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  1. J

    Nawaz is back!

    In the view of our past and present politics, no one is trustable as we all look confuse about the credentials of politicians and even about Generals, and one can put solid reasons too, to question their trustworthiness but it lead nowhere to us in the present situation. Now we are left with...
  2. J

    Nawaz is back!

    Practical politics is different than theoritic. Even good General or leader would need to run state affairs by using such experienced black sheep. When US is going to influence our politics by planting BB as Prime minister then its the strogest ever step by the ally General to counter it by...
  3. J

    Nawaz is back!

    It is fact that PML(n) and ppp are proved two strong parties till last election.This time ppp is backed by USA, Britain etc to carry their agenda and PML(n) is backed by somewhat Saudi Arabia by the courtesy of our Military. Now in the future if bb comes to power, would lean towards the...
  4. J

    Musharraf+Nawaz Sharif+ Saudi Arabia

    Whatever NS,s past, one thing is clear in the present crisis that he has not crossed the limits to grab the power unlike BB. So this is his leverage which can pop him on the political scene and can get acceptance from military as well as from the people of Pakistan, keeping in view the band of...
  5. J

    Negroponte arrived BB geting outa skin

    All above charges of corruption, commission and scandals, she came to Pakistan with the help of US, to participate in the election. Now the ultimate decision would be of the people of Pakistan to throw her out of parliament after her known loyalty with the country. But ironically we find such...
  6. J

    Pakistani Women SSGs

    Even the Pakistani models dont have such revealing skills:) If its true then bad time for SSG guys ;)
  7. J

    24-hour curfew in Malakand

    How Musharaf can leave when such things are up.:P
  8. J

    How to take a holiday in Pakistan

    Few days befor my little cousin, school student was reading newspaper with me. When he finished , he said , oh its good that we are not in pakistan. When i looked at him, he lowered his head with blushing cheek. I felt that how media can make a person stupid in so many ways.
  9. J

    Us aid for Pakistan to continue: Official

    Indeed we have huge potential for cooperation in every sector and can be contiune, without losing the sovereignity and Pakistan's own interest, now the card used indicating this message to me.
  10. J

    Us aid for Pakistan to continue: Official

    US aid for Pakistan to continue: official Thursday, November 08, 2007 FAISALABAD: Brian D Hunt, principal officer of the US Consulate, here on Wednesday said the US would continue to extend aid and technical support to Pakistan for its speedy progress and prosperity. He was...
  11. J

    Pashtun Chiefs decry war in Pakistan

    There are different scenario which to be isolated and dont think it fits well in each. If you talk about Pakistan or Waziristan, then it must be understood that there is partial sypamthy from some tribals with local taliban, who been lived for centuries without presence of such huge Military...
  12. J

    Wrong war in Wazirastan. We need to attck the source of Taliban! in Kandhar

    No they are not only Afghans, there are many others too who support their cause. I already posted that they have support in majority provinces not in all Afghanistan, like in Kunar, Ningarhar,Paktika,Zabul,Hilmand,Hirat and Ghazni etc. While on the northern side they have no support...
  13. J

    Wrong war in Wazirastan. We need to attck the source of Taliban! in Kandhar

    Yes taliban brought the tiger economy to existing one. They have support in majority provinces and without that local support no movement can run. They want peace but on their own terms in their own land where they have time to think our wishes or no......?
  14. J

    Wrong war in Wazirastan. We need to attck the source of Taliban! in Kandhar

    Well if the world or stealth assassin dont need them politically to have their will on their own land then lets hope for peace....
  15. J

    Wrong war in Wazirastan. We need to attck the source of Taliban! in Kandhar

    Taliban are not from the other planet, they are the real owner of afghanistan. So why not there be negotiation with them regarding their inclusion in government and pullout time frame indications from NATO and US. It looks pretty strange to advocate the killing of the already war stricken people...
  16. J

    Talibanic Wild fires in Afghanistan and their impact on Pakistan FATA

    Yes its true they are spreading in all of FATA and nearby cities of NWFP. But their role is not like Afghanistan,s Taliban where they fight US and NATO forces. Their main compaign looks against social evils prevailing in their own areas of drug trade, car lifting and gangs involved in abductings...
  17. J

    Benazir says US action in Pakistan allowed, if Osama there

    Her position is clear regarding national security and interests. Then why should be allowed to take part in election? If she becomes PM then will Musharaf go same with her?
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