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  1. T

    China vs India -- from Japan's point of view

    I take your point - but what matters is chinese working population is on decline. Ill make my point further clear as china grows further it will start diverting its resources from manufacturing to other things such as , health care, social care, education, research, infrastructure/IT...
  2. T

    China vs India -- from Japan's point of view

    Economies grow for two reasons, Either they have something cheap to offer like labor or resources. After 2015 china's working population will be on decline and china has no technology/resources either to offer to world to become a super power. This is zero sum game played by us at the end of...
  3. T

    Brace for two-front war, Indian Army told

    India can actually win this two front war, 1) Tell chinese it would be all out nuke war if you dared to move even a inch into india's territory (China is more worried about its economy and cities than its all weather ally pakistan) so chinese would definetely wont poke their nose. 2) keep the...
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    Explosion hits Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan

    I dont think there are any pakistani engineers working afghanistan, not that iam aware of
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    U.S. Treasuries face test from China's yuan move

    US cant devalue the dollar cuz all other nations will devalue their currencies.
  6. T

    IAF gets feel of latest Pak fighter aircraft

    I am gonna take a statement out right from my Ar~~ to show you paf has flown mkk
  7. T

    FIRST LOOK: India's Mini Gas Turbine Engine For UAV/UCAV Programme

    Are there currently any UAV's in the world running on gas turbines ?
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    Manufacturing 'terrorists' the Indian way

    Its usual to see how my threads get deleted and this one stays.
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    Musharraf plan haunts India-Pakistan peace roadmap

    India should buying more time and i dont think any peace process is possible.
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    Monstrosity against freedom of speech of citizens - Internet censorship

    Why is facebook, orkut and other social networking sites left out ? I dont know if its good or bad for pakistan, but i get a feeling most of the internet users do not welcome this ban, having said that by seeing the recent protests and banners in pakistan i think ordinary pakistanis are likely...
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    Raise your voice against fake degree parliamentarians

    Its a small step forward but a good one.
  12. T

    Taliban offer prisoner swap, threaten to kill troops

    yooo key board warrior would u write the same words if the captured were one of ya family members ? show some respect to soldiers.
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    India's Cold Start Doctrine

    Please shed light on its impracticality ?
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    Zaid Hamid Vs an educated man

    I for once truely support Zaid Hamit i think he should rule pakistan as long as he can - pakistanis deserve him and need his services the most.
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    Punjab police arrest wanted Khalistan Liberation Force terrorist

    You are over estimating ISI capabilities --- talks like this is increasing ISI's popularity within pakistan :victory:
  16. T

    Punjab police arrest wanted Khalistan Liberation Force terrorist

    I forgot to mention ---> why would u need to collect intel on someone who is on ya payroll ???
  17. T

    Punjab police arrest wanted Khalistan Liberation Force terrorist

    Hamid gul might have rapidly lost support, but the point is he still has support of people who matter the most in pakistan, and people like hiim dont give a fcuk about what ordinary pakistani think.
  18. T

    Punjab police arrest wanted Khalistan Liberation Force terrorist

    See if pakistan wanted to finish taliban or any other terrorists i would think it would take only a week to do, having said that if pakistan wanted. when i say if people like hamid gul and many more wont let that happen cuz they think taliban and other terrorist organisations like LET are...
  19. T

    Punjab police arrest wanted Khalistan Liberation Force terrorist

    Who is ISI keeping you safe from ? ISI has only one agenda sabotage india - i dont see ISI working on any other projects apart from this.
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