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  1. Samlee

    The ranting Khawaja's

    It Is These People That Cause Trouble
  2. Samlee

    Pakistan's 3G, 4G auction draws disappointing bids

    Read My Post #17 Americans Had Signed MoUs Worth Billions of Dollars During Benazir's Second Tenure and Nawaz Chased Them Away I Can Give You Details But Bottom Line Is If You study The Past PML N Governments They Have Not Been Friendly to FDI :astagh::astagh::astagh:
  3. Samlee

    Pakistan's 3G, 4G auction draws disappointing bids

    This Is Not Surprising Since PML N Has Not Had A Good Reputation With Foreign Investors.Remember When Benazir Got FDI worth Billion of Dollars Under Power Policy 1994 Hydel Power Policy 1995 Transmission Policy 1995 into The Country,Nawaz Government Chased All of Them Away and Now We Have Worst...
  4. Samlee

    The ranting Khawaja's

    Yes They Are Taking Oath As Ministers.Thanks For The APPRECIATION.Actually I Have Been Supporting PTI But Even I Have To Admit That Inspite of a million Faults Musharraf and Esp Shaukat Aziz Ran The Country Much Better Than These Two
  5. Samlee

    The ranting Khawaja's

    Here Is My Two Cents
  6. Samlee

    United Baloch Army claims Islamabad bombing

    This Has To Be The Joke Of The Millenia A Pathetic Little Indian Troll Having Objectivity and Seeing Reason:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: This Is The Advice You Should Give To Your Own Nation and BTW eversince 1947 Nobody Gave Pakistan Many More Years To Live and You Know Something We Are Still Here...
  7. Samlee

    United Baloch Army claims Islamabad bombing

    LOL You Are Very Funny .Even I Have Spent I Part Of My Life In USA and Europe and My Interaction With My Fellow Countrymen Over There Is Much Greater and I Know As A Matter Of Fact That They Actually Pass Themselves Of As Pakistanis Not Only That They Celebrate All National and Religious...
  8. Samlee

    United Baloch Army claims Islamabad bombing

    Inspite Of A million Problems, It Is For Me I Would Prefer My Beloved Pakistan Over The Abomination Known As Shining India Any Day of The Week When I Said Desperate I meant More Like The Indian Soldiers Suffering Nervous Breakdowns and Shooting Each Other All The Time :crazy: Our Baloch...
  9. Samlee

    Punjab to establish world largest steel mill in Chiniot: CM

    Brother This Is Just The Begining.Once Steel Mill Is Established A Downstream Engineering Industry Will Naturally Follow.Good Times Ahead:cheers:
  10. Samlee

    United Baloch Army claims Islamabad bombing

    They Are Getting Desparate As Yesterday 2 Farari Commanders of BRA Surrendered Their Arms and Declared Their Loyalty to Pakistan
  11. Samlee

    Revamping Pakistan Railways

    Get Outa Here
  12. Samlee

    Syrian girls advertised for sale in Saudi Arabia

    For Me Both Saudi and Iran Are Brother Muslim Countries.Both Should Stop Fighting and Realise The Dirty Game That Is Being Played.At The End Of The Day Samraj Is Against Both of Them.For A Start Saudi and Iranians Should Stop Fighting on PDF But We Both Know That Is Not Going To Happen:lol:
  13. Samlee

    Syrian girls advertised for sale in Saudi Arabia

    I Do Go To Press TV Website and Occasionally Watch The Channel Buut I Have Rarely Seen Any Anti Pakistan Propaganda.Mostly It Is Anti West Sometimes Anti GCC but Rarely Against Pakistan.Even When They Do Criticise Pakistan They Choose Their Words Carefully.Anyway Press TV Is Far Ahead Of Any BS...
  14. Samlee

    Black Day: Indian Brutalities in Kashmir

    And Then These Bhindus Complain Why They Get Banned All The Time
  15. Samlee

    27th OCT | Indian occupied Kashmir observes 'Black Day'.

    Why Don't You Come To Gilgit And Tell The People That.Don't Blame For What Happens Afterwards:butcher:
  16. Samlee

    Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

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