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  1. J

    Pakistan demands release of $1.6bn from US

    Why should the American’s pay us when we claim we are fighting “Pakistan’s War”? Why should they pay when we are already doing their job free of charge? Our leadership has set our “AUQAT” at some paltry reimbursables. These reimbursable claims have to be...
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    Car bomb attack in Peshawar Cantonment

    Its heart wrenching. May Allah shower his blessings on the departed souls. Taimikhan is right. We are paying the price of America’s war; that too for peanuts. Attack on Waziristan is not likely to solve anything; except for more bloodshed.
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat

    Dear Xeric: There are a number of viable alternatives to what we are doing to our national fabric. The options are listed as follows: 1. Pakistan Government and Military leadership should commit to Pakistan’s interest and formally disown the so-called Global War against Terror. The US...
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    Pak co undermines PAF for profit

    Kestral Trading Ltd St #41, F-7/1 Islamabad proxy owned by Mr. Bilal Musharraf
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    Musharraf ruined PAF project, says ex-air chief

    In the context of this thread, corruption in Defense procurement deals is nothing remarkable. Our honorable General Musharraf sahib was not such a squeaky clean soul either. During his tenure most of the Defense deals were done through M/s Kestral Trading; which is in fact proxy owned by his...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    With a full internal fuel load, two drop tanks, 2X LGBs, 2XAIM-9s and a mission pod the 7 hard points are occupied and the T/O weight will be kissing around 34,000 lbs; with T/O T/W ratio of less than 0.5 on an average summer day. The profile drag will limit the low level dash to about 500...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat

    Dear Al-Green: "" you are away from it all and sitting comfy in UK, asking us Pakistanis to bend over to TTP just to piss US off..."" I have no love lost for the likes of Hezb Al Tahrir or their moronic notions of a "Caliphate". Living in the UK is not such a big crime; our most honorable...
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    Ilyas Kashmiri - still alive

    kidwaibhai "" when you plot against the state you should be killed. no matter who you are."" Please dont confuse the writ of a slavish government with the writ of the State of Pakistan. It is a fact that PA is not neccessarily used to establish the writ of the State. It is often misused...
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    Captured Pakistan Taliban commander dies in jail

    I dont think our Pak Army is such coward as to kill an injured man in the hospital, even if he was deemed a monster. A detailed medico legal debrief on this incident will help. If he was actually killed on the hospital bed as a retribution, that essentially justifies his own acts of...
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    Captured Pakistan Taliban commander dies in jail

    I dont think our Pak Army is such coward as to kill an injured man in the hospital, even if he was deemed a monster. A detailed medico legal debrief on this incident will help. If he was actually killed on the hospital bed as a retribution, that essentially justifies his own acts of butchery...
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    US 'biggest' threat, say Pakistani Polls

    Dear Tallman: ""if you we cant control our own country then we should not be in charge of it....it would be better to be a colony of the west then ruled by the Taliban..."" Great suggestion!! I hope this can be implemented. Currently We have absolutely the worst options. We are...
  12. J

    Pakistan Army Linked to Militant Killings in Swat?

    Whenever our Armed Forces are deployed in operations on our own soil even for the most benign and constructive purpose, such accusations are bound to follow; and unfortunately they stick. Both the good guys and bad guys on the receiving end are Pustoons; the Army is primarily composed of...
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    Pakistan discovers 'village' of white German al-Qaeda insurgents

    No one has a better handle on Pakistan's Nuclear assets and the means to control them than our own dear CIA, FBI and the US Marines operating on our soil just a few miles from the critical installations.
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat

    ""^the soldiers really feel proud when they get the opportunity to meet face-to-face with Gen.Kiyani - they have full confidence in his strategy to beat the militants - morale of the armed forces has never been higher than now. the Leader is leading from the front"". With all the due respect to...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat

    Dear Muse: ""Pashtun society is about abiding by laws, not the lawless savages you suggest, motivated by revenge only -- they know full well that going against the law has consequences and these are sure"". Which Laws are you talking about? Which law in the world prescribes collective...
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    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    The NATO and US forces in Afghanistan are the direct beneficiaries of the Swat and FATA operations. Their financial contribution towards the settlement of displaced persons and poverty eradication is paltry and insignificant. Pakistan is left holding the bag, paying enormous operational and...
  17. J

    Pakistan's Noncampaign Against the Taliban

    Hopefully the US will invest in building a better Pakistan; with a vibrant economy, great education, great health services, and an ideology based on moderate enlightenment. Hopefully the US will rid our country of Islamic extremist way of life; and help butcher all those who sport beards and...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat

    We are the most tolerant and patient nation on earth. We are totally devoid of any feelings, or the excess baggage called dignity. We take pride in our supreme sacrifices in the cause of perpetual slavery to the white skin; because we are so darn inadequate with our brown skin. We are ashamed...
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    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Pakistan suicide bomber training camp destroyed A Training camp for suicide bombers!!!? Give me a break ......... Sometimes those ISPR mandarins border on ridiculous comedy! Its so patently absurd!!. Why don't you say it openly that we butchered a few uncouth illiterate Swatis; and the best...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat

    Fundamentalist: ""If want to completely flush these terrorist it may cost us 50 Billion USD in five years."" Yes, Your numbers are fairly convincing. Our burn rate on the War on Terror is almost US$ 5 b / year. We have spent about US$ 40 b since 2001; and got back approx US$ 12 b from the USA...
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