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    China has right to develop military

    Vietnam protects the world while itself is a protection begger which is begging protection from US and UK? That sounds stupid! She should ask herself there is anyone needs her protection instead of self-pontificating!
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    China has right to develop military

    this guy is talking like sh*t! you say as if you are attempting to smell the sh*t hidden by chinese, hah. this guy reads many crap news from western post and did not know how many times the prognostication of western scholars was wrong on the development of china's economics!
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    Hanoi calls time on anti-China protests

    you did not get me. do you see that Cuba has been isolated from the rest of the world by USA? i mean with what VN is doing now, China may turn them into another Cuba or Mexico but not Canada in the future!
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    S. Korea shows her true color

    in the current situation, i know that SK is a toady to USA. Korean people, some love and some hate Japan. and, most korean people dont like to see a stronger China.
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    S. Korea shows her true color

    no worry, a missle storm into SK first will disable all their anti-ship missiles
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    Hanoi calls time on anti-China protests

    international wide, many vietnamese people are very racist. especially, they think China is on par with them. so, it is not acceptable to them that China is developing over and over, and has left them far behind. every things relating to china, they just simply interpret and propagate with bias...
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    Chinese carrier: Vietnam and other neighbors response

    internationally, many vietnamese people are very racist. especially, they think China is on par with them. so, it is not acceptable to them that China is developing over and over, and has left them far behind. every things relating to china, they just simply interpret and propagate with bias...
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    Chinese guys dont need to talk or send any messages to vietnamese guys any more! chinese and vietnamese are no longer friends anymore. vietnamese are getting aggressive and incorrigible. chinese should not believe or support VN anything from now on! treat them like enemy! it is clearly that...
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