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    Billionaire at heart of Pakistan political crisis offered RAW help with ISI

    Before I lose interest; mM is running his version of mockingbird. A bizzare version with unintended consequences.
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    Billionaire at heart of Pakistan political crisis offered RAW help with ISI

    The burning question is what does multi-talented Mr Mansoor Ejaz want? He is a lobbyist/power broker who has assiduously courted both parties in DC. His primarily pursues mega money deals which usually are Defence or Big Oil interests. His black berry acquaintances include Gen Jim Jones, James...
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    Is The U.S. Going to Occupy Pakistan?

    US will not occupy Pakistan even if you importuned. US would however like to influence events in and around Pakistan. If you are smart you will use that to help yourselves build a better future. Please do not dwell in a world of imaginary fears. You have to enable future Pakistani generations...
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    IAF briefs Lockheed Martin on MMRCA deal..

    It is a tad bit short sighted decision. When a country buys a weapon system worth $11-21 Billions it hopes to establish a long term partnership with the seller nation because without such a partnership you end up with some pricey widgets. Once Europeans begin to induct JSF F-35 Lightening II...
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    Pasha assured of greater Pak role in Afghan talks

    Gentlemen relax. US and Pakistan military\intel community have both learned some tough lessons recently. Most Pakistanis will agree with me that OBL running his organization from within Pakistan without Pakistan's permission Or Visa (chuckles) did not help bring any benefits or prestige to a...
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    Happy Fourth of July to ALL our Allies

    America celebrates its 235th birthday. Just to add more flavor to AE's vivid 4th of July portrayal; many folks head to the beaches, some get out their red, white & blues to show love for their homeland. Citizen soldiers of old wars muster for parades around thousands of small American towns...
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    I congratulate PAF in particular & Pakistan in general on becoming the proud owners of such awesome machines. Pakistan just renewed its membership into an elite club of Falcon User nations. I have no doubt that PAF personnel will put these extremely capable and well-equipped vipers to very good...
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    I have been tracking this thread including 14/15... maybe my comprehension of the written word is not as good; feel free to spell out your ideas/thoughts as to why US will OR will not do something? Am I correct in sensing that my Indian friends have made some premature assumptions about what...
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    So India has picked the Grey Poupon. Tres Bien! Godd for you guys I say. However, if I were you, I would watch my back. US military industrial complex does not take such slights lightly Amigos. Especially when the criticism is disingenuous. US may contemplate letting loose in your South...
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