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  1. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    "" Corker praised the government for its war against extremism and terrorism. He also praised the Pakistan Army for its sacrifices."" This is what we always keep Gloating about!!. Yes, we have the dubios distinction of being the most "loyal allies" of the USA; our forces have sustained close...
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    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Slides: yes Pakistan should do more as we are their humble subcontractors! It is our "responsibility" to relieve the pressure on the Americans; and to stop any Taliban moving to Afghanistan.
  3. J

    Fears of Swat Valley spillover in Tajikistan

    S-2: The US should work out a deal with the impoverished Tajikistan government and place a Marines battalion in Wakhan strip and Tajik Pamir passes. The "deal" may include the Russian Army commander in Dushanbe. With a little investment in coordination with Agha Khan trust the whole area can be...
  4. J

    A Formidable Enemy-The ‘good’ Taliban join forces with the ‘bad’ Taliban

    9/11 was technically a very sophisticated operation, far beyond the capability of Al-Quaeda or Taliban morons. To hit a 130 m wide object dead center (WTC) at 400 knots requires the skill level of an experienced fighter pilot. This just could not be done by johnies with 100 odd hours of flight...
  5. J

    A Formidable Enemy-The ‘good’ Taliban join forces with the ‘bad’ Taliban

    Fundamentalist: The US is already paying $ 1.5 b / year. That includes the charge for the blood money as a result of drone attacks. Recently the US paid about $ 2500 for an Afghan child killed, which is rather generous. There is no example of any armed force in the world that has ever paid for...
  6. J

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    Bajaur remains a closed area, not exactly open for business or leisure. Amidst widespread destruction there are no signs of any reconstruction activities. Our US / NATO allies have the responsibility to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure; or else the area will slide back into extremist hands...
  7. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Patriot: A strong, unified and committed multi-national anti-extremist agenda does not in any way help the Pushtinistan cause. Pushtinistan bogey has died its natural death a long time ago, nobody even talks about it. USA, Afghnistan, India and Pakistan all have a common interest to defeat the...
  8. J

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    Fracker: “”Also, you don't need to worry about other madrassas.. most of the madrassas are coming under education board in comming months.”” That’s the greatest news!. But how to ensure that the Education Board comprises of 100% secular officials? Should a...
  9. J

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    zubair723 Loyalty is one of our greatest attribute as a nation. During the British rule our forefathers fought for the glory of British Empire in Europe, Africa, Burma and the Tribal areas. An estimated 180,000 people from the areas now in Pakistan sacrificed their lives during WW1, WWII and...
  10. J

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    The best way to control the likes of Maulana Abdul Aziz is to bring every mosque / madrassah in the country under Army control. The clerics should be required to read pre-printed sermons vetted by ISI. A special detachment of the Ministry of Interior should be setup with technical assistance...
  11. J

    A Formidable Enemy-The ‘good’ Taliban join forces with the ‘bad’ Taliban

    S-2 represents the viewpoint of our benefactors and should be treated with respect. Even if the US bombing in Iraq / Afghanistan or FATA resulted in a few hundred thousand civilian casualties, that’s a small price to pay to guarantee freedom and security for billions of human beings...
  12. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Yes fatman17 that's the fact: As regards Taliban, the US, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India have shared objectives. Eradication of fundamentalist extremism is the Primary mission for everybody. President Zardari is on the record stating that India is no more a threat. India with its secularist...
  13. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    blain2 is right "What we face around the LoC and at Siachen is very different from the types of operations needed in FATA. In FATA, you do not know who the enemy is. Secondly, its so vast and sparsely populated that you cannot be looking everywhere and have presence everywhere." It is not...
  14. J

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    I beg to disagree, there is no such thing as Liberal Fascism. Moderation and Liberal ways are inherently benign; they promote civilized democratic thinking. Unfortunately mosques are the origin of all extremist thinking. Young immature minds are affected by the passages from Holy Koran that...
  15. J

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    None of us would like to compromise on our quality of life and a few innocent pleasures to accomodate the draconian whims of Maulana Ghazi. Pakistan is essentially a secular society. Our government should take some proactive steps to promote our secular identity. Bars, Discos should be...
  16. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    each passing day we get excited with the gains made against the extremist insurgents; drone strikes, leadership killed, arms ceased and facilities destroyed. A few days later we see further "gains" made against essentially the same miscreant groups. Rah-e-Rast will be deemed successful after...
  17. J

    Pak has rented out its military to US for 1.5 billion dollars: Imran Khan

    Imran Khan is just a bit too blunt and honest with his words. There is really no harm in renting out the Army for $ 1.5 b / year. After all most of the NATO allies have "rented" their forces to the US in Iraq / Afghanistan for greater good of their economies. South Korea and Taiwan are...
  18. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Every day we are given the great news that Pak Army has conclusively defeated the militants in Swat, Bajaur, Orakzai, Mohmand, Waziristan. In the same beathe we are told that a US drone strike killed 50 terrorists. Then we are told that the IDP can go back to their villages. The same...
  19. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Dear Conscientious objector: There is no need to be upset with being termed as “dogs of America”. Dogs in America are very well cared for; in fact better than the living standard of majority our people. It is better to be a dog than to live the life of perpetual poverty. The US is providing...
  20. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Pak Army has racked in some impressive victories against a formidable, well equipped, formidable opposition in some of the most difficult terrain on earth. During this operation Pak Army has captured more territory than any other campaign in its 63 years history. Pakistan Air Force too has...
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