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    Something is happening on Varyag

    Chinese carrier command and control training started in 1987 with selected pilots. After 4 years of training they have been rotated in various posts in the naval fleet, including commanding captain of a destroyer. The second picture shows one of these trained officers, a potential captain for...
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    Something is happening on Varyag

    I think the picture is probably Russian, as you may see the flag on the flanker. The Chinese training or test facility could be seen in the picture below:
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    Chinese Naval base in Sri Lanka!

    Let's make it clear, Mr. Wise. It is not China that decides to develop the port. It was a decision of Sri Lanka government because it's the best interest of Sri Lanka. China happens just to be the contracted contender for the project. In the case of Gwadar Pakistan selected a Singaporean company...
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    Sri Lanka rejects West 'lectures' - Lesson for Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal

    Good! Carl Bildt is a conservative or right wing politician in Sweden. He was a messenger of EU when he had no job. The question about the relationship of West and Sri Lanka should be where the f'k they had been during decades of civil war in SL.
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    Chinese Naval base in Sri Lanka!

    This is typical Indian propaganda!!! As we all know there's absolutely nothing military at Gwadar or Hambantota. Even if we might want to establish military bases there in the future it has nothing to do with Indians.
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    IAF's SU-30 MKI crashes, one pilot dead

    S V Munje is the leader of the No.30 Squadron "Rhinos" based in Pune (Ref. Rhinos crew at Indradhanush, UK, 2007 Rhinos Crew [www.bharat-rakshak.com]). The Rhinos was formed around 2005 with the fighters produced in Russia.
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    A Light Sabre for the Third World: The FC-1 / JF-17

    500+ would be a reasonable number.
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    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    But MKI is also much bigger and easier to be tracked at a long distance. For the BVR it doesn't seem to be of any advantage.
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    Something is happening on Varyag

    In two days ago the Varyag was transferred and docked in the neighboring shipyard. It's said that PLAN would install equipments on it to re-build it as a carrier training ship.
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    China's vulnerability in Malacca Strait

    Tell it to your countryman who started with the crap. As to who invaded whom in 1962 you can find honest Indian publication describing in details. Don't B*ll s*it around.
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    A Light Sabre for the Third World: The FC-1 / JF-17

    Bangladesh and Sri Lanka might also be buyers.
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    BrahMos attracts buyers at Latin American defence expo

    Brahmos is a good missile system and a serious threat to Pakistani forces. I wonder if the SAMs of S300 or HQ9 can intercept Brahmos when it's fired in Lo-hi-lo mode.
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    China's vulnerability in Malacca Strait

    Yes, but not under potential Indian military threat. Did I sound like an Indian talking? Our claims may be absurd to confront naval forces of US, Russia and etc. It's reasonable when it comes to India. On the contrary a weak military blockade wud mean an easier or better target for...
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    China's vulnerability in Malacca Strait

    You should have longer memory of being slaved, ruled and colonized in your history. Bravery? You really make me laugh. Forgot how many Indians soldiers surrendered to Chinese in the 1962 war? Lots of Indians like you are just jealous about China's achievement and can't get rid of that...
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    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    Indians should get more muscles instead of fat if you consider Indian ocean your backyard. You guys are too good at lip services. For China safety of our sea transportation is most important. If we can get foot on a few military bases on Indian ocean it'd be wonderful. I really enjoy watching...
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    India To Ship Wheat To Afghanistan As Aid: Sources

    Chinese plant two seasons of rice and one season of wheat or something else in the Southern part every year. Chinese farmers have much harsher life than Indians. The grain yield per hector is much higher. How can Indians talk about green revolution if you don't at all work hard?
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    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    Wake up! Indian ocean is not your backyard! You have 12mile sovereign water and 200miles economic zone. This has nothing to do with Japan or Taiwan, has it?
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    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    Are you not a patriotic Indian? Didn't you read that Indians are talking about blocking Chinese passage of Malacca Strait recently?
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    India To Ship Wheat To Afghanistan As Aid: Sources

    Wheat is part of total grain yield. The total production of India is 210m tones in 2008. Google it! Btw, India has three times more cultivable land than China. Incredible!
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    China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

    But we are now concerned because Indians are making noises of this kind. In addition we have friends there that don't like Indian attitude. Btw the presence of pirates at the Malaca Strait is a historic and common knowledge.
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