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  1. Nima


    why are all Indian actors/models "white" and yet 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999 percent of Indians don't look anything like them? The Brits really messed you guys up.
  2. Nima

    US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

    isn't the us already bombing pakistan with the drones?
  3. Nima

    who can counter israel in future- pakistan ,Egypt ,RSA , Iran.

    1) pakistan where are they gonna get cash for a war? The Iran-Iraq was cost trillions. we had oil and oil=$ 2) KSA LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL no further explanation needed 3) Iran Nobody will fight such a war, simple as that. 70 percent of Iran is born after the...
  4. Nima

    Urdu should be replaced with Farsi - Interesting Read

    I admire your thoughts b/c as a nationalist I think the same way about Iran. But kind of ironic how your name is "waffen ss" and what's with the SS avatar? Can't you admire your own fighters instead of Germans?
  5. Nima

    Jund-shaitan terrorist executed in Iran

    oh woopdeedooo! You captured riggi after how long??? And this is just one person. Do you know how many Afghan drug traffickers go to Pakistan in order to cross into Iran from Baluchistan??? And yes, Iran does support insurgency in Iraq, but our discussion isn't about Pakistan supporting...
  6. Nima

    Jund-shaitan terrorist executed in Iran

    the more I talk to you guys the more I realize you guys are emotionally unstable. Did you even get what I was saying? My point was exactly that, that we can't bomb Baluchistan and therefore it's all up to Pakistan to capture these terrorists in its own territory.
  7. Nima

    Jund-shaitan terrorist executed in Iran

    Iran and Turkey bomb Iraqi Kurdistan on a monthly basis. As you know Turkey sent troops to Kurdistan last year as well. So unless you allow Iran to bomb Baluchistan then we can't do anything. These people are in your country! The drug dealers that cross into IRan from Pakistani borders are also...
  8. Nima

    Learn to speak Farsi/ Persian on PDF!

    dadash, in parto palahaye shoma piremarda dige kharidar nadare. Ye almani mitoone az aghayede Naziya to jange jahani motenafer bashe, vali az fadakarihaye sarbazaye almani hamishe moteshakere. Man mese tamamie Iranihaye hamsene khodam ta abad moteshakeram az kesai ke vase Iran jangidan, vali...
  9. Nima

    Jund-shaitan terrorist executed in Iran

    So we have to thank you for doing your damn job???? Put yourself in our shoes. On one side we have Iraq, on one side we have Afghanistan and then there is Pakistan. One would think that out of all these 3 Pakistan should at least be able to control its borders but... Each year THOUSANDS of...
  10. Nima

    Jund-shaitan terrorist executed in Iran

    they should have given his brother a front row seat.
  11. Nima

    Learn to speak Farsi/ Persian on PDF!

    dadash, harfet kheily mozakhraf bood! In hame adam joon dadan hala to oomady khoda khoda mikoni? Baba tarze fekre shoma nasle ghadimia vaghean zahre vase in keshvar. تا ملاه کفن نشه، ای&#1606...
  12. Nima

    Learn to speak Farsi/ Persian on PDF!

    different dialects of English are still English, same here. I wish I could understand Dari though. I've seen a lot of Iranians communicating with Afghans like it's nothing but I have a very hard time understanding dari speakers. I've never been good with languages. Ahmad, have you noticed how...
  13. Nima

    Israel plays wargame assuming Iran has nuclear bomb

    unfortunately for you they're too busy *** raping pakis
  14. Nima

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    sorry, civilized people don't blow themselves up. What would be our difference from pakis and Afghans if we fought with guns and bombs? That is why **** land is such a **** hole! I would actually rather live in Afghanistan, cuz at least they don't make babies like ******* rats. ---------- Post...
  15. Nima

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    you mean like what the US id doing to you right? you pakis are being attacked by Americunts but you have the audacity to talk **** about Iran, the only independent country in the middle east. Suck on my 2500 year old persian dick slave.
  16. Nima

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    lol anyways thanks for the lols I'm off. you guys have some extraordinarily slow mods here btw
  17. Nima

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    no mate, but I did **** a **** in the *** today. jk, I wouldn't touch you pakis even if you washed yourselves with acid. And you know why there are so many addicts in IRan? b/c of Afghanistan but our people have money to throw away on drugs. You retards have to spend it on food.
  18. Nima

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    hahhahahhahahah the irony!!! don't Indians have the smallest dicks in the world!?
  19. Nima

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    well in Iran we have 54 ethnic back grounds. Less than 50 are Persian. A lot of people near **** land look identical to you retards.
  20. Nima

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    yeah **** women how many million **** women are murdered in honor killings each year? All in all less than 100 died in IRan over the past year. I'll bet my life savings that 10 times more pakis died in honor killings over the past month alone.
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