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  1. M

    PTI Election Campaign: News & Updates.

    Thank you for the information, much Appreciated. What i feel is as youth is already with Imran but the problem is oldies and the small entrepreneurs such as shopkeepers and Riksha drivers etc as evident by program conducted by Aisma Sherazi In NA 120. where most of the people were voting for...
  2. M

    PTI Election Campaign: News & Updates.

    Mate what about other constituency? what are reports from others? surely there is not one in lahore. for example NA 120. Bara Kunja against that PTI lady is very strong. What about about Chota kunja and his constituency against PTI? mate keep giving us good news. Allah bless u all. Naya...
  3. M

    PTI Election Campaign: News & Updates.

    Did u see last night Capital talk show? it was depressing to say the least. They had four analysts from four provinces, and they based their talk on the recent analysis done by some UK paper. where they claim that Noon will pick about 160 seats, where as 2nd will be PPP with 60 seats and 30 will...
  4. M

    PPP Punjab vice president joins PTI

    Mate, where did i claim that all PTIans are as clean as new borns? In general whole society is corrupt, its just few who holds moral values. My point was that electables will be raised from this garbage, but to address them or show them the right path will come the leader who will cleanse them...
  5. M

    PPP Punjab vice president joins PTI

    Rotten eggs will always smell. Him joining PTI does not mean that he suddenly becomes pious. :no: But my friend in long run, only people who will stay with PTI will be the essence of the party, but they still will not bring any change beceuase the Change comes form top. Ur father runs the...
  6. M

    Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

    This is out and out winner mate..... no offense to indian friends but the way it has been carved out... cant help it....
  7. M

    Best Film Ever?

    "Its a wonderful life". I bet anyone has seen it. 1946 movie. Color version released on youtube recently and formate is in HD. last time i checked it was still playing on screen somewhere in US. My all time favorite and recommended. you wont be disappointed, guaranteed.
  8. M

    Al-Arabiya: Imran Khan on defeating "Jihad Syndrome",Drones and Syria.

    Do you serve any purpose with such a statement? The credibility of a man can be judged by his track record. Non of the systems will prevail given the education status in the country. Successful system evolve themselves with the passage of time either be it Socialism or Capitalism...
  9. M

    Prayer for my family member !!

    After all life comes down to few sec, whoever comes has to leave, this is the way it is unfortunately.the people we love and adore might not be among us tomorrow -;( We as human has to carry on and hope for the sunshine the very next moment. May Allah bless her soul and give strength to the...
  10. M

    IPL watched in each and every hotel and house of Pakistan:Rajiv Shukla

    I have never been fan of league cricket, for me there is in no flair unless International teams compete. i did not watch any of the IPL match even when Pakistani stars took it on board let alone just others. there are some who follows ipl score, or may go onto watch whole match, but numbers...
  11. M

    Best combat simulator game ever (((( lock on))))

    Where do we get this from man? looks amazing... what is it called? and does it have a name? Thanks in advance.
  12. M

    (Poll) Karachi Jalsa Vs Lahore Jalsa ?

    A-o-A If pti can get that son of Nawab akbar Bughti, who is in exile, guess in Afghanistan somewhere, that would be a great success story, Pti support will increase manyfold. At the moment there is sense of deprivation in balochistan, and that guy has some support in hearts and minds of many...
  13. M

    The countdown has begun

    Man you have a got a lot of chicken wings in ur profile pic, grab couple of em from there :D
  14. M

    Haqqani video shows Training Camp

    Whenever this kind of stuff shows up, we Pakistanis start to defend and Indians jump onto conclusion that this is Pakistan`s job, well i am not going to defend, but in this videos where does it say it is Pakistan? creepy looking fellas are jumping around with toys in there hand, could be...
  15. M

    More Propaganda: ISI behind 26/11, Indian embassy bombing

    i agree with you that we might sit under the veil of patriotism and that hinders us from seeing some bitter realities. But this is dirty game going on by west, also i am not saying that isi is crystal clear on their part, but if we look on the both sides of coin, things will get even messier...
  16. M

    More Propaganda: ISI behind 26/11, Indian embassy bombing

    Well, i can wear a mask, Pretend to be CIA and be stupid enough to look for a camera man, and disclose my identity to the world.. How does that sound??? i am not saying that he is not isi, but that is basic if u are isi, or trained by them for purpose, u don`t disclose all in giggle. that...
  17. M

    King Abdullah's call gets generous response

    wake up n smell some coffee, there is no one pro-Iranian or others for that matter. people who speak against about these lavish kings base their disagreement over the apathetic policies of their kingship. :disagree::disagree:
  18. M

    Answering a call to lead in Pakistan

    Stay positive, and think positive, negative thinking has brought us here. Appreciate the effort, and encourage others who have the love for their motherland. don`t mix patriotism with skepticism. if he wants to play his part then we must at least try to imitate him rather then jump to oppose...
  19. M

    China shall give 50 JF17 Thunder on emergency bases

    I dont know much about "Frontal Aspect Stealth", but what i can say about JF17 is that nose is redesigned to fit in AESA/PESA radar, and reason it is being put into "diamond" shape to reduce RCS as u just rightly put in. There is no doubt in my mind that this is " further enhancement "...
  20. M

    China shall give 50 JF17 Thunder on emergency bases

    Mate stealthier nose is same as putting a bra on women body to cover the whole damn thing :) there is no partial stealth, either it is stealth as or just not. that nose thing can be part of some sort of research thats all.
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