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  1. K

    Pics of Karakoram Highway Reconstruction

    A contract was given to about 5 pakistani firms to build a bridge over river jhelum. They took all the money. Eventually chinese build it. Corruption runs the country. :-)
  2. K

    What is Pakistan???

    Dude was part of disaster response team. Why would i lie? Ive been to somalia. Trust me and i didnt see what i saw in pakistan. :-) but you're right one persons sins cannot be held for millions of people.
  3. K

    What is Pakistan???

    Lol you're a legend whoever u are.
  4. K

    COD black ops or Modern Warfare?

    erm no you don't. Guns in COD are different too. You're right about shooting people but what do you expect from a first person shooter? heavy graphics means loading time is more. I have 60mb connection but some players lag so much even in COD its unbelievable. I don't mind crap graphics as long...
  5. K

    US reduces aid to Pakistan

    The United States House of Representatives yesterday passed a resolution, which will see American military aid to Pakistan cut by as much as $650 million. The measure was proposed by Lloyd “Ted” Poe, the Republican representative from Texas’s 2nd congressional district. The measure was...
  6. K

    COD black ops or Modern Warfare?

    I don't know about story mode. I'm talking about Online gaming. :-s
  7. K

    10 US companies control your life

    isn't that pepsi company?
  8. K

    COD black ops or Modern Warfare?

    i have. BF3. Online gaming is slow. Graphics is awesome though. But movement lack flaw. It just doesn't have that x factor :-(
  9. K

    Dr.Chisti's arrival and PTI's selfishness and PPP and MQM's dedication

    Why wouldn't anyone go to his rally? i thought he's saviour of politics. :S
  10. K

    COD black ops or Modern Warfare?

    NO gay Battlefield please! lol MW2 and 3 all the way!!!!!!
  11. K

    After 30 years, Pakistan rolls up welcome mat for Afghan refugees

    Oh so just because someone else's is doing wrong it gives us the right to do wrong too? (i hope that sentence didn't confuse you) TWO WRONGS don't make A RIGHT! Why shouldn't i bring Muslims and Islam when that's what we're talking about? ooooh im sooo scared im gonna get banned! lol
  12. K

    What is Pakistan???

    Okay Sherlock, first of all i would have pakistani flags not english if i was an indian trying to be pakistani! Secondly I have been to some of the WORST places on this planet for aid work, Haiti, Somalia, Libya and Egypt. And these disasters were far worse. Never in any place did anyone expect...
  13. K

    After 30 years, Pakistan rolls up welcome mat for Afghan refugees

    Of course there isn't. But shouldnt we be working towards unity?
  14. K

    What is Pakistan???

    MashaAllah just what i wanted to say. We have lost value for everything. Dr Israr soo right about musical chairs.
  15. K

    What is Pakistan???

    Lol. Sorry i didnt check i just wrote it in one go and posted. Lol
  16. K

    After 30 years, Pakistan rolls up welcome mat for Afghan refugees

    Yeah yeah because Indian Muslims are going to heaven made out of Gold! There is no such thing as Indian muslims or Pakistani muslims. We are ONE! One religion!!! You're either muslim or you're not! Indian muslims... Thats a new one.
  17. K

    What is Pakistan???

    I lived in Northern Pakistan (Kashmir) for best part of my life. Considered it as part of Pakistan. Thought the country - as a nation - is one and United. Yet over the past few years i have began to see the other side of Pakistan and its people. Azad Kashmir is a lovely place. Not much wrong...
  18. K

    After 30 years, Pakistan rolls up welcome mat for Afghan refugees

    Im sorry isnt Pakistan an Islamic Republic??? Wasnt it intended for muslims?! Aren't these Afghans muslims??? Bangladesh refused entry to Muslim Burmese recently and they are forced to go back and brutually die in Burma. Does the government of Pakistan want the same for these Afghan refugees? I...
  19. K

    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    Something wrong with your keyboard? Lol
  20. K

    COD black ops or Modern Warfare?

    Which do you guys like more? I love MW2 and 3. Number 2 more though. Now that black ops2 is coming out who would still play MW3 and who would waste their money on black ops2. Lol
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