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  1. Z

    Indian police kill 3 civilians in IOK during anti-India protest

    And fooorrr canadi member do not prech about not jeering death of religious bigots. Maybe you can ask Canadi govt to inveeesstttigate these deaths and stick it at their bottom of it. aannnddd your geneology of any pakistani gene does affect your credibility and your unhealthy interest in...
  2. Z

    Yasin Malik shares dias with alleged, LeT chief Hafiz Saeed in Pakistan

    India has to consolidate sovereignty over Kashmir by implementing Rule of Law and Eliminating Religious Bigotry (..the one where some one asks for separate homeland because of their religion) and not by appeasing ex Terrorists who has now stopped killing people but has no compunction about...
  3. Z

    Rapist Congress M.P - P.J. Kurien chair bill on sexual offences

    Do you even know what Hearsay means ? :P If a rape victim has identified her rapist that is pretty much a closed case as far as I am concerned. Especially if the rapist is a high profile minister who's face is plastered everywhere. ...I have absolutely no clue what you other statement...
  4. Z

    Rapist Congress M.P - P.J. Kurien chair bill on sexual offences

    BJP is pretty much non existent in Kerala......the bit that exist is group of opportunist people using politics to make a living in the absence of any real Industry in Kerala. So this mean people in Kerala are now going to vote for AIADMK ? :cheesy:
  5. Z

    A perfect day for democracy

    ...:lol:....it dosent matter as long as we have the power to hang who we think is guilty. .....you can run to the 'UN' :P
  6. Z

    India's per capita income rises to Rs 5,729 per month

    ........American $ is now backed by Oil which has replaced Gold. The moment all Oil transactions take place in any other currency other that USD, the whole US economy will collapse. Which is why nations that refuse to sell Oil in USD come under the 'axis of evil' e.g. Iran, Iraq, Venezuela...etc.
  7. Z

    India's per capita income rises to Rs 5,729 per month

    Looking at 'fast' dumb posts I believe american education system Suck ! ....either that or he is a high school dropout and has never been to collage. Of course ...if he's a chinese 50 cent propaganda solider boy all this would make sense. :P
  8. Z

    Rapist Congress M.P - P.J. Kurien chair bill on sexual offences

    Delhi has one of the worst police force in India...what are u smoking? Delhi police is only good at VIP duties and organizing political dharna's. .............The common delhi citizens keep as far away from the police as possible...... The Rape victim has herself said Kurien was one of her...
  9. Z

    Agni Missiles: More than what meets the eye?

    Superiority complex is an extension of Inferiority complex .....in any case most chinese posters here are part of their 50 cents propaganda army so no need to take them seriously. The real danger is from the Europeans/Americans seeking to first deny us Nukes and then discredit us when we have...
  10. Z

    Will the youth really like Narendra Modi’s India?

    ...yes ...after that he will become more 'brave' and will make drugs legal too. That way we can continue to measure his courage. ....after all we all know ...making alcohol legal is the epitome of freedom. As his courage increases he will then make Gambling legal...and then prostitution will...
  11. Z

    New Iranian Fighter vis-a-vis AMCA/LCA

    You have a tail ? :lol:..........that explains a lot of things. Now Roll over faithful d*g ..... Naah...its was always clear to me that fast was a Chinese propaganda 50 cent army boy......
  12. Z

    India is losing the race: NY Times

    ...in that case pakistanis should support Modi, right ? .............that way you can avange BD :P You want Modi to become PM, We want Modi to become PM. So where is the dispute ? :P
  13. Z

    Iran urges India to allow visa-on-arrival facility

    Iranian visa on arrival is useless. Any Indian with an Iranian visa stamp on his passport can say good bye to US or Europe Visa. That is why there are not too many takers for Iran. In any case after Iran disrespected us by attacking Israeli ambassador in New Delhi we should be demanding a...
  14. Z

    Agni Missiles: More than what meets the eye?

    :lol: .....look chinese propaganda solider boy .....India does not have nukes so you dont have to pi$$ your pants. Its all a big lie........now stop shivering and eat some pigs. :P
  15. Z

    Agni Missiles: More than what meets the eye?

    Is that why Malaysia has no nukes ? they rely on your farts ? .............you must really stink. :lol:
  16. Z

    Agni Missiles: More than what meets the eye?

    If you look at that table closely it will become clear that range of Agni V with 1000-15000 kg warhead is at least 8,000 KM :devil: No wonder China kept saying that was was pi$$ed that the word kept quite about it. :P
  17. Z

    Is india really a secular,liberal above all a democrtic state?

    Saudi Arabia beheading nearly two people per week this year :lol: Saudi Arabia beheading nearly two people per week this year | Amnesty International
  18. Z

    Afzal Guru hanged

    Why not ? We should always celebrate Justice served. :partay:
  19. Z

    Alarm bells after UFO appears over Jamnagar refinery

    You mount a camera on this and you can spy and do Arial reconnaissance for terrorist attack. Load it with RDX and its a convenient tool for terrorist attack. I do recall a news earlier which said spherical flying objects were observed at the china border doing a possible reconnaissance.
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