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  1. Z

    I want to become Prime Minister: Mayawati

    ...dont bet on it. Ambition and greed make a compelling case for just about anything ....
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    Cricket is wealthier the world over because of India and BCCI: Dean Jones

    Dean Jones certainly knows which side of his bread is buttered :devil:
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    If somebody is trained to be a priest and practices all the required rituals and restrictions then he becomes a Brahmin :lol: ............they don't remain dalits anymore.
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    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    This is a junk topic so I have not bothered to comment but let me reply to your post. Indo China was was a good thing for India. It helped us ditch the 'peaceful' nonsence and embrace real politics and help build a modern defense force. India gained more than it lost (only pride), China lost...
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    Coexistence with India

    This 'solution' to formalize LOC as International border has been suggested by India for the last 20 years. Pakistan does not have the political stomach to digest this truth. However open travel between India and pakistan via kashmir is a recipe for disaster. India will be dulged by...
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    This is an religious and national issue ...I am merely stating the obvious. I am not sure where his conspiracy has originated but its clear that the church has been a willing partner and has acted against national interests. Of course the earlier christian community in India has been good...
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    .....story of him being imprisoned and blinded by the church ...later good PR by church has now resulted in the story that he lost his sight and was under house arrest till his death. No proof of either.
  8. Z

    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    @axisofevil ...you may also believe an arab man was born of a 'virgin' mother ..or that Adam ate an apple and became 'evil' :P ...your beliefs are your problem. You want to discuss Christian and slavery ? or Christianity and blinding of Galilio ? ..how about Christianity and the inquisition ...
  9. Z

    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    IF there is as division on the basis of religion ...it is certainly not done by me. You give me too much credit. :lol: I am not sure how my 'way of thinking' has lead to 'corruption' and 'lack of Industrial base'. Again I think you give me too much credit. :cheesy:
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    First post was about ‘christians in pdf’, second post in reply to yours was about Christians and muslims in general….where is the confusion ? Compassion and love was taught to us by Buddha 600 years before that arab man was born …or 4000 years before by Jain Acharyas...
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    ...you do have that arab man as the figure that sets your moral compass and who constitutes a large part of your identity. You also tend to identify more with all those people who has a similar arab man help define who they are. These truths are self evident. These do no exist because I see them...
  12. Z

    Indian Mujahideen hand becomes clearer in Hyderabad blasts

    .....99.99% of all people who go to Sai Baba temple are Hindus .......that is the relevant data that helps them choose the target. ...... besides due to that 0.01% muslim temple goer, a muslim looking man near a sai baba temple will not elicit much notice.
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    I said "christian in pdf" ..... its your religious bigotry that makes you blind to what is actually written, support anti national vested interest and have the gall to play the victim .......and that goes for all those who thanked you as well.
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    Its an interesting observation that when an relatively powerless individual like 'Praveen Togadia' speaks in reply to a very provocative and hate speech by a muslim Member of Parliament. ........a bunch of 'secular' Indians were keen to jump and suggest we hang him by the balls..... Its kind of...
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    Indian Mujahideen hand becomes clearer in Hyderabad blasts

    ...This is all bull$hit ..... Congress has clearly said BJP and RSS are terrorist organizations so as per the Gov. of India the investigations must first start with BJP and RSS. Only after 'hindu terror' a.k.a 'saffron terror' is fully investigated, the govt. must waste time investigating...
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    Indian Mujahideen hand becomes clearer in Hyderabad blasts

    That is because we as Indians have consistently made the suicidal blunder of looking at evil self obsessed virulent white christian society as 'the fountainhead' ...where as the chinese dont give a fcuk about the opinion of that particular society. (No one in the world considers any muslims...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    Thank you for that post .....loved it :yahoo: ..... best stuff on pdf yet. :D
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    ...nah .....they are part of the smart youth who has moved away from your cult and is trying to recognize their ancestry. ....we are eagerly waiting for your jihad against hindu-stan :chilli::devil: Thank you for that post ...I just love to see the fear and frustration in you. :enjoy:
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    @KS .... You must have realized by now that Christians in pdf stick together and muslims stick together......they are the congress style 'secular' Indians. Its better if you say stuff like ...an arab man called jesus died for our sins so we should have nuclear power plants in India. That will...
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    Rapist Congress M.P - P.J. Kurien chair bill on sexual offences

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