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  1. Muradk

    Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

    Mod kindly please close thread we have discussed this issue a million times. If it makes the other side happy and they go to sleep with sweet dreams than I will say it they won . MK
  2. Muradk

    Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

    HAHAHHAA yes I do know a lot but when I said INDIA SUCKS I stopped after that. That was my point the above thread says war was a disaster for Pakistan and it stopped. I just wanted to know how was it a disaster for Pakistan. And I truly don't means that India Sucks.
  3. Muradk

    Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

    I am using this phrase as an example. India Sucks and than close the thread I am sure a lot of members would ask why would you say that if so can you explain better. Same goes for your thread please kindly explain the so called the Disaster.
  4. Muradk

    Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

    I mean how dumb are your people ..can't you people read b/w the lines. My friend you are walking on thin Ice. I never understood something India kept saying they have taken Tiger Hill and than showing on TV the very next day that Indian Army Shelling Tiger Hill Strange, What were they shooting...
  5. Muradk

    How Indian Insiders Saw 1965 War?

    This is such an interesting thread Oh My God I can't believe it that you guys are still fighting who won and who lost. Let me tell all of you I was a part of it. NO ONE WON. we all lost our loved ones on both sides so coming back landing and saying I shot a IAF fighter Yeahhhhh few seconds...
  6. Muradk

    Want to join PAF

    Answers to couple of questions. Picked up a few answers from the web. Vision : you can join any department except GDP if the vision is week. If you are selected in the GDP and your vision goes bad you fly with glasses. There are four areas of vision that are tested for Fighter Pilots. You...
  7. Muradk

    The Flying Hero of the 1971 War

    May I ask what you mean.
  8. Muradk

    The Flying Hero of the 1971 War

    Air to Air kills in BD 14 SQD from Dec 4th to Dec 6th 1971. Dilawar 1 Hunter Javed Afzaal 1 Hunter and 1 Mig 21 Shams-ul-Haq 2 Hunters 1 SU 7 Saeed Afzal 1 Hunter Schames 1 Hunter S Shamshad 2 Hunter Rest were taken out by AA Guns ( Army ).
  9. Muradk

    The Flying Hero of the 1971 War

    Yes I remember if my memories serves me right it was 17 SQD.
  10. Muradk

    The Flying Hero of the 1971 War

    Yes it came in the news paper during the WAR ( Indian News paper ) That they had shot down Mirages. but After the war PAF was able to line up 22 Mirages for all to see on the tarmac at Sargodha, while the 23rd Mirage was under maintenance in a hangar. The impressive sight belied claims of any...
  11. Muradk

    The Flying Hero of the 1971 War

    Yar it is a bit funny the chopper was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It wasn't PAF fault all I recall seeing a white Dhotii which was I presume was the politician's because the pilots would not wear that during war time. I am not going to take any names was but it was shot down. That day...
  12. Muradk

    The Flying Hero of the 1971 War

    Who says IAF were sitting Ducks. IAF pilots were as good as PAF pilots. Sekhon God Bless his soul was truly a Sher a Bacha he had time to bug out but he didn't. Yes I believe that his wing man was a Coward. On a Fighter base in war you can takeoff for any place as long as you know you have...
  13. Muradk

    Remembering General Zia Ul Haq's Funeral

    Please explain the above statement. I dont know about you but I was taught to respect the dead no matter who he or she was. But will wait for an answer about the above statement.
  14. Muradk


    If I am not wrong I did say I got this from an Indian Analyst smart ***. You guys have screwed this thread up. I wanted a mature talk but looks like it will take some time for you guys to grow up. As long as you all have this attitude of I am better than you we can never have a proper...
  15. Muradk


    If its ok with you guys tomorrow I will write the article which was given to me. It has many interesting facts and figures. Again my starting this topic is not to make Indian Armed force look bad but to have a good discussion. And tomorrow you will see after reading the article that its not...
  16. Muradk


    Very True Very True I met a few Analysts from your country and it was an amazing experience that amount of knowledge these young kids had was surprising and during our discussion he gave me a article he wrote in the news paper telling how Money is not the problem its the Interlinking of the...
  17. Muradk


    Friend there is a lot of Corruption in military acquisitions because the volume of money is so high. If you look at the Medium Multi-role-Combat Aircraft deal, it is worth about $16 Billion to $17 Billion that is a huge amount of money if someone is getting 1% kickback that's a lot. By 2022...
  18. Muradk


    Thanks for the info I actually didn't know that. I thought 13 days.
  19. Muradk


    The Indian Army’s soldiers, The officers, are very very Brave and they make do with what they have. And so far they have done a good job. But the future wars are not going to be man-dependent; They’re going to be machine dependent and system-dependent. If they are left with what they...
  20. Muradk

    Why the future of air power belongs to unmanned systems

    The article is not wrong its just they are not looking at the other side of the picture, These machines have been used against an enemy who doesn't have the capability of QAR (Quick Airborne Response). We can only tell when these unmanned systems go head to head with a military which has...
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