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  1. J

    Clinton Warns Pakistan of "severe consequences."

    Americans are most welcome. Get Pak Army out of tribal areas and invite the erstwhile Gen McChrystal to try his luck.
  2. J

    Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists

    US warns Pakistan over terror: report Dawn Sunday, 09 May, 2010. US military commander in Afghanistan General Stanley McChrystal met with the Pakistani military commander General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani in Islamabad on Friday. Ambassador Husain Haqqani states that “We are both very...
  3. J

    Pakistan Army - All is not well

    The US has to leave Afghanistan some day; even the mightiest power on earth cannot afford the financial drain for ever. Karzai will simply pick his bags and catch the next flight to the US to develop his restaurant business more. Northern Alliance and Taliban will have to slug it out to...
  4. J

    Solution to TTP | Negotiations or Annihilation ??

    Eliminate what? Having killed in excess of 12,000 people in FATA / Swat, great majority being non combatant civilians and putting more than 4 million to flight from their homes (Swat + Bajaur + South Waziristan + Khyber + Orakzai), the Army has only one option .... Kill More .... genocide...
  5. J

    Former ISI Khalid Khwaja found dead in Waziristan

    "TTP Sympathiser" is being used very liberally as a flag of convenience on dissenting views that do not conform to the ISPR partyline. If Taliban did not have the sympathy of a great swath of our population in Pushto speaking areas of Pakistan, they would not have survived even for a week...
  6. J

    Pakistan to get $600mn under US program: Pentagon

    About 1/3rd of our forces (140,000) and about 60% of our logistics resources are deployed in FATA and Swat (Pushtoon area). Even with such a heavy deployment the situation is far from stabilized. These areas are not open for business to anyone. Nobody can risk a holiday in Swat or trading...
  7. J

    Pakistan to get $600mn under US program: Pentagon

    NACH MERE BULBUL TO PAISA MILEGA ... AISA QADARDAN YAHAN KAISA MILEGA We are suffering losses of US$ 10-12 b / year in our zest to fight the US war on terror (or sort!); and are very happy getting a net subsidy of about US$ 2.5 b / year including this tranche of US$ 600 m. We are a miserably...
  8. J

    Former ISI Khalid Khwaja found dead in Waziristan

    Khalid Khwaja made the ultimate sacrifice for bringing peace to our beleaguered nation. INNA LILLAHE WA INNA ILEHI RAJIOON
  9. J

    Military convoy ambushed in North Waziristan 23 Apr 2010

    PA is being bogged down in a mindless counter insurgency without a clear end game. Seemingly pacified areas like Swat and Bajaur are simmering lava fields under a thin crust. There is no way to reintegrate them in the national mainstream through continued Military operations. Massive casualties...
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    The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

    FATA and Swat are integral parts of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Even though our government and the army has lost its writ and moral authority, these areas are as much part of Pakistan as Lahore, Faisalabad and Karachi. The people of these areas should be treated as Pakistanis, and the State...
  11. J

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    Under normal circumstances, Taliban could not have survived even for a week in FATA and Swat with their primitive, destructive and simplistic agenda. Since 2003 repeated PA operations caused enormous casualties, destruction, hardships and displacement of population. Taliban emerged as the...
  12. J

    Militants release video of former ISI officers

    Both officers can be added to the list of 500 odd "missing persons". Circumstantial evidence shows that they are being held by a US sponsored group rather than Taliban. "Asian Tigers" is not an appropriate name for a Jihadi outfit.
  13. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    ""^the army is not withdrawing from swa. however the civilians demand for security is justified. this is where once again the civilian govt. in-action to provide rehablitation is being highlighted."" South Waziristan operation was conducted under the tutelage and auspices of CENTCOM. The US...
  14. J

    The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

    ""The forces also captured a trench from militants at Shahbozar in Lower Orakzai area and arrested three injured extremists."" a Great Victory.
  15. J

    The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

    Khyber, Tirah, Orakzai are not that easy. Maj. Gen, Tariq is just trying to score in a popularity contest.
  16. J

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    AgNoStIc MuSliM: ""but at least a third of Pakistan's half-million strong army is now deployed in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of which it is part"". 1/3rd of the Army deployed on our own soil, while the nation is groaning under extreme poverty and 16-hours of load shedding...
  17. J

    The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

    Orakzai, Khyber / Tirah are sensitive areas with a rather long institutional memory. Conquests and Victories may earn a few pats and wads for Maj Gen Tariq Khan; but does not really help much in restoring peace and tranquility.
  18. J

    The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

    "" He said the United Nations urgently needed the funding, with 1.3 million people still displaced in the northwest and the rugged tribal regions. Last year, a total of 3.1 million people were displaced in North West Frontier Province and the semi-autonomous tribal belt along the Afghan...
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    The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

    Call them Militants, call them evil baboons, call them extremists .. whatever .... they are all citizens of Pakistan, as much as others at this forum. Pakistan Army is being misused to wage war on its territory, upon the directions of CENTCOM commanders. Pakistan Government has taken ownership...
  20. J

    Robert Fisk: Pakistan Is In Pieces

    Robert Fisk is too damn right. He has put his hand on the pulse of Pakistani nation and correctly diagnosed the ailment. 60% of Pakistan's surface area has been turned into a battlefield to please the Americans. Our corrupt political and military leaders have Created and fueled extremism...
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