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  1. K

    Playstation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo U

    fair play. but i can't wait for my PS4.
  2. K

    Pakistan's newest helicopters:Swiss Alouette III

    typical pakistani response
  3. K

    what has PTI achieved since 17 years?

    erm... It takes time to develop a party. While a big chunk of PTI's time was during Musharaf's rule (when democratic political parties didnt really have any say in anything) PTI has achieved more in 17 years what others couldn't in more. Your answer is in your question. After just three...
  4. K


    Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a feminist to fish and she will accuse you of patronising her, claim she knew how to do it anyway and that even if she didn't, she could easily work it out without the help of a man. I don't get why Americans don't make movies like...
  5. K

    Playstation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo U

    2 years is a long time... PS4 hardware will be beefed up and will be handle anything for next 3-4 years. Technology moves fast but consoles still have life in them.
  6. K

    Playstation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo U

    Which one are you guys going for. Personally i have already pre ordered a PS4! :woot:
  7. K

    London Mosque burned down: EDL stamps found.

    It's not a mosque
  8. K

    Li Keqiang hails Pakistan as China's 'iron brother'

    Japan has been US ally since the great war... lol.
  9. K

    21000 Pakistanies in KSA On Verge Of Deportation

    This will never happen... the first thing Nawaz Sharif mentioned was his gratefulness to Saudis who in return have US behind them. 21,000 is a lot of people. will never happen.
  10. K

    'Soldier beheaded' in terror attack oustide barracks in Woolwich

    wtf is wrong with you.... Why should any muslim be deported. Why should any muslim be sorry for what these scumabags did??? I condemn this unprovoked attack and my prayers are with the family of the victim. I hope these people who cowardly murdered that man - are punished severely for their...
  11. K

    UK asks Pakistani elite to sign social contract with its people

    i have no idea where you got this information from but i can say its all false. Only 3% of pakistan population pays tax. Almost every country on this mother earth pays more tax than pakistan. VAT or what you call paying tax on bread is not same as paying tax on your earnings. Global system...
  12. K

    What are your favourite American TV shows? top 3

    i personally like: Game of Thrones Breaking Bad and Dexter in no particular order (maybe Breaking bad the most, lol) What are yours?
  13. K

    (China) Chinese Begin Crackdown on Islam... How true is this???

    Yeah... even in Arab lands everyone has right to their religion... and if they're not providing that then they're wrong. Let's hope so
  14. K

    LCD / LED TV Suggestions and Help

    LED is much better and sharper But LCD is just as good. LED TVs are a lot thinner - thats about it really) personally i would go for Samsung. Smart TV is waste of money if you ask me. you're better of buying normal LED and if you use wifi get an Apple TV. you'll be sorted for life!
  15. K

    Nawaz will go to IMF - Imran will collect taxes: Choice is yours

    a country where only 2% of the population pays tax and Rich suck the blood of poor... TAXES are the only way forward. Government can do so much more with more money....
  16. K

    World’s first 3D-printer gun fired

    print it out??? lol
  17. K

    Pakistan election: the 4m votes no one wants

    Are you one of those guys' who reads THE SUN and takes everything word for word? or you just like being awkward? You're right... no doubt
  18. K

    (China) Chinese Begin Crackdown on Islam... How true is this???

    Because everyone has freedom of choice. At least in what the believe.
  19. K

    A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project for Islamabad

    Every country needs a good infrastructure... good thing if it happens...
  20. K

    Pakistan election: the 4m votes no one wants

    anyone wanting to believe in British media might as well believe in people having wings and pigs flying. Even if its true its still biased....
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