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  1. M

    Azlan Shah Hockey: Pakistan outclass India 3-1

    Where can i see the highlights????? any help will be largly appreciated and Thanks in advance............... :)
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    SAUDI-PAK Joint Airforce Exercise - Al Saqoor II

    This is what happens when u get over reliant on Technology :agree:
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    Russia blocks sale of engines for Sino-Pak fighter jets

    For me, i guess it will only stand if Indian MRCA goes to russia. if not i guess delivery will restart. But for Paf, it should be met with a warning for any future business they might take on with Russia directly or indirectly. This was bound to happen, and for Paf working with china on...
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    Pakistan has been offered the Chinese 4th generation J-11 (SU27)

    Pakistan answer to Indian MRCA will be J-10B, thats why J-10B procurement is set to 2015. By that time China will have its own engine to power the bird, and the equipment to bring it to close to match any MRCA winner. Though how much China can improve on J-10B is yet to be seen, and there...
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    Katrina Kaif - Lady in Red

    mannnn she is a killer...
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    Pakistan to purchase 36 French fighters worth $ 4.2 Billion

    Well J-10b, F16 C/D/, JF 17 and now Rafeal. i dont think so pakistan can cope with such a logistical nightmare. must be AF. plus $4.3 billion means a lot. but if it is ture Pak have to drop J-10b.
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    Navy to buy seven submarines

    @Growler Lets look at the other side of coin shell we? i understand your point of view about GOP and military Brass being corrupt around & kick backs types of stuff, this is very much on the cards. but what i think, this time around french has more on offer which is pushing GOP and Military...
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    1500 KG Explosives found in Lahore

    u r right mate.:tup::tup::tup: not police but the person who has the state of mind to act n tip off police. otherwise we would b looking at another massacre. :no: i think the guy should b awarded n police should b punished for such an act. in the end thanks Almight Allah who saved us.
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    Gerneral Kiani will have strategic talks with US

    With due respect sir, what do we mean by democracy? is it wht we have got now is it called democracy? then we are better off with dictatorship. A slap on the face of civilian goverment that a military chief is participating in strategic talk, where is the presedent, PM n leader of the nation...
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    Sukhoi fighter aborted a carrier landing - amazing watch

    i guess he was coming too fast. must have been listening to rock music.
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    Pakistan will take possession of 18 late-model F-16 fighter jets

    well statement says "new late model f16". if it is new cant be embargoed one as they can not b called new. other hint is "late" which again suggest newer rather than older. now question comes to which block? 50/52 or 60! interpretation of statement hints towards f16 blk 60. we r so...
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    PAF again welcome female GD(P)s.......

    Girls as GDP!!! :no: man.... wastage of resources and accident prone stuff :agree:
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    China poised to fly AC313 helicopter

    where the engines r coming from as z-10 faces problem due senctions by canada?
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    Pakistan in Australia 2009-2010

    done n dusted, fellas on the floor.
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    WS-10/Taihang is ready

    i think WS 10 will require some time to get mature though it is ready. must have alot of testing before it is fitted in. getting late is better then getting nowhere at all. but its excellent news that a breakthrough for China aviation industry no more dependency. keep it going China, all the...
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    In-camera briefing on buying French submarines demanded

    Aircraft careers are the sitting ducks n best coutner to em is stealth subs or subs like U boats. Beside incase of war Indian AC will never come out of its own shipyard take my words for it. n if we get stealth subs then it will be shi*tt*ing in its own backyard. pakistan does not need any...
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    In-camera briefing on buying French submarines demanded

    i guess thats what exactly he is there for, otherwise i dont see any reason for high profile visit to Germany by PM. if President wont PM will , this is how things having been done in the past looks like trend is set to move on. i could be wrong
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    Pakistani Fashion

    Most of the girls have Pirate makeup on them ist?
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