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  1. Samlee

    Dr. A.Q. Khan Exposes the MYTH of Thar Coal and Riko Diq

    I was Talking About Dr Farrukh Saleem The Desktop Intellectual Who Has Never Seen a Coalfield in His Life From Whose Column Dr A Q Khan Was Referring to
  2. Samlee

    Dr. A.Q. Khan Exposes the MYTH of Thar Coal and Riko Diq

    I Said This Regarding Desktop Intellectual Dr Farrukh Saleem
  3. Samlee

    Power generation through coal gasification by next year: Dr. Samar

    I Wonder Why They Have To Conduct a Pilot Project, Coal Gasification is A Worldwide Recognised and Established Technology
  4. Samlee

    Gwadar - A Jewel in the Crown

    Gwadar and The Related Trade and Energy Corridor Can Propel Pakistan To Become an Economic Powerhouse.The Only Thing We Need is Peace and Security.Just Imagine The Possibilities 1.China Intends To Use Gwadar for Pipelines of Oil and Gas from Gulf States and Africa as Well as a Southern Trade...
  5. Samlee

    Trade corridor to make economy 2nd largest

    Gwadar and The Related Trade and Energy Corridor Can Propel Pakistan To Become an Economic Powerhouse.The Only Thing We Need is Peace and Security.Just Imagine The Possibilities 1.China Intends To Use Gwadar for Pipelines of Oil and Gas from Gulf States and Africa as Well as a Southern Trade...
  6. Samlee

    Talibanization: It's all about Gwadar Port & Transit Trade Route

    Yes I Also Read That Soviets Offered to Develop The Port and Supporting Communications on Very Generous Terms any details
  7. Samlee

    Chabahar port(iran) may win over gwadar

    Chahbahar Seems To Be Just Foolish Pride on Part of Both India and Iran.My Prediction is That Unless Iran Adresses its Political Issues with The West,Chahbahar Will Become a White Elephant.This Is Why 1.China has Not Made Multi Billion Dollar Investment in Gwadar Today so That it Can Start...
  8. Samlee

    Japan : Technology and Economy

    Standard n Poors Has Recently Downgraded Japan's Credit Rating and Concerns Have Been Expressed That Japan Might Default.If That Happens,What Might The Scenario Be For Japan.Woul It Go Back To Square One And Start All Over Again as a Developing Country u Know Labour Intensive Manufacturing,Fast...
  9. Samlee

    ROZs to Pakistan likely on Hillary's next visit

    We Should Have Demanded Free Market Access Immediately after 9-11 When We Had A Bargaining Position and George W Bush Was Willing To Give Us Anything.We Could Have(and Should Have)Got A Lot Of Concessions from The United States.Sadly The Only Thing We Got in 8 Years Was the Largest Fulbright...
  10. Samlee

    China-Pakistan free trade agreement on services to be in effect soon

    we have never really taken advantage of the free trade agreement with china.The Whole World is Running After the Gigantic Chinese marketand we Who Have Access to it are not taking advantage of it.The Chinese Place Various restrictions and have a notorious record of IP rights.We have very liberal...
  11. Samlee

    Gawadar International Air Port receives Rs 90Million for construction.

    I Read in an Article titled H.I.M. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the late Shah of Iran by Ardavan Bahrami.He Writes "What did Mohammad Reza Pahlavi dream for Iran, the Middle East and the World? Let’s review his most feasible plans that by now could have made our country part of what would have...
  12. Samlee

    Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan

    There Is A Difference Between Admiring a Person for His Work and Idolizing Him
  13. Samlee

    Thar Coal: Engro to install 200MW coal plant in Sindh

    We Should use more advanced clean coal technologies because we would be better off.For Example if we use a fluidised bed boiler instead of conventional thermal power plant,we can produce 50% more electricity without causing pollution.clean coal technologies can be imported from United...
  14. Samlee

    Dr. A.Q. Khan Exposes the MYTH of Thar Coal and Riko Diq

    Dr A Q Khan Commented on Thar Coal with Reference from an article written by farrukh saleem(which i Personally think is Bullshit ).The Article Titled Thar Coal Claims vs Facts i gave a response to it in The Related Thread.I Give it Again: To give the impression that Thar Coal Reserves are...
  15. Samlee

    Power generation through coal gasification by next year: Dr. Samar

    Regarding The Thar Coal Gasification Project I Must Give You A Background Which I Know From Highly Reliable Sources.The Report Regarding Thar Coal Gasification and It's Potential was first Prepared by Mr. Shuja-Ud- Din,a respected and competent government officer belonging to POF Wah.This...
  16. Samlee

    US Senate bill recommends $3 billion assistance to Pakistan

    We have never really taken advantage of our bargaining position with the United States.There have been many times we could have used our Bargaining Position in The Best Interest of Our Country. We Should Have Demanded From Them Things Like 1.Scholarships and Reserved Seats in Harvard, Stanford...
  17. Samlee

    GSP identifies huge reserves of coal in Badin

    Well What Are We Waiting For Lets Get To Work
  18. Samlee

    Viability of Thar Coal Mining Company

    Coal Refining is an established Technology through which the Quality of Coal can Be Improved
  19. Samlee

    Govt announces test production of electricity, gas from Thar coal

    Regarding The Thar Coal Gasification Project I Must Give You A Background Which I Know From Highly Reliable Sources.The Report Regarding Thar Coal Gasification and It's Potential was first Prepared by Mr. Shuja-Ud- Din,a respected and competent government officer belonging to POF Wah.This...
  20. Samlee

    Thar Coal: claims vs facts

    I Have Great Respect for Dr. Farrukh Saleem but cannot agree with him. To give the impression that Thar Coal Reserves are Useless Just Because they are of Lower Grade Poor Quality and have High Moisture Content Is Wrong 1.If They Have High Moisture Content,the problem can be solved through...
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