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    HDI in India rises by 21%: Kerala leads, Gujarat far behind

    Yes just for the consumption of fooling indian public .
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    HDI in India rises by 21%: Kerala leads, Gujarat far behind

    I dont believe all these fake statistics coming out of india where Govt. says Rs 32 is enough for a day just to show improved poverty statistics.
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    Bhattarai calls for India-Nepal unity, soft loan, power deals

    There is something fishy with india's altruist moves of givin aid.If anybody observe that India gives billions of dollar in aid or credit line to muslim countries like Afghanistan and bangladesh.But is act as miser and gives only millions to non muslim countries like nepal,srilanka,burma...
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    Beg, borrow or steal: IAF chief's advice to defence scientists

    Yaaawn! we are not angrezi ghulam like you indians are.
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    India to Lift Army Impunity Laws in Kashmir .

    truth hurts.:devil:
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    Indian terrorism against Nepal

    for Peace to prevail in subcontinent india must be dissolved.Its the only country in south asia which is creating problem for all other countries in the neighbourhood.existence of india is not in the interest of countries who want peace and security in the neighbourhood.
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    Army converts one infantry division into RAMFOR

    We are strengthening our navy to provide your amphibious brigade the watery graves. ---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 PM ---------- Forget china.Pakistan alone can send you to you pyre. ---------- Post added at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at...
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    India to Lift Army Impunity Laws in Kashmir .

    Salami slicing will be done one by one.first kashmir then terala then etc etc....
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    Beg, borrow or steal: IAF chief's advice to defence scientists

    This confirms two thing about India that it is a biggest beggar and thief.
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    India to Lift Army Impunity Laws in Kashmir .

    Kashmir banega Pakistan.
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    Army converts one infantry division into RAMFOR

    Pakistan must counter this indian move.Indian in the guise of defending Andmans and aginst pirates they raise this Amphibious assault brigade but we know every indian military move is directed against pakistan.Indians are planning for Blaochistan and karachi amphibious landing and pakistan...
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    Delhi: Quran exhibition called off after protests

    Indian shows lot of concern for Ahmadi rights voilation in Pakistan and Post lot of such news but they just shut their eyes to ahmadi rights violation in their own so alled false secular country.
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    Leak at Karachi nuclear plant, but no damage

    After Chernobyl and recent Fukushima nuclear accident Its advisable to shun nuclear path to energy.Pakistan has huge coal and gas reserves those must be utilize for electricity production.Moreover Pakistan has huge hydle potential which it has not utilized.Comparative studies have shown nuclear...
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    India to China and the U.S.: We'll Go it Alone, Thanks

    So Obama gabe finger to Indians or is it The big fist Indians got.:)
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    India To Deploy Brahmos Cruise missiles To counter China Threats.

    1965 india started by attacking across international border.1971 India startded by helping mukti bahini. 1999-India started by grabbing siachin.
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    US NSA to visit China and India, signaling shift from G-2 to G-3

    Nothing but Indians are desperately looking for attention and recognition.What a infiriority complex these indians have.
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    India To Deploy Brahmos Cruise missiles To counter China Threats.

    Pakistan never started any war it was india who did start wars and pakistan always defended itself against indian agression
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    Is India behind Stuxnet-based cyber espionage virus attack?

    oh really?Usa was ur master through out.India was launchpad for CIA operations into tibet throughout 1950-68 period then you changed your master from usa to ussar till 1992.Agian you chainged your master from russia to present usa.
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    Tibetans killed by Chinese Forces ; Nun self-immolates protesting

    Tibet is china's internal matter why indians are getting itch if they kill tibetians.
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