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  1. S

    President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [

    too much bullshits from traitorous regime goons you want to **** with the world they will **** with you back , dont come crying about sanctions , you threaten world with your islamofacist ideologies , and they reserve their right not to trade **** with you! your are nothing but bunch of...
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    Iranian president's helicopter makes emergency landing

    lool ahmadinejad is about to expire apparently
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    Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

    na azizam man zaman jang aslan be donya nayoomade boodam pedaram ba inke turk turkiye ast (irani nist) 2 sal to jebhe bood , chera alaki yek tarafe be ghazi miri? na khoshgelam inha ro be shoma goftan ... zamane shah iran artesh 4 donya ro dasht ... tamame zir sakhtha toye keshvar faraham...
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    Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

    chan nafar be ye nafar? abi dont worry am gonna help u bro ! avalan har chi mikhaid rajebe shah badgoee konin ... harf shoma kamelan dorost ... vali shah avakhare zendegish alalkhosos 10 sale akhare hokomatesh be fekre sakhto saz iran oftad ... hamin project haye ke alan hanooz baad az 40...
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    Syria’s War Impacts Turkish Alevis

    lol i hope you mean it in a good way
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    President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [

    lol not a real iranian?! :laughcry: who are you to tell me if am real or not? those mullahz rulling in iran are the real traitors not me , they have destroyed iran both economically and militarily , they made iran so vulnerable that nowadays every country in the region has air superiority over...
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    Syria’s War Impacts Turkish Alevis

    and all of it is the truth , whats wrong with the iran flag? i was born there , so i selected it as ma country of birth , im proud canadian because i lived most of my life here and im proud of my turkish ancestry and my country of birth (thats why i chosen this particular username) , whats wrong...
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    Syria’s War Impacts Turkish Alevis

    if theyre unhappy then gtfo ... turkey is for turks only thats why its called turkey ! not alavistan! they can crawl back to syria or wherever shithole they prefer
  9. S

    President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [

    turkey MUST respect the international sanctions turkey is no position to defy american and european sanctions against iran turkey will either follow the western sanctions or face the same consequences like iran did
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    Iran cuts Hamas funding over Syria

    arab are the enemy not israel wake up dude
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    Iran cuts Hamas funding over Syria

    i dont know why my post was removed ??? i will say it again ... iran dont have anything to gain from aiding these terrorists ... iran must respect israel ownership of nile to euphrates its israel right to reclaim its lands. why do we even care? its none of our business anywayz
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    Yusuf Al-Qardawi: "Saudi Scholars are more Mature than Me"

    he better start wearing that belt ... explode himself first
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    US building military base in Afghanistan near Iran border

    now lets not narrow our perspective doesnt matter if theyre in pakistan or afghanistan for all i care i want to see them all dead including if theyre present in iran anyone who doesnt want to join the 21st century must die and be torn to pieces and be fed to the pigs terrorism must be...
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    US building military base in Afghanistan near Iran border

    we didnt do enough we should have wiped every taliban and alqaeda and their sympathizers from the face of the earth. how do they allow terrorists sympathizers like you in NL? so? they did a really good job! too bad they couldnt kill them all. one day ... one day
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    Geopolitics of Iran : caspianreport

    guys... calm down... calm down! whats the problem? even a mule can make a video and upload it on youtube that doesnt mean we have to take it seriously! let them believe in whatever they want we know this guy dont know **** :)
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