Palestinians after conducting an investigation on behalf of the UNO then I must disagree with your statement. Judge Goldstone is an...
  7. D

    Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

    Everybody is scattered around the world. Go to any country and you see thousands of other nationalities staying or working out there. Jews are no different. My take on the thread is that Pakistan should not recognise Israel at this stage as it may cause extremists in Pak to obtain further...
  8. D

    Another...Pakistani dies in Indian prison

    In your dreams and prove your assertion. Do not talk through ignorance cos all it does is make you a fool. You should visit SA before you make hillarious comments of the nature you just did. If your Shangai is so great then why the heck do we have like close to a million and a half Chinese...
  9. D

    Pakistani celebrities with their spouses and children

    He forgave us when General Smuts allowed the chumps to remain in SA. Thank God for that as well. I married a descendant of the chumps :azn:
  10. D

    Another...Pakistani dies in Indian prison

    did the 2 million kids die from drinking the poisoned babies milk which they imported from China ? :pop:
  11. D

    Another...Pakistani dies in Indian prison

    Is that all you can say after officials from your country killed a mentally challenged man after he walked over some imaginary line ?? You should be standing outside your parliament in New Delhi with a board protesting to your leaders to resign in shame. :disagree:
  12. D

    Hakimullah Mehsud Finally Re-surfaces

    Find him, give him a fair trial and thereafter hang him till he dies
  13. D

    PAF superiority over IAF in 65 war

    Heck even I know where Walong square is situated at !!! That's such an easy question. It is in Walong in China. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  14. D

    Air India pilots, crew come to blows at 30,000 ft

    This thread was posted
  15. D

    What if Germany had won the WW II?

    Hell on earth for who if there was no Israel :what:
  16. D

    India pilots in mid-air 'scuffle'

    Are you generally stupid or do you just aspire to be stupid on this blog? This isn't a joke. Civilians in the form of passengers and people on the ground could be killed with this kind of stupidity and you choose to make a joke of it ? :blah:
  17. D

    Pakistani celebrities with their spouses and children

    Give you Asians credit for one thing . You people can be cute and colourful. Now if only you could learn to talk properly
  18. D

    India pilots in mid-air 'scuffle'

    This is not funny but rather serious. These idiots should be banned from entering a commercial flight again. If that plane crashed it could have killed all those passengers. Imagine the catastrophe if it landed in the middle of some commercial centre of Pakistan. The world will be quick to claim...
  19. D

    Samtel India breaks Japanese monopoly in avionics products

    The demand for cheap rather than quality is a global trend. If it was the other way around then the Rolls Royce would be a world's best seller? Given that the SA govt is under pressure from our unions to stem the Chinese imports and save our textile and other industries, I forsee a time when...
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