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  1. J

    The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

    Battle for Orakzai Battle for Bajaur Conquest of South Waziristan Victory in Swat Domination of Balochistan Victory in Malakand "Joint" drone strikes in North Waziristan (as if PA has joint control of US UAVs') And tomorrow its gonna be Conquest of Faisalabad, Victory in Okara, Battle of North...
  2. J

    Myth of South Waziristan broken: Kayani

    ""Once we have secured the area, we must move on to the next stage and provide a system for people to live in and lmeans of livelihood.While this is not the tremit of the army, it must be clearly understood that these aims will not be achieved without Army's presence and maintenance of peace...
  3. J

    Official: U.S. Military to Set Up New Training Centers Inside Pakistan

    “”they cannot destroy Pakistani all right but they have the potential to push us back to the stone age with their own version of religion, don't you think that?”” Countries just do not grow feet and walk away. Rag tags have the potential to push us back into “stone...
  4. J

    Taliban Confirm Hakeemullah's Death

    Hakeemullah is dead or alive? How does it matter? Does it solve anything?
  5. J

    Taliban Confirm Hakeemullah's Death

    “”We can't stop terrorism in the society until cap the shops of mullahs. mullah is exploiting the people with "jihad" because we don't bother to understand Qurran and what do Allah says about jihad and what is a Sunnah of RASOOL(SAWW) in term of Jihad.”” So then what is...
  6. J

    Myth of South Waziristan broken: Kayani

    Now that the myth of Waziristan is broken, its high time for the PA to withdraw. Now that the public opinion in Swat has taken a swing against TTP and the area is under "control", its high time to withdraw the forces. ""The COAS had convinced Nato and others why it was important for him to...
  7. J

    Official: U.S. Military to Set Up New Training Centers Inside Pakistan

    EmO GiRl: “”Now thats cool a bunch of rag tag idiots who are out to destroy the very existence of Pakistan must not be fought against because after all they are our people, wow cool”” You never turn your forces into surrogates just because of a few Rag Tag idiots. The...
  8. J

    Why the Chief Matters - Exclusive on Gen. Kayani

    The article reminds me of AVM Nguyen Cao Ky.
  9. J

    Honoring our Martyrs

    The loss of Brig. Syed Hussein Abbas is a great tragedy for the nation. So is the loss of 2800 valiant young men; all assets of our nation.. They were trained to fight a numerically and technologically enemy, and to defend the nation’s borders. Through the machinations of our corrupt...
  10. J

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    “”24 Dec 2008 : Maj Gen Tarik Khan Maj Gen Khan's troops have been involved in fierce battles "No permission is required - just open fire on anything that moves," came the order from Maj Gen Tarik Khan, commander of Pakistan's Frontier Corps. We were sheltering in a traditional...
  11. J

    Official: U.S. Military to Set Up New Training Centers Inside Pakistan

    US is training our forces to fight more “professionally” on its own soil, against poorly armed and led lose outfits. This does not add much to the capabilities of our forces to fight a real war against numerically or technologically superior enemy. This sort of training turns professional...
  12. J

    Heli crashes in Khyber agency

    May Allah bless the departed souls. Its a great loss to the nation, both in lives and in assets. There is no "Lihaz" in the retaliation either. Bodies of "insects" are being piled up for being burnt.
  13. J

    Three US soldiers among 9 killed in Dir blast

    Loss of three (3) US soldiers has invoked an emotionally charged response. Loss of PA, FC, police personnel, and innocent civilians is considered "routine" matter. The US Army personnel are not here on a Holy mission of sorts; or doing anything to seriously upgrade the fighting capacity of our...
  14. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    S-2: “”Odd that we managed to survive in Iraq without any assistance from you at all”” No you did not survive in Iraq. You managed to extricate yourself through one of the most humiliating capitulations to Iran. Mr Zalmay Khalilzad brokered a compromise in 2007 through...
  15. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    S-2: “”Tell that to the faces of those families whose "...shoe shiners..." sons and daughters have died for Afghanistan...if you've the guts”” My heart felt sympathies go out to the bereaved families who lost their dear ones while serving as camp followers to a Nazi...
  16. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear S-2: “”I recall that sanctuary was discussed by a lot of folks...and dismissed. Nobody in their right mind thought that Pakistan would turn on America for the sake of the Afghan taliban...”” ‘’ It's a manifest fact. Look in the skies of FATA every single day. I DIDN'T say skies of...
  17. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    S-2: ""The U.S. Army is in Afghanistan along with the forces of over forty other nations by mandate of the U.N."" It’s pretty amusing! Don’t tell me that the US is in Afghanistan as mark of respect for the “Holy” UN resolutions on Afghanistan. The UN is the...
  18. J

    Pakistani Army Fighting The Taliban (VIDEO): Amazing Footage From PBS

    It is a professional insult for Pakistan Army to be shown waging "victories" on its own soil against poorly armed rag tag zealots. Pakistan Army is a national institution, that is currently being misused by our corrupt leadership to score a few borwnie points with Americans for peanuts, or...
  19. J

    Over 12,800 Militants Caught in 2009

    It is easy to catch even a 120,000 "terrorists". Anybody sporting a beard, wearing a ragged shalwar Kameez, speaking Pushto, sporting a beard is a Taliban!. At worst he can be killed and dumped as the 301st body in Swat. Or tortured to confess an assassination attempt on Jala-uddin Akbar in 1595.
  20. J

    Doctor, engineer masterminded attack on ISI HQ

    Dear S-2: Before you blame Benazir and pakistan for the fiasco, Please do some research and find out the answers to the following questions: 1. How long did Hamid karzai serve as Hekmatyar's Foreign Minister? 2. After Hamid karzai escaped Kabul, when did he join UNICOL (halliburton) as...
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