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  1. T

    U.S Will Continue To Target Pakistan After Afghan Withdrawal

    Here is a suggestion:- Tax the enormous accumulation\concentration of wealth amongst Pakistan's plutocrats, which you call "ruling elite class". Then use that to co-develop an armed HALE drone with the Chinese, on the pattern of JF-17\FC-1 Thunder Project. As 2014 nears, make a firm...
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    Iran-Pakistan Pipeline: News & Discussions

    Mr. BATMAN; you like persistent questioneering, eh? In Big OIL, longterm investment can mean a few things. It can be capital cost which leads to meaningful revenues, e.g. If Iran has no pipeline then it cannot sell any gas. So if there is only One buyer who cannot/will not pay for building a...
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    Iran-Pakistan Pipeline: News & Discussions

    "How exactly Iran planned to get paid for its gas?" Frankly, it is a longterm investment by Iran and they must know they will not recoup this money anytime soon. But when you have millions of cubic feet of Natural Gas with no buyers (because of sanctions), it makes perfect sense to build such...
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    Former Ambassador to Pakistan Munter Speaks Out About Drones

    From my vantage point, I urge readers to focus on the last paragraph and its last sentence in particular. Americans have the same problem as the Paks - or mirror image of it. There is simply not enough brain trust in DC that can be focus(s)ed on Pakistan alone - and this has little to do with...
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    Former Ambassador to Pakistan Munter Speaks Out About Drones

    From my vantage point, I urge readers to focus on the last paragraph and its last sentence in particular. Americans have the same problem as the Paks - or mirror image of it. There is simply not enough brain trust in DC that can be focus(s)ed on Pakistan alone - and this has little to do with...
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    Pakistan's UAV - Drone developments

    If I may make a recommendation, Pakistan should put away all the aforementioned unremarkable toy UAVs and move up to the CH-4 [NOT CH-3]; now that look like serious stuff...IYKWIM. When that thing flies, it will be the most Reaper-esque drone Chinese have come up with. Maybe after wasting some...
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    Iranian Vice Prez cancels Pak visit

    Ah! The Arabs, the Arabs, those arabs...and Iran & the West. Delightful discussion. For a bit of perspective. The Arabs are not monolithic, i.e., one solid uniform nation. Pakistan must understand the nuances, divisions, and cleavages in the wider Arab world. The GCC is one chunk of Arabs...
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    Puerto Rico votes to become America’s 51st state in non-binding referendum

    As the descriptor states it is a "non-binding" vote. US federal administration is not required to initiate any action. A 51st state will only become a reality in the distant future only after a series of complicated political maneuvers [manoeuvres, Brit.]. So hold off on the 51-star flag just...
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    US troop-pullout plan worrries Afghanistan

    The Long Afghan War effort has had some successes and few failures. After tonight(Nov 6), the US will begin a review of what has been learned in the past few years about Afghanistan, its people, specifically Pashtuns; its terrain, its neighborhood- with particular emphasis on Pakistan and the...
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    Interrogation of Imran: US Embassy refuses to share details

    This brouhaha is nothing but a storm in a tea cup as they say. But I appreciate that Pakistanis are somewhat discombobulated as it is the Grand Khan himself. For US it is a routine security matter. Firstly, it is the prerogative of a sovereign nation to allow OR deny a foreign person to step...
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    CAREC agrees on $23bn action plan to boost Central Asia links

    It was in 2010 that Pakistan joined this club of Central Asian/Caucasian States. Yet she has not secured a single worthwhile project funding through this very powerful mechanism. Who is sleeping on the job? Few suggestions: Pakistan ought to be able to get financing for ^ Chitral Tunnel...
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    5 Things Americans Need to Know About Pakistan

    Richard Clark is not the final authority figure on Pakistan and South-Central Asia; South West Asia Or Extended Mid-East; all of which can be considered regions where Pakistan matters. US has institutional memory regarding Pakistan; and it is not all good or all bad. Bad ones are bunch of...
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    Russia & Pakistan's Growing Engagement

    Let me think...............................................YES. P.S. Trust me you do not want to needlessly embarrass yourself.....do ya? So hold it in, Putin will come your way soon enough. If you must, and I say this with an emphatic if, then go right ahead and unburden yourself ...
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    A good perusal of wikileaks would corroborate nabil_05 (Hint: US Ambassador). DRFM package was released for PAF F-16; or more accurately unlocked in the ALQ-211 AIDEWS for PAF falcons. Yet another evidence of good things US and Pakistan can do together without needless acrimony and childish...
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    Where have Pakistan’s America experts gone?

    A profile of a Pakistani with some expertise regarding United States: [S]he has a grasp on the working of US Government. [S]he knows that it has three tiers. Federal, State & Local (county government Or Town government). For Pakistan, the US Federal government is most crucial. The Federal...
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    Gen.Kayani To Visit Russia This Month

    >"Fair enough: Let's see how well this visit furthers Pakistan's national interests. I sure hope it represents more than merely looking for a new john." <Original Post By VCheng >>"yes, hopefully it will be useful and yield something good for Pakistan at any rate, never a bad thing to...
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    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Commiserations with the downed Pakistani warrior(s) and his next of kin. It does raise questions about who is the enemy and do Pakistanis fully grasp the enormity of the problem. When the affinity of one's own homeland is replaced with blind trust of alien indoctrination, you get killer zombees...
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    Russia & Pakistan's Growing Engagement

    Ahem! I had thought you might come back with something. Sorry to keep you waiting. I will begin with your last part-question:-I will let Putin tell you how rosy the situation is when he is in Islamabad next month. You have a problem with my flag? Tough....if in US drop by I will show you how...
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    The potential of Gwadar Port

    Since I do not get to enjoy that "High Life" you enjoy down there in Karachi, I have very poor comprehension of the written word unlike yourself. You on the other hand read my entire two posts in tandem and then with your gigantic so-untroll-like mind zeroed in to that line. Bravo! You CAN count...
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