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  1. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Its not that old. Its from 2004. Still doesn't change the fact that Chinese commit 18x more crime per capita then Koreans.
  2. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Koreans do commit crimes, this is fact. In fact all nationalities commit crimes. But the Chinese do it at a much more frequent rate. Coast guard killed by Chinese fisherman, South Koreans protest | ChinaHush
  3. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    More like Korean winner. I'm bi-winning this debate.
  4. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Biggest mass murderer in history(+40 million dead Chinese) lol
  5. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    The source I provided comes from the National Police Agency (NPA) of Japan. Unless you provide something just as good or better, your vain efforts to somehow dissprove me will be mocked. You didn't even provide a source either.
  6. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Is that why they can develop nukes despite Beijings wishes? If anyone is being played, its you guys. They basically fire a few missiles or do nuke tests and your government has no choice but to send food aid to appease them. The North Korean government is laughing at all the free aid you give...
  7. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Considering that there are almost a million Koreans in Japan, you are bound to find a few psychopaths. Still doesn't change the fact that your countrymen are 18 times more likely to commit a crime then a Korean person is(per capita wise). Not surprising in the least. Chinese in Koreans are...
  8. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Exactly. Chinese diaspora in Japan commit more crimes per capita then any other group. Nearly 18 times the Korean rate. Now thats messed up.
  9. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Slave? Korean companies employ your people and pay them next to nothing. Your lax government environmental standards allow Korean companies to pollute as we see fit. We enjoy an annual 40 billion dollar surplus from your country each year. Who exactly is the slave here? ---------- Post added...
  10. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Another reason why Chinese are hated in Japan Society - Crime in Japan : analysis per nationality- Wa-pedia The Chinese have the highest crime rate of all foreigners in Japan. So funny lol.
  11. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    No its not. [/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG] Koreans in South Korea are more critical of the country they live in(opposite of blind nationalism) then Japan is to South Korea.
  12. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Insulting who? I have no problems with Koreans living in America. I do however have problems with Chinese nationalists such as yourself living in first world democratic countries that practice free speech, human rights and net neutrality. You would assume that Chinese immigrants would be...
  13. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Is that why they have citizenship? Quit BSing me.
  14. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Most of those Koreans in Japan are citizens unlike the majority of Chinese in Japan. Some can't return home because they are from North Korea. Others do not even have homes in South Korea due to the Korean war. Chinese in Japan on the other hand are mostly illegal immigrants. Interesting...
  15. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    What do you expect from them? They do nothing but tell lies. Telling lies is a pathological trait amongst Chinese people. Sorry to offend any Chinese person reading this but i'm pretty sure even you guys will acknowledge this. Your culture views lies, deceit and plagiarism as being cunning and...
  16. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    I do care oabout NKs. I think you should care about your Chinese brothers too and go back to China. Oh wait, you don't want to because living in China sucks. You would much rather live in first world countries with freedom of speech laws while defending your propaganda driven third world police...
  17. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Hey everyone look at me!!!! I am EAsian, a rabid Chinese nationalist with an inferiority complex who lives in Japan of all places. China is the best!!! Thats why I don't live there. I will defend China from all enemies online by using such concepts as freedom of speech, net neutrality and human...
  18. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    And your point? I'm South Korean, not NK. Ironic isn't it that the only reason why you are allowed to surf sites like this freely is because you live in Japan. You can be thrown in prison for saying the wrong thing in China. Hypocrite. You also made up that 70% number. Its not even 10%.
  19. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Those 3 million Koreans employ Chinese people. Leaving would turn a large number of your countrymen into homeless vagrants lol. Go back to China!!! Please leave Korea too. You guys commit lots of crime and not liked by the general populace. 70% of you here are illegal immigrants anyways. It...
  20. B

    Overseas Chinese: (The third-largest economy in the World)

    Wait what? lol (So nice of you to defend your polluted third world authoritarian police state(China) you call home while living in a democratic and free first world country). Your hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.
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