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  1. D

    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    All this posts of who will support who is laughable. Whether big India or big China or Big USA suppports Burma or Bangladesh is immaterial. Poland had big old UK signing up a treaty to come to its assistance before world war 2. When the Nazis moved into Poland , it took the Brits months to come...
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    South African Cheetahs For Ecuador

    Cheetah is an outdated fighter even by SA peace time standards. I thinks its more of a situation of "dumping your thrash on another 3rd world country which has an embargo on it". SA government is well known for using other countries which have embargoes set up against them by the USA etc as...
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    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    Yes indeed we have managed to derail this thread and I am surprised that Bezerk hasn't banned me yet :rofl: Gandhi is just as much a SA hero as he is an Indian hero. Go ahead and mock Mandela, Tutu and Rhodes. We in SA do it on a daily basis ourselves. That's wot democracy is about. Keep in...
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    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    Firstly, check on the UNO provisions on fencing a border before making that statement. The UN Charter is quite clear in its approach on that issue. It is nothing short of a human rights issue and to pre-empt a reply to your further statement, human rights is a global issue. Your current Gandhi...
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    Defining The Punjabi Taliban Network

    Are these militants allowed to march with guns in Pakistan ? I always wonder whether there are any forms of strict gun control laws in these areas where you see militants letting off a few rounds. Is Pakistan like the USA where its civilians may walk into a gun shop and buy guns by purely...
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    Karachi student flings shoe at American journalist

    Rather shoes than stones. Here in SA our students throw stones at the police and politicians when they are protesting. Good for this academic that he did not infuriate South African students. And may I add that our students seldom miss when they are hurling those stones
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    Cyber war against Pakistan...!!!

    Please do not embarass yourself and your lack of knowledge of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
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    Indian Army Female Soldiers at Indo-Pak Border 2009

    If I start ranting about wot an idiot you are, my post will either be removed or I may be banned so I shall refrain from telling you the given fact that you are an idiot :what: If PDF wanted to restrict this forum to Pakistanis or exclude a certain nationality, it would and could have easily...
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    Naxals killed 18 policemen

    Their demands seem to be reasonable. Why are they being denied what they are seeking ?
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    India main enemy for many Chinese

    Yup my forefathers are coming back to take over Asia again. This time it will be the white muslim, hindu and buddhists who will rule :rofl:
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    Average Pakistani Soldier

    As a matter of curiousity, why does Pakistan and India retain the British Raj titles for their soldiers and armies. I notice titles such as "sepoys" and "jawans" here which were terms coined by the Brit admin right ?
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    South African Cheetahs For Ecuador

    By: Keith Campbell - SA Engineering Forum 28th September 2009 "South African aerospace company Denel Aviation has confirmed that it is leading a joint project with Armscor to sell former South African Air Force (SAAF) Denel Cheetah C supersonic fighters to the South American country of...
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    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    There can be no "limited" conflict if Bangladesh goes to war with Burma. Bangladesh has an elected government which has to respond to its nation when the bodybags of soldiers start piling up. Political stress will play into military decisions. Burma has a military juanta which is not accountable...
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    Does Barack Obama deserve the Nobel Peace?

    After George Bush Jr the American people deserve a nobel peace prize for voting in Obama
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    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    Are you Indian? You must be to post such a ridiculous reply. No wonder the moghuls ruled you for a thousand years :hitwall: The Bangladesh people have the right to protest when you put up barbed wire fences. Would you put up barbed wire fences on the border with China? :no: Why? Because they...
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    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    Burma is too strong for Bangladesh. It will eat up Bangladesh for breakfast. Burmese army is 5 times stronger than Bangladesh army. Hopefully US will stay out of this one and let the Asians go to war. Would be great to see India supporting Bangladesh and Pakistan and China supporting Burma and...
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    Chinas army gets a fashion upgrade

    We surrender to this Chinese infantry. Take us as your prisoners please :china:
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    Time to move on now

    Oh get over it. You 2 cannot be friends or co-operate. Its like trying to get a cat and a dog to be friends. Just continue with the animosity. It is great entertainment to watch you brownies insulting each other :taz: Please do not stop. And Pak and China are great friends. India and Israel are...
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    Ilyas Kashmiri - still alive

    Such barbarism. These are not professional armies. That sort of behaviour is not even mercenary. It is pure barbarism and genocide. And again I will get accused of "trolling" (wotever that is) because I seek to display shock at your Asian culture :coffee:
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