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  1. M

    Haqqanis were behind Afghan attacks, raises pressure on Pakistan

    What proof have they presented? NONE.
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    Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

    This looks like a landslide rather than an avalanche. The amount of earth that needs to be shifted looks imeasurable. I'm guessing the first located body is going give the best indication on how long this task is going to take. Aside from that, the displacement of earth is also going to be a...
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    Bannu jail attack a pre-planned conspiracy, says Malik

    Highly ironic calling others non-muslims when he has trouble reciting surat ikhlas.
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    This is our War

    Maj David Nevers - Nice propaganda, how many innocent Afghans did you kill today? When are you going to acknowledge that it was actually a team of US Soldiers that went on a drunk killing spree instead of putting all the blame on one US soldier and making out as though he was a 'rogue'?
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    Eavesdropping on Iran: ‘US pressing for listening posts in Balochistan’

    Your kind of absurd thinking is what has completely *fvcked* up our nation, almost to the point where it is beyond repair. Why do you and your ilk always have the mentality that we should prostitute ourselves to the US as the only way of generating revenue for our nation? I never hear about how...
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    Pakistan: US Aid versus Expatriates

    "Some fact-checking is indeed in order. Pakistan is a $175 billion economy. Since 2002, the US has provided on average $825 million annually in economic assistance to Pakistan. On the other hand, Pakistani expatriates have remitted on average $1 billion each month in 2011, making remittances an...
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    US used Kashmir quake to send killer-spies into Pakistan

    US used Kashmir quake to send killer-spies into Pakistan Uttara Choudhury New York: The Pentagon used the Kashmir earthquake of 2005 to send operatives from the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC into Pakistan, reveals a new book. The JSOC has proven to be the most lethal weapon...
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    Pakistan snubs US over Osama informer

    Hang him, traitor should have went to the REAL law enforcement agencies not looking for a jackpot instead.
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    Pakistan's foreign minister interviewed by Russian TV

    Nice acting skills. Now reality check, the Pak government and military has been in bed with the USA since 2001. Doesn't matter how much lip stick you put on it, it aint gonna change the fact that behind close doors US has been squeezing our leaderships balls.
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    closure of supply routes costs US 6 times more

    Finally some good news. But makes you wonder how damn cheap we were transporting their diet pepsi and fries for them compared to others! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON — The U.S. is paying six times as much to send...
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    Pakistan Rejected CIA Request for Drone Strike in January

    The day that happens I'll eat my shorts live on webcam for Pak Defence. What's that well known phrase again, ahh... "All talk, no action".
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    Taliban video speaks of ‘revenge on military’

    Sadly this is what happens when you start soldiering on the cheap. Lashkars, F.C, etc are hardly a professional outfit. I'm pashtun and live in this hood, so don't tell me i don't know what I'm talking about.
  13. M

    Pak Army issues detailed report on NATO attack

    What's the point of this other than keeping pen pushers in a job? Drones have continued unabated such as today, yet the government and Army continue squawking from the sidelines. toothless, spineless and without any authority- No report will change the fact that these adjectives perfectly...
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    Hakim ullah Mahsood ALLEGEDLY Killed on 12th - Jan

    Sounds like propaganda, might be due to the fact that his insurgency has picked up recently and the leads on him have gone very cold, therefore intelligence agencies are looking for him to make another video to give away some clues. Such as below denying his death. Déclarations du chef taliban...
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    Was Teen Killed By CIA Drone a Militant -- or Innocent Victim?

    In late October, on a rutted road in the mountains of northwest Pakistan, 16-year-old Tariq Khan drove the family car to pick up his aunt. His 12-year-old cousin Waheed sat in the passenger seat next to him. Just a few hundred yards before they reached their destination, a small missile fired...
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    Pakistan rejects NATO 'regrets' and 'Self Defence' Claims

    Message to keyani & Co... I don't care what you accept or reject, I want to know how you are going to ensure this doesn't happen again and how you are going to avenge the blood of those innocent men who put on the uniform of Pakistan armed forces and entrusted you as their leader?
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    Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

    EXCELLENT THREAD.. This could be a very good way of empowering the average civillian and making their voices heard amongst the mire of corrpution at the top. Few ideas of mine ... 1) Protests at ports are required and insider knowledge is needed when shipments will arrive. 2) Convoys...
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    Full dramebazi by qurashi

    Cant speak for Quereshi on a local level, but as FM he looked highly suspicious as someone who could be groomed as a spy. EDIT: just read a bit more about him, his son was working for kerry's office in the USA. yep. he is definately one to keep on the watch list. This could get ugly for Imran...
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    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    hahahahaha so so TRUE. Next it will under republic of congo. Lying bastards - both army heads and policitians, all dogs chewing the same bone. no doubt they will be living in UK next door to mushy in a few years time. ---------- Post added at 03:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30...
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    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Hasn't this base supposidely been vaccated already - as state by pak officials? It seems that we have been lied too again. This is the same base that google maps exposed for having drones on its runway.:disagree: typical of the double-dealing by those in power.
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