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  1. Caine

    Taliban attacks on US forces enabled by Pakistan?

    Thats really a defensive game. In our view, Hot Pursuit works better. As soon as we have the diplomatic ends tied up, we will hit these bastards even harder (than today) in their hole in North Waziristan. We can expect a major policy decision around this by Mid/end july
  2. Caine

    After Gilani, Kayani to be summoned by SC

    Interesting line of thought. But when USA takes this line of thought wrt drone strikes, you guys cry foul.. A little bit of double standards, it seems...
  3. Caine

    5 reasons Why India will never become America??

    Hey.. I did not mean it in a derogatory sense.. Anyway, why would India want to be be America. Or for that matter any other country. You guys are doing pretty ok for a 65 year old country. History of countries is written in Decades and centuries and not in months and years.
  4. Caine

    After Gilani, Kayani to be summoned by SC

    Kayani to the CJ of Pakistan Supreme court ;)
  5. Caine

    5 reasons Why India will never become America??

    :rofl: The best troll fest I have seen till date. Mods should trace this Id and award him a medal or something ;) Though he missed out the most important difference. India has Pakistan as a neighbor and America does not :)
  6. Caine

    uss enterprise in Pakistani Waters but no news in media

    Isnt there already a thread on this?
  7. Caine

    US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

    Are you really serious? You are saying that Pakistani military has people in the position of power who are able to go against the chain of command and take unilateral decisions like this.. And then you folks cry murder when the West claims that Pakistani Nukes are unsafe (after all such...
  8. Caine

    42 Taliban Terrorists killed in Afghanistan.

    Just a matter of time dude.. :)
  9. Caine

    Twin blasts kill 33 in Pakistani tribal region

    Lets talk with some tangible data and evidence about the latter part of your statement mate.. 'Cause if we are going to go slandering at whim, there are a bunch of accusations that also get laid at the doorstep of Pakistan quite regularly..
  10. Caine

    Twin blasts kill 33 in Pakistani tribal region

    If we want to hit you, we will just sends a few more drones and some Seals may be. We don't use non state actors to do the dirty work. But why would we do something like this to an ally ?
  11. Caine

    42 Taliban Terrorists killed in Afghanistan.

    NATO supplies and Indian Training.. Deadly combination :)
  12. Caine

    Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

    This topic is the proof that gas expands to fill the available space.. 23 god damned pages :)
  13. Caine

    42 Taliban Terrorists killed in Afghanistan.

    Hoo.. Yah...
  14. Caine

    Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

    :woot: ISI trained MODs? :woot:
  15. Caine

    US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

    Never argue with an idiot. Bystanders won't be able to tell the difference :) Never argue with an idiot. Bystanders won't be able to tell the difference :)
  16. Caine

    US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

    If you are referring to GB as our Masters, then I guess you have some catching up to do on the European and American history. But anyway, don't write us off just yet. There are a lot of innings left in this game :) Don't think so. Whatever mate..
  17. Caine

    US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

    So your point is that since you never had anything substantial, you dont have much to lose. Fair point. However the fact that we have had and still do and have been at the forefront of world economy for last 50 or so years, validates my point that among the current crop of nations in the world...
  18. Caine

    Survey reports widespread opposition to US drone policy

    You are either naive or totally removed from ground realities if you think the drone attacks are done randomly. The reason drones are effective is that they can hover for hours above a designated target and execute the mission once the controllers are absolutely sure (as much as one can be in...
  19. Caine

    India-Pakistan Final Showdown and the Year 2027-8

    A little surprising that such religious mumbo jumbo gets so much coverage on this defense forum. :disagree:
  20. Caine

    Survey reports widespread opposition to US drone policy

    Its a bogey! Every war has regrettable collateral damage. Drone attacks are much better in that aspect than the F 16 bombing runs used by PAF when they go after their choice of terrorists. What is Bharti Mantra ?
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