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  1. Nima

    Former elite officers in Revolutionary Guard reveal increasing tensions in Iran regim

    The ******* regime in Iran is done, just a matter of time now. I haven't finished watching this but the guy confirms what we knew all along, which is the fact that many of the thugs shooting ppl in the streets are arabs and not Iranians. They even look arab! I just wish we could make a bomb...
  2. Nima

    Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

    you guys need to understand the difference between attack and defense. Yes, our air force is nothing if we wanted to attack another country, but for defense it's EXCELLENT. When you combine air defenses, radars etc... with the F-14's you will get amazing results. It's all about who sees who...
  3. Nima

    Russia says in talks with Iran on more nuclear plants

    actually bushehr was finished last year and it has been running w/out any uranium for testing purposes. It will go online in Aug/Sept. But you're right, it has been delayed for an eternity and we've been overcharged by a huge amount but what can you do.
  4. Nima

    UN Slaps Sanctions On Iran

    actually you're an idiot as usual! Russia and China both approved the sanctions b/c it allows the sale of defensive weapons like the Tor-M1 and S300 to Iran.
  5. Nima

    Iran Guards ready to escort Gaza ships

    well, it has been working great for us for 2500 years! We have balls made of titanium. Even when our back is broken, as it has been in the past 31 years, we keep our heads high and never give up. You don't need fancy jets to defend your own country, you need courage and you can find a lot of...
  6. Nima

    UN Slaps Sanctions On Iran

    A movie made by the Americans, filmed in Morocco and played by White actors and actresses, no thanks! I've heard that they actually didn't insult Iranians for once but I still can't sit down and watch an American movie about Iran and its history.
  7. Nima

    UN Slaps Sanctions On Iran

    agreed on the bold part but it's fixable. During shah's time we had no problems. Two factors completely changed the situation and nothing could be done about it. The war destroyed a huge amount of infrastructure and with the sanctions we had a hard time repairing what was damaged. Also the...
  8. Nima

    UN Slaps Sanctions On Iran

    "The BBC News website's world affairs correspondent, Paul Reynolds, says this fourth round of sanctions is unlikely to have any more effect on Iranian policy than the first three. Iran's vital economic interests have not been targeted and Tehran has already developed systems of evasion, he...
  9. Nima

    UN Slaps Sanctions On Iran

    lool you're obviously new to world politics. A war has never been more unlikely. Back in the early 2000's a war was a million times more likely. you two, were you sleep in the past 31 years? This is the 4th round of sanctions. Nothing ever changes Iran's policy. Plus, these sanctions are...
  10. Nima

    Iran Produces New Combat Choppers

    so the taliban aren't killing your people? Who created them????? All in all less than 100 ppl were killed by the Iranian govt in one year. In one Talib bombing half that number are vaporized.
  11. Nima

    Israeli Nuclear Missile Boats Off Iranian Coast

    lmao Israel has 3 light coastal diesel electric subs with roughly 1/3 of the displacement of Iranian kilos. They are all in the Mediterranean. They don't have the endurance for such a mission and 3 subs aren't enough for a rotation UNLESS a country in the PG gives them harbour which I HIGHLY...
  12. Nima

    Where are the other muslim leaders?

    last time I checked Iran was a muslim country (although unfortunately). Iran has been helping, training and funding resistance groups against Israel for more than 31 years and you're asking where other muslim leaders are? @ the pakistani dude that says Iran has no credibility. Of course Iran...
  13. Nima

    Iran Produces New Combat Choppers

    In Iran we call Turks donkeys, literally! Anyways eat this haters "Israel Says Iran Choppers Launched in Navy Drill Better than US Cobra" Israeli military sources have said that the Iranian Toufan (storm) chopper launched during the Iranian 8-days navy drill was heavily upgraded and much...
  14. Nima

    Iran women splurge on makeup despite restrictions

    are you guys serious? Out of all ppl I thought Indians could understand the mindset of radical Muslims! We're being ruled by a radical Islamic regime.
  15. Nima

    Iran women splurge on makeup despite restrictions

    pasban, you're from a different generation, the generation that brought the mullahocracy so don't speak. You are nothing but a mullah lover. Iran today is split right in half. Most want this regime to go but a hizbollahi minority like pasban will forever stick to the mullahs. Unfortunately you...
  16. Nima

    Pakistan Soccer Team. [Dedicated PFF Thread]

    here's an impt fact I dug up from a Pakistani football forum "Iran has more then 10,000 c license coaches whereas we have only 150 or so c license coaches only 8 b and 2 a license coaches. " "india has got 274 pro-license football coaches." That means $ and resources aren't being...
  17. Nima

    Pakistan Soccer Team. [Dedicated PFF Thread]

    no wonder India and Pakistan aren't good lol Turkey isn't in the WC! :D I'm supporting Serbia but Spain is gonna take it. Germany is gonna suck and England, well they always suck.
  18. Nima

    Pakistan Soccer Team. [Dedicated PFF Thread]

    I only watched Pakistan play once and it was a U-19 match After the game I did a little search on youtube and was surprised to see that Pakistan was actually stronger than the game they played against Iran (u-19). this was the match Who's stronger, India or Pakistan?? ^^^^ Don't...
  19. Nima

    Israeli Soldiers beaten by metal rodes

    I'm moron? DUMB ***, ISRAELIS ATTACKED THEM IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS!!!!!! WOULD YOU ******* DEFEND YOUR **** SUCKING SORRY *** OR NOT?!?!? This is piracy. I hope a thief enters your home and rapes your family and when you attack him with a pipe the police throws you in jail. *******...
  20. Nima

    Israeli Soldiers beaten by metal rodes

    well **** face I actually want Israel to exist and so do most Iranians. Who's throwing stones? Also we're single handedly telling the world to **** off which is smtg incomprehensible for you brown tards who have done **** all but bend over for the white man. And we Iranians live like lords...
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