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  1. M

    Musharraf admits Pakistan as "very dangerous country"

    This pig has caused one of the biggest UPS in Pakistan and is now living a life of luxury after bleeding Pakistan dry. Kiyani and others will follow in his trail. People like Imran khan are the real leaders who are amongst the people.
  2. M

    War on terror Cost Pakistan $68 Billion

    No one forced Pakistan to join this $hit storm. Mushy saw it as a nice way to get blank cheques from Bush at the time and buy his pals in the military some new toys at the expense of the nation. Similarly both civillian and military leaders have continued this policy. Surely anger...
  3. M

    200 Terrorists Attack Pakistan Post from Afghanistan

    Because I'm guessing Pakistan army is considered a munafiq army. US use Pakistan for goods, oil tankers , humvees, air space and use of ISI for handing over citizens to guantanamo and the army for doing is bidding. I suppose you can liken it to elimination of prostitution - the taliban ain't...
  4. M

    Attn: Wikileaks claims Gen. Kayani supports drone strikes

    NWFP on mars probably does, but not the one on earth.
  5. M

    Is there a Pakistan to go back to?

    Author sounds like a typical liberal that lives in gated community and the most dangerous thing she's probably done is catch a rickshaw ride. Otherwise the article is just full of emotional garbage. spend a week in peshawar darling. you'll soon see hardship, strength and resolve.
  6. M

    Pakistan to let CIA into bin laden compound

    Pakistan has agreed to allow the CIA to send a forensics team to examine the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed, giving the agency permission to use sophisticated equipment in a search for al-Qaeda materials that might have been hidden inside walls or buried at the site, U.S. officials...
  7. M

    Large explosion at DCO office, Hangu

    why call it a failure, when has there even been a security success? Never. With failures comes accountability. This doesn't exist in Pakistan as we haven't seen ONE person of authority either be sacked or resign, have we? Not even after the biggest failure of the last decade (unilateral US raid...
  8. M

    Large explosion at DCO office, Hangu

    They don't seem to be running out of suicide bombers anytime soon and every month they pull off a spectacular that hits the international headlines, this month was mehran pns what's next? Time for negotiations by REAL talkers and doers. The scorched earth approach has failed.
  9. M

    Blast in Peshawar, 15 injured at CDI police station building

    They have always been the backbone both in uniform (f.c) and none uniform (e.g. tribals in kargil were abandoned by PA which went running)
  10. M

    Blast in Peshawar, 15 injured at CDI police station building

    Poor trolling attempt. Go watch another bollywood movie ( from the country you all supposedly hate).
  11. M

    Blast in Peshawar, 15 injured at CDI police station building

    Sounds good to me. Maybe pashtuns should also withdraw from being the backbone of the pakistan military.
  12. M

    Blast in Peshawar, 15 injured at CDI police station building

    WALAY khapa she? Akpal zaan na sharmeegi?? I am being fair. Why discriminate against only against afghans who have been living in KP peacefully for decades, providing cheap labour and good business for average KP pashtun? If punjabees want to indiscriminately boot them out then all punjabees...
  13. M

    Blast in Peshawar, 15 injured at CDI police station building

    Only if we kick out punjabis too as there are punjabi taliban too. KP for KP pashtuns only.
  14. M

    Helicopter damaged in bin Laden raid back in US

    This is proof America is the pimp of our COAS. I think I'm going to be Sick! What next? Give them back a drone when it drops due to mechanical failure?
  15. M

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Pakistan has dug a big hole for itself, what kind of moron sells itself at the expense of it's own indigenous people? History has shown that all those states ( like Iraq under Saddam) that did the dirty work for u.s will eventually be doubl-crossed. All I can envisage is more brazen...
  16. M

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Just watched a very embarrasing piece on this whole episode on UK news.
  17. M

    ‘Pakistan has been playing us all for suckers’

    Foreign aid is actually the biggest problem. The elite feel compelled to bow into any demands and these demands infuriate the ordinary citizen. These foreign aid packages are personal bribes to our corrupt leaders who use it to line their pockets or in the case of the army fulfil its fetish...
  18. M

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Has anyone resigned over this disaster? What next? Militants storming SSG base? One word: unbelievable.
  19. M

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    So now our shiny toys which army has kissed USA's backside for years to acquire have gone up in smoke...how much more are we going to be subdued by USA and when will we realise that our partnership in one side, we take all their punches and they take the glory whilst our ISI and PA chief find it...
  20. M

    The Kharotabad (Quetta) Incident

    LOL WHAT COUNTRY DO YOU LIVE IN? please come to KP. Let me know when you arrive, ill pick you up..
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