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  1. Y

    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    I think I'll skip the childish talks of your kind.
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    India To Ship Wheat To Afghanistan As Aid: Sources

    Does India have surplus of food? China produces twice (500m tones) as much as India (200m tones) of food grains, and yet we are importers. How can Indian government feed the hungry Indians?
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    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    Please check the records of Indian government first. Don't behave like a kid.
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    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    Our merchant ships passing by need protection and safety. Now we are even sending ships to Somalia to do so. China's presence is well beyond your sovereign waters. What's the big deal with India?
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    F-22p News & Discussions

    Kai is the same word as Gai in Chinese.
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    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    India is too weak to claim rights to determine on who is fishing on Indian ocean. Given the experience from the past and the present times China intends to be active on issues of sea passage safety. Believe it or not Indians can't do much about Chinese merchant ships or naval ships cruising on...
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    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    I think it's just a nasty and big mouth of an Indian.
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    China's vulnerability in Malacca Strait

    Are we vulnerable at Malacca Strait? If the US is blocking the sea lanes, yes! But I don't think Indians can make up to the topic. In the case that Indians are blocking the sea lanes China can attack and take over the eastern part of India, from Tawang all the way down to the Indian ocean. It...
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    China Planning for An Aircraft carrier

    Allright, some information about the Chinese aircraft carriers: Displacement: 60000+ tones Length: 317 meters Beam: 71 meters Power: conventional Numbers to be built: 2 (2009 - 2012) Total no. of aircraft to be hosted on board: 55-60 including: Twin engine fighters: J-15 (Prototype revealed a...
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    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    They are nuclear subs.
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    China world's 5th largest gold holder

    I hope US wud pay their debt with their gold for it has borrowed too much from the whole world.
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    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    If we are doing the right thing why do we need think alternatively? Don't worry about us! It'd be better that you Indians take care of your HIV patients, toilets and poverty at home FIRST.
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    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    Just can't help laughing. Wat an Indian mentality!
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    India's little known super-weapon "KALI".

    India has lots of ambitious weapons programs, of course. I wud just hold my fingers and wait to see LCA into service first. Interesting!
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    Lockheed Martin briefs Indian Navy on Aegis missile defence system

    It doesn't look like a first sight love. USA is expecting Indians play more important role against China.
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    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    China could use 093s to safe guard the sea lanes for Chinese merchant ships on Indian Ocean. 095s and the carrier wud come later.
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    China Planning for An Aircraft carrier

    The next 5-10 years the world would witness the first wave of ship building of Chinese blue water fleet. Two aircraft carriers and their accompanying combatants. I say that China won't buy Su-33 as the carrier fighters but develop J-15 (or J-11BJ) and J-10C in housevariant. The ship borne AWACS...
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    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    OK. When China was at the initial phase of economic reform our military budget was very small. India economy is at what China was in 1990s when our military budget was hardly $10b (India $30b this year). I think India has better places to use this money, especially at this moment.
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    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    I think China is trying to solve own problems and we are doing quite well. Chinese resources are being spent to counter US aggression, not India. It's not that I try to be friendly with India. Chinese don't consider India an important player nor worthy of our counting. We might be ignorant but...
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