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    "Tejas, A Three-Legged Cheetah": Former IAF Commander

    haha Pak Chinese .... its Chinese...AKA abandon Mig - 33 ,,, IAF is inducting Tejas... already ordered 100 GE engines... 40 MK1 will be delivered in coming 3 years... after that 100 MK2 for IAF and 60 for IN...
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    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    how these road will be after waves of cruise missiles like brahmos will make 50 meter holes after every 50 meter back to 50 no 500 years back... heavy equipment ... haha in Himalayas... PLA with small arms was able to sneak into India in 1962 when thr was no IA present in these areas ... it...
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    first hercules to be arrive by this week

    IAF's first C-130J airlifter to arrive this week IAF's first C-130J airlifter to arrive this week - The Economic Times
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    China ahead of World Bank in loans to developing nations – FT

    why r u poking ur nose here ... ??? no one in india or an indian outside the country says that India is a superpower... and for your nation ... Yes we are a HYPERPOWER so stop exporting terrorist here... or you will be punched real hard on your face
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    China ahead of World Bank in loans to developing nations – FT

    we are not your neighbors Tibet is our neighbor which is occupied by PRC... and nobody says india is a superpower ... hav you heard a single indian on this forum saying that ...
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    Arjun mk II ready for trial!

    i wonder why nobody is worried about price tag that Arjun MK-II will carry... already Arjun MK-1 cost around 50% more than T - 90 with all the goodies it will cost double wat T-90 cost us ....
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    Arjun mk II ready for trial!

    coz BIGGER is better... in real .. T - 90 was designed for russian terrains ... it can work both in hilly reasons and plains... but Arjun is made for specially for Indian Pak border ... with pressure lower on ground than other tanks in service of Indian Army ... so IA can use T-90 in...
  8. A

    Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare

    again a good example of high chinese IQ ... india and china border is 100% high altitude and mountainous india needs these divisions to defend herself from a arrogant nation called PRC ... chk you geography ..
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    Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare

    sikkim joined india with all the consent of its ppl when a aggressive and bully and arrogant nation called PRC wanted to take over this little country with no military ...
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    Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare

    tell them to china which is arming pakistanis so that chinese can fight till the last pakistani with india then jump themselves in
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    India: ‘We sent relief on request’, Sri Lanka: ‘India sent without even us asking for

    and i feel your jealousy ... its burning you from inside... and in coming years you will be burning more.. as mother India takes her rightful place in this world...
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    India: ‘We sent relief on request’, Sri Lanka: ‘India sent without even us asking for

    point is this ... these srilankans bangladeshis pakistanis ... hate to see india grow ... they want us to remain poor, less powerful ... but we will grow... we will become more powerful as we are growing with each passing moment ...
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    India: ‘We sent relief on request’, Sri Lanka: ‘India sent without even us asking for

    india is always known for its generosity and knowledge and its spiritualism... for ages and ages
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    India: ‘We sent relief on request’, Sri Lanka: ‘India sent without even us asking for

    who were dos members ... wat you wanna prove here ... ??? if you ppl even object on the aid sent by our country chk ur mentality ... really i feel sad for my country for getting neighbors like... Pakistan Srilanka Bangladesh ... and feel sad for Tibet also for getting a neighbor like china...
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    Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare

    PRC history ... lets start... Korea, Vietnam, India .. USSR .... all neighbors were attacked ... its good india is preparing for chinese preemptive actions in himalayas,, .... by nature PRC is like a bully ... and evey nation surrounding should do all it can do stop this bully ...
  16. A

    How about Chinese onions now!

    you dont have any idea abt how nwdys business works.. . these hi end engg are send by Indian comp to upgrade software or hardware for malasyian comp... when a multi million deal is signed... they live thr till the work ends ...
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    India ready to build Laser Weapon Systems.

    30 years later ... :) ,,, India will not be just another nation .... Mother India will have taken the rightful place she deserves in this Earth ...
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    How about Chinese onions now!

    haha hi skilled labor cheap ... m not talking abt terrorist from LET or Al Qida from pakistan... m talking abt high end engg jobs ,,, IAF pilots traning Malasyian Pilots....
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    How about Chinese onions now!

    morelike they are helping themselves ...think why they are not hiring pakistanis... :)
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    2*MIG 35 >> RAFALE/EFT

    and 1 rafale or Typhhon can drown 2 Mig - 35 MKIs... may b more.,,
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