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  1. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Do you think its ok to make up rumors that someone is trying to steal your history just so you can whine and play the victim?
  2. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Nice come back with absolutely no evidence. Then again, you're Chinese and apparently Chinese people do not need evidence. Its so much easier to tell lies or create fabricated information.
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    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    I am not Indian and unless you provide proof that I am, I suggest you shut up. I read the first 9 pages of this thread and found the disgusting hypocrisy by the Chinese commentators here disgusting. I found all sorts of fabricated historical information that needed to be corrected. Like how...
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    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    What makes you think i'm Indian?
  5. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Now I know why your country makes those stupid rumors about stealing confucius and soy milk. Its because your country has a pitiful military history, pathetic living standards, embarrassing past filled with genocide and foreign rule and can only steal rather than innovate new technologies...
  6. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    India and Korea have both been independent for longer and have won more military victories then China could ever hope for. China was the whipping boy of Asia. China has been a slave to pretty much everyone. Manchus, Mongols, Khitans, Jurchens, Brits, Japanese, Russia, France, US, Germany...
  7. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Chinese Americans are trained in the US and have access to top notch US laboratories and universities with lots of funding. Something that most Chinese scientists do not have access to just. Just like how most Koreans did not have access to until after 1965. God you're delusional. Theres a big...
  8. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    These delusional Chinese kids live in western countries and enjoy concepts like democracy and freedom of press which is entirely absent in China. Criticize the government in the west and no one cares. Do the same in China and you're going to labor camp. These idiotic Chinese kids should all...
  9. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Care to provide proof that Hyundai paid for its award? If not then I suggest you cry somewhere else- silly man. Want to hear a really funny joke? Chinese cars(thats the joke lol). ---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 PM ---------- China = insecure nation of...
  10. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Thats a very lame comeback. Zero Chinese nobel prize winners who studied only in China. Zero is zero despite there being 1.5 billion of you. Hypocrite.
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    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Lol. The Chinese are their own worst enemies. Hopefully they'll quit crying about their pathetic military history and go back to jerking off to their delusional fantasy where Chinese men are brave and know how to fight.
  12. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Memory chips, LCD pannels, semiconductors, consumer electronics, smart phones, cars, car components, ships > Shoes, furniture, toys, products that break as soon as you buy them. Thanks for allowing Korean companies to pollute your wretched country.
  13. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    You seem to be illiterate. Not a single Chinese scientist in China has won a nobel prize. All Chinese ethnics who won Nobel prizes in science were born or lived most of their lives in the US. Charles K Kao= studied in the west Roger Y. Tsien= born in new york city, grew up in the west Steven...
  14. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Supercomputer = easy. Particle accelerator = unnecessary because they already share those with scientists from other countries. Korea is more then capable of making rockets, planes and trains unlike China who steals and copies them. China and Intellectual Property - NYTimes.com lol
  15. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    1. South Korea sees no point in spending billions on a vanity rocket project that does not enriches the lives of your average citizen. Who cares. 2. If Samsung wanted to it can make the fastest supercomputer. It already has a 2 year lead over all computers in chip technology. The only...
  16. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Read the danm blog because it quotes a Korea newspaper(Chosun ilbo) with sources. Its pretty much a confirmed fact that Chinese people forge Korean passports in order to illegally enter the US. Its gotten so bad that many places are now using Korean speech tests to confirm whether the person is...
  17. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Not a single Chinese scientist in China has won a nobel prize. Explain that. All Chinese Nobel prize winners in science lived and grew up in the US. The Chinese began immigrating to the US since the mid to late 1800s during the railroad boom. Koreans did not immigrate to the US until 1965. The...
  18. B

    Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

    Your wife is Korean just like how my 10 wives are all Iranian amazon elves. We can say whatever the hell we want on the internet, who cares. Your wife knows nothing about cares btw Hyundai Sonata tops Strategic Vision survey | Car DVD Player GPS Blog Hyundai Tops Toyota, Honda in Owner Loyalty...
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