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  1. J

    Is Nawaz Sharif afraid of taking a stand on the SW Operation??

    Gen. Musharraf was the most successful implant by the enemies of Pakistan in our military / political infrastructure. He trashed the reputation of the uniform, sapped its capabilities, elevated India to the former status of the USA, and elevated USA to a God like pedestal. He is the most...
  2. J

    Afghans among 35 prayer leaders held in Mardan-2 of them are from my Village.

    Niaz Dil Khush kar diya bhai! Here is another Master piece: Afghan baqi kuhsar baqi, alhuk lil-lah wal mulku lil lah
  3. J

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    S-2: “”How those forty nations view your country's brutal quest for "strategic depth" is manifested by, despite these casualties, this mission for so long being endured.”” Which forty (40) nations are you talking about? Georgia, Poland, and similar “coalition of the willing” !!. Yes you...
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    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    I thought Bajaur is completely tranquilized, with all the bad guys killed or flushed out. Did you ever think where all the "flushed" water goes out? It remains in your environment, under the skin.
  5. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    fatman17 “”but the point being made by Javed3 is that AQ Khan has moral authority!!! - how so when he was the "ring leader" of the proliferation business! - giving away state secrets for a handful of $$$!”” First of all, is there anything intrinsically wrong with the Proliferation...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    AgNoStIc MuSliM I beg to disagree that “State” is a non-entity. State of Pakistan is the greatest moral authority and the raison d’ eter for our existence. Fortunately the State was founded by the great visionary Quaid-e-Azam; our present crop of wet eyed limp leadership have nothing to do...
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    Afghans among 35 prayer leaders held in Mardan-2 of them are from my Village.

    Typical over zealous administration antics. Now everyone wants to join the fray and score .....
  8. J

    Taliban vow to defeat army in Pakistan offensive

    Should not take more than a week to capture Waziristan.
  9. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear AgNoStIc MuSliM Two very valuable remarks that need addressing: “”Constructive solutions that will lead to an enforcement of the writ of the State in FATA and elsewhere are welcome””. “” Do you recognize the authority of a State and authorized institutions (LEA's and Military), in...
  10. J

    US vacates checkposts ahead of SWA operation

    S-2: The reason you guys are bogged in Afghanistan for almost a decade is trying to fight a War on the Cheap. “” Until last May in SWAT, you weren't even fighting YOUR war.”” It was initiated by Richard Holbrooke. It is’nt our war and never was. “”Until of late, the abdication of...
  11. J

    US vacates checkposts ahead of SWA operation

    XYON “” PA would never carry out an op of this magnitude unless it has the support of the US Army across the border.”” Yes, you are Absolutely Right!! And why would the US Army support PA from across the border? Is that for the love of our Blue eyes? The truth is it...
  12. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear Xeric: Staying in Pakistan does not qualify you as a Patriot, and staying out of Pakistan does not equate to insensitivity either. By this token I have been a “Patriot” most of my adult life; studied, lived and worked in Pakistan. One child goes to school in Peshawar. Anxiety...
  13. J

    US vacates checkposts ahead of SWA operation

    Dear S-2: It looks as if you are responsible for the oversight of the Torkham Coordination Center, and our highly obedient Generals do not have the intelligence and the ballz to translate your brilliant ideas into action. Rather than worrying about the obstinacy of our Generals on not...
  14. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear AgNoStIc MuSliM You are probably the Chief at this forum, and just banned Fundamentalist for less than friendly comments about the Shia brothers. I personally do not subscribe to the Shia-Sunni divisions at all; they are all stars in the vast constellation of Muslim ummah. I always...
  15. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    The REAL CoAS is under pressure to show efficiency and performance to the Wadda sahebs. If 30,000 is not enough he will not hesitate to bring the whole of PA to capture Waziristan.
  16. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    "" Security forces pounding militants’ positions by gunship helicopters, fighter jets and heavy artillery in Laddha, Makken, Sam and other adjoining areas. The death toll of militants killed during three-day action has risen to 33."" I guess victory is around the corner in Waziristan. Bad...
  17. J

    Honoring our Martyrs

    May Allah bless all the departed souls ..... All the soldiers and officers who laid down their lives in the call of duty. Right cause, wrong cause is not decided by them. They follow orders of Politicians and Generals who put them in such position. I am sure all of them went away with the...
  18. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Xeric: ""i was more interested if you'd send your family to GHQ's checkpost number 1 or may be at some Elite Force's help center...."" Yes they will be glad to go there with your family.
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    Gen Petraeus coming to Pak for consultation

    kidwaibhai saheb: Dont forget that our true Auqat in their eyes is US$ 9 / Pakistani / Year. Thats what a good housemaid can make in 4 days.
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear Patriot: Is it necessary that anybody differencing with your views has to be “honored” with membership of Hezb al Tahreer? I don’t believe in those morons who want to establish some kind of caliphate. I enjoy my minor sins; wanna be human.
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