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  1. pokdo

    S. Korea to export 24 FA-50 light attackers to Iraq

    Well look what i got here for you. Apparently there have been some changes in the market over the years. F-22A Raptor [US] $ 380 million F-35A Lightning II [US] $ 250 million SU-50 PAK-FA [RUS] $ 210 million SU-35BM Super Flanker [RUS] $ 170 million SU-30MK Flanker [RUS] $ 140 million...
  2. pokdo

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    these will also come in handy to them too or am i being too much greedy lol
  3. pokdo

    S. Korea to export 24 FA-50 light attackers to Iraq

    First of all it's not a trainer jet it's a light fighter jet.And you can't judge it to be expensive unless you know well of the descriptions.
  4. pokdo

    S. Korea to export 24 FA-50 light attackers to Iraq

    Not quite so it depends on the package and other factors as you know. I don't think they're having any losses at all.
  5. pokdo

    S. Korea to export 24 FA-50 light attackers to Iraq

    It's because the program cost includes pilot trainnings and other sorts of applications so you may have had thoughts like that. An actual cost of plane itself is about $28.8m
  6. pokdo

    S. Korea to export 24 FA-50 light attackers to Iraq

    Well if you look it more closer it's kinda like a low class multi-roll fighter jet concept, same as that of the F-20 in the past.
  7. pokdo

    S. Korea to export 24 FA-50 light attackers to Iraq

    BAGHDAD, Dec. 12 (Yonhap) -- South Korean aircraft maker Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) signed a US$1.1 billion deal Thursday to export 24 FA-50 light attackers to Iraq, paving the way for tapping into the Middle East's arms market. The FA-50 is a light attack variant of the T-50 Golden Eagle...
  8. pokdo

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Surely hanwha's success in the new residetial project has really become a sensational topic. I hope there'll be a significant advance in Iraq as much as you do. I wish you all the best!
  9. pokdo

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    We got some enthusiastic stuffs too here in seoul! Hope to see further military relationships between both countries someday:happy:
  10. pokdo

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Frankly what i've been asking you about is whether there are any issued or adopted equipments in the current military.
  11. pokdo

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    I often see these pictures of iraqi soldiers wearing u.s. body armors (*mostly the CIRAS) Are there any regulations about infantry gears or rigs?
  12. pokdo

    China Asked Korea Not to Sell Jets to Philippines

    This is a fact. It's been confirmed by our media
  13. pokdo

    ANSF | Afghan National Security Forces

    If that's the truth, I'd rather be it. Stop playing adult son lol
  14. pokdo

    Israel Offers Kfir Block 60 to NATO Countries

    you're correct it would've been more mouth watering if the contract includes technology transfer
  15. pokdo

    Israel Offers Kfir Block 60 to NATO Countries

    (Source: Israel Air Force; issued Sept. 25, 2013) It is almost 40 years old, but it is perfectly fit and though many years have passed since it started its service in the IAF, the IAI "Kfir" is one of the most surprising exports of the IAI. From outside it looks almost the same, but on the...
  16. pokdo

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    yeah it's a bit old but the block 60 is the latest version. It still can do the jobs on hitting ground targets. And its price is just 1/3 of f16's
  17. pokdo

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Why not try kfir block 60? I've heard that the israelis are sellling them at a reasonable price.
  18. pokdo

    Unintended consequences of Syria strike -Thomas Sowell

    Unintended consequences of Syria strike Thomas Sowell: 'Why get people killed to spare Barack Obama a personal humiliation?' I cannot see why even a single American, a single Israeli or a single Syrian civilian should be killed as a result of a token U.S. military action, undertaken simply to...
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