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  1. J

    One liners :)

    Thank you tropar
  2. J

    One liners :)

    Master your emotions instead of being a slave to them.
  3. J

    One liners :)

    “Criticism is an indirect form of self-boasting” :woot:
  4. J

    One liners :)

    Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots.”
  5. J

    Kohat, City of Taliban

    Well friend for sure it cant fall in Taliban hand inshallah, because of big Army Garrison there. But kohat was somewhat very influenced by taliban due to its connectivity with tirbal areas.
  6. J

    Kohat, City of Taliban

  7. J

    Kohat, City of Taliban

    Kohat University of Science and Technology http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz5FMsBCFqg
  8. J

    One liners :)

    A man falls down a flight of stairs and somebody rushes over to him and asks, "Did you miss a step?" "No," he answers, "I hit every one of them!"
  9. J

    One liners :)

    Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.”
  10. J

    Italian Woman Impregnated by Aliens 100% Real Footage

    Many times in Quran referred to God As " Rab ul Alameen" means God of the worlds. So it suggests that if you come in contact with creatures from other planets would be not ironical. It would be in justification to Islam.
  11. J

    One liners :)

    Sweet is the lore which Nature brings; Our meddling intellect Mis-shapes the beauteous forms of things:-- We murder to dissect. Enough of Science and of Art; Close up those barren leaves; Come...
  12. J

    One liners :)

    The Puritan through Life's sweet garden goes To pluck the thorn and cast away the rose”
  13. J

    One liners :)

    One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good, Than all the sages can. William Wordsworth
  14. J

    One liners :)

    Xenia, Probably Skies has used my instead of mine in his last sentence as a marketing tactic. ;) Or it would be better if he explain it to you. Btw Xenia I look forward to your participation if u dont mind.:)
  15. J

    One liners :)

    Now its super explanation :rofl::rofl: I like it dude
  16. J

    One liners :)

    “Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come.”
  17. J

    One liners :)

    self deleted
  18. J

    One liners :)

    My dear buddy, I did not accuse you of copying. Infact it was a hidden praise, and a chance to clear yourself and you you did it aptly. Though you are not a literature student but you have shown a superb potential in poetry. I have a little knowledge roots in literature but later on I...
  19. J

    One liners :)

    Bro Skies, I have not made you donkey then why you have cruel intentions for me now. You are my friend.... brother:D Is this your own poetry or you have some good relations with your English Lecturer ?: Anywayz i did not get your dot...... dot......dot...... topic...
  20. J

    One liners :)

    Bro Skies, Well regarding topic hmmmm, i will think ,,, I think it should come naturally for debate. And i appreciate your skill buddy. Regarding other question, that was a quote which says, that changing people's faith is very difficult thing. And that is not very much...
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