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  1. M

    How much does the ISI know of CIA networks in Pakistan?

    The CIA is lightyears ahead of the ISI in terms of intelligence gathering but that isn't the problem for the ISI as it can develop itself. The problem lies whenever you capture a foreign operative, they happen to have an official from the ministry of interior on speed dial who gives them the...
  2. M

    Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

    The Brigadiers wife says he was arrested for disapproval of Kiyani's strategy and voicing overt criticism. If that's true, it looks like Kiyani is trying to do a Mushy version 2.0 by purging the army of anyone who might show dissent to what seems to be a somewhat embarrassing methodology to...
  3. M

    NATO jets violated Pakistan’s airspace!!!!

    Next time it could be a nuclear site that's hit. Then what? Thank you so-called defenders of the nations for sleeping once again!
  4. M

    Pakistan 'blocking supplies to US base'

    Is this the Baluchistan drone base that is affected?
  5. M

    U.S. man arrested in Pakistan militant area

    Terrorist Sympathizer? Please explain. Before you do, consider the fact that the biggest "contract" the CIA has is with the ISI and that Billions of dollars have been poured into Pakistan from USA to do the dirty work. ACTUALLY screw that, just tell me where is the CIA Director Leon Panetta is...
  6. M

    Blast in Peshawar Cantt - Super Mrkt

    what is happening to my beautiful Pekhawar... Allah de khair wakay.
  7. M

    U.S. man arrested in Pakistan militant area

    Another conspiracy crack-pot. So lets believe your fairy tale for a second, lets believe he is there to support these "terrorists". if somebozo can work that out, then why will the police let him eventually go, just like they have let other CIA go in the past? Does this mean the police are...
  8. M

    U.S. man arrested in Pakistan militant area

    Put your conspiracy cap away please. CIA is there to spy on anything and everything. Stupid GoP and Army think that they are there to help Pakistan. CIA helps no one. It is a beast that has its own objective and controls even governments and political figures. It has been trained to exploit...
  9. M

    One more Raymond Davis

    "Thanks Zardari, mmmmm the burgers taste nice back in the USA"
  10. M

    U.S. man arrested in Pakistan militant area

    These guys have a special hotline number to Rehman Malik who authorizes their release. The most sickening of these cases after the RD one was the 3 CIA 5hitbags caught in Peshawar, bearded, dressed as locals and on a spying op. They had the f%$king audacity to not even get out the car as they...
  11. M

    Ahmadis fair game for TTP kidnappers

    It's not just militants up to kidnapping, its criminal gangs too. Especially after the floods and with the surge in food prices, kidnapping has now become a flourishing trade in places like KP. It use to be something that happened to the wealthy but now ordinary citizens are being bungled away...
  12. M

    Pakistan Army expels 90 US military trainers

    Thread title is misleading. The US trainers are part of a transitional wind up as stated by Adm Mullen weeks ago. Their traveling circus is packing its bags as there's other commitments around the world. If i was to wager a guess, they're probably off to Libya. Anyway, Mullen said he would...
  13. M

    Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

    Army is in no way excused from such summary killings. There's enough of their trophy videos that have been leaked on their torture houses and killing fields in swat.
  14. M

    Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

    Ofcourse. I am highlighting an endemic problem that's quite perculiar to Pakistan are other corrupt nations and that is the lack of accountability. As others here are also highlighting previous cases that have been dismissed, just as this will eventually be dismissed once its tossed into pile...
  15. M

    Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

    not surprised, especially when this thing happens
  16. M

    We will not allow another ‘Abbottabad’: PM

    Question: How do you know when Gilani is lying? Answer: Whenever he moves his lips!
  17. M

    Another R. Davis?

    100% these guys are CIA.
  18. M

    The Reality of US Aid to Pakistan

    The "aid" is basically money used in hiring our army out as US proxies. This was approved and continues to be approved by the leadership. Funds are transferring into state bank accounts as I type for the N.waziristan operation. Our frustrations are mis-directed. Our leaders have been using these...
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