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  1. vikramaditya AC

    Deals with US not to hit Indo-Russia ties

    US relationship with India not at the cost of Russia
  2. vikramaditya AC

    MARCOS guarding OBAMA

    We need to modernize more!!!
  3. vikramaditya AC

    MARCOS guarding OBAMA

    Dude,it's foolish thinking that Special forces(They r the highest trained and Equipped with latest gadget in whole indian armed forces) that they don't have communication with each other...:woot:
  4. vikramaditya AC

    Clarifications regarding Sri Lanka Pakistan Ties (Every one Read)

    U r president clarifies ur confusion Between all these developments, where do you see your relations with China? We are a non-aligned country. Our neighbours are Indians. I always say, Indians are our relations. From the time of Emperor Asoka, we have had that culture. The whole culture...
  5. vikramaditya AC

    Clarifications regarding Sri Lanka Pakistan Ties (Every one Read)

    So Sri Lanka,U hav so much love for pakistan and China.. One simple Question Will u help pakistan and china in case of any war with india by giving them bases in Sri Lanka....?(But u should also think wat happens to Sri Lanka,Colombo is not so far from India,Do u want enemity with India??) And...
  6. vikramaditya AC

    HAL has Built Nearly 80 Su30mki Already

    GUYS did the deal of 10 C-17's over,Is india buying them,i m cinfused ,does anyone know the correct news???
  7. vikramaditya AC

    Obama's stand a victory for Kashmiris: Separatists

    Gilani still in his delusion..
  8. vikramaditya AC

    Chinese surprise: India now at par with P5

    well,i think the communist party has started to study history...Specifically about Hitler and his communist govt and his aim of conquering the whole world,but now they have read wat happened atlast.. They lost even with their Mighty German Engineering.....there is no doubt about their quality of...
  9. vikramaditya AC

    US to back India's membership of UNSC: Obama

    The Fact is even though China vetoed or objected india's waiver from NSG,India got the waiver,this time it will be the same.. U can't stop India in UNSC with just support of 1 nation and a veto.. India has 4 UNSC members on it's side and has the support of each and EVERy nation on this planet...
  10. vikramaditya AC

    MARCOS guarding OBAMA

    This is Mind Blowing
  11. vikramaditya AC

    PAK-FA : photos and videos

  12. vikramaditya AC

    Sri Lanka embarks on fighter aircraft procurement

    yes,They will use Mig-29Smt that they get to chase Pak-Fa and FGFA to shoot em down... Wat a question dude... Sri-lanka wants those Migs,so that there would be Sri-Lankan Airforce... other wise their old Aircrafts will be outdated and used for nothing.. they need to replace their old...
  13. vikramaditya AC

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Who cares about that roy desperate for attention.. BUt now,she has shut her mouth,without even getting arrested...haha Lolz
  14. vikramaditya AC

    Are we going to fight Pakistan with the US

    Never trust Americans... i think American fighter would not be selected for MRca because see wat happened to C-130... And Air cheif Naik won't allow this to happen with fighter jets.. So i think 95% american fighters won't be selected... Never trust Americans.....
  15. vikramaditya AC

    Sri Lanka Sells Ships to India

    Then they'll use it against India itself when war starts...can't trust them They are not helping,We pay hard cash,in return they build ships and sell em to private co's
  16. vikramaditya AC

    Corporate hi-flyers make a beeline for Nano

    From past 1 month i have seen increase of nano on bangalore roads... It's perfect for city,perfect for busy roads and perfect for parking car in a busy place
  17. vikramaditya AC


    Wouldn't the speed of induction be fast....If it's given to one vendor and by the full aircrafts are inducted it will become outdated..
  18. vikramaditya AC


    Better go for split order for rafale and F-18
  19. vikramaditya AC

    Alliance between US,India,Japan,Australia?

    we need to improve relations with more countries
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