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  1. Aegis DDG

    Boko Haram leader says missing Nigerian schoolgirls converted to Islam

    It would have stagnated because there would not have been an Industrial revolution. You need intellectual property right, the rule of law, scientific revolution and an advance maritime system if Rome was to survive. If the Mongols have not Invaded Song Dynasty China then China would have been...
  2. Aegis DDG

    Can Turkish members translate this pdf

    Nope Bio/organic chemist student with interest in mechanical things.
  3. Aegis DDG

    Can Turkish members translate this pdf

  4. Aegis DDG

    [Journal Article] Song Dynasty China nearly underwent an industrial revolution

    The Grand Canal was built by the Brief Sui dynasty was intended to bring the Coal, Surgum and Wheat from the North to the Mills of the South. However during the Song, the Grand Imperial factories which used an early version 'American system of manufacturing' was based around the Capital of...
  5. Aegis DDG

    [Journal Article] Song Dynasty China nearly underwent an industrial revolution

    It's was not the Mongols that killed of Song Industrialization, it was the Jurchens which cut Northern Hauxia China (capital was Keifang) from Central and Southern China proper. Northern China had the coal mines which were vital for Song Iron foundries and crankshaft machines which bellowed...
  6. Aegis DDG

    Turkish Naval Forces (DZKK)

    The last branch of the CN-235 Maritime Patrol Aircrafts are finally delivered.
  7. Aegis DDG

    Turkish Naval Forces (DZKK)

    Training Mission in Africa: Traning mission in the Med. German Navy, Spanish NS, and TNS in rows. Notice the similar bridge Shape? Turkish Ship in Helsinki
  8. Aegis DDG

    Should Turkey buy C2 Transport plane instead of A-400

    A-400 has an range of 3450 miles while C2 has 4000 miles.
  9. Aegis DDG

    India displaces Japan to become third-largest world economy

    Oh truth.. the truth cannot be twisted no matter how painful it may sound. Remember when many people mocked the Chinese during the mid 2000s for being the world "sweat shop" and how India or ASEAN would be more innovative and be an electronic software power? And how they chanted the mantra of...
  10. Aegis DDG

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    Imagine the Song Dynasty never collapsed from the Barbarian invasions of Central Asia. They were making Iron foundries powered by hydraulics and complex mechanics and gears which advanced metallurgy (total tonnage was only beaten by Early 19th century Britain with Newcommen Steam Engines using...
  11. Aegis DDG

    Japan Support thread

    True to Confucian values I guess. Article 9 will surely be around in the next few months.
  12. Aegis DDG

    Japan Support thread

    Chinese Industrial Capabilities are growing although PLAN destroyers may lack the sophisticated electronic capabilities of Japanese Destroyers like Atago and upgraded Kongo DDG (but PLA naval units have more offensive inventories than Japan because of article 9)
  13. Aegis DDG

    Japanese celebrate Hitler's birthday and ask for extermination of all Chinese and Koreans

    That's because Iranians are Caucasoid and have some racial link to early Indo-Europeans even if mixed with Native ME. But the Japan are alien to European racial views hence why it's so retarded LOL.
  14. Aegis DDG

    Turkish Troops Enter Syria

    Reminded me of the Days when the Ottomans were the sick-man of Europe and were constantly fighting an Russia that seeks an Warm Water ports in the Med.
  15. Aegis DDG

    Turkish Troops Enter Syria

    Dude, the Turkish Air Force was not raining bomb barrels and Gas bombs on Ankara like Assad is when the riot broke out in 2013.
  16. Aegis DDG

    Turkish Troops Enter Syria

    What the turkish leadership are doing here is very dangerous. Ignoring the recent rise of Russia is an hazard to the Black sea fleet of TN and Russia will get more involved in Syria.
  17. Aegis DDG

    Turkish Troops Enter Syria

    Indirect support N. Iraq insurgency for sure. And IRI troop presence in Assad held territories in Syria.
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