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  1. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    I think you're forgetting the context here. Powers behind is oversimplifying it. France is NOT nationally marketing it. Its produced entirely the four countries that constitute the consortium. Politically, the SH is a better choice, and the EF is a safer one(in terms of securing technical...
  2. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    Only one of the three was investigating the right wing Hindu terrorists. And as the chief of the ATS, his job was high-risk. And their deaths were not within 15 minutes, Hemant Karkare was informed of the attacks(at VT railway station) within 15 minutes of their beginning. He died much later...
  3. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    Provided by whom? You seem to have a very hazy idea of how the Indian police establishment works. No one's hiding it. That's assuming it was ever documented as evidence by the investigating authorities. How do you know it wasn't lost at the hospital where his body was taken? All these...
  4. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    Like what? So, you think its a coincidence that both happened at the same time. The chaos caused by over 150 deaths in the space of a few hours isn't something the city's administration was expected to cope with. Do elaborate on that plan please.
  5. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    There were 150 dead people in the city, that's why. The police did not even know the ATS team was dead, let alone where the ambush had happened. What the heck would she like to know. The police van in which he was travelling was ambushed and he was killed in the encounter. What's left to...
  6. vnomad

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    Well the UN Resolution included withdrawal of Pakistani forces from the entire (former princely) state of Jammu and Kashmir. By unilaterally ceding Aksai Chin to China, the idea of deferring to UN Resolutions becomes a moot point.
  7. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Aviation Week & Space Technology 03/19/2001 Stealth Engine Advances Revealed in JSF Designs DAVID A. FULGHUM/ORLANDO, FLA. and WASHINGTON Airframers and engine makers improve classified low-observable propulsion technology for Joint Strike Fighter The Joint Strike Fighter program still...
  8. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Compared to the other companies in running Dassault has been relatively complacent in its participation with the Indian industry. Politically, France(and Sweden) will sell to anybody that can buy it without restrictions, and have a nasty habit of having second thoughts during conflicts. US...
  9. vnomad

    How effective is baktar shikan against india's tank?

    Actually wire-guided missiles(which is what the Baktar Shikan is) are the harder to jink. Its invulnerable to smoke screens that generally fool a heat seeking or laser guided missile. Active protection systems like the Arena, Trophy and Quick Kill are a better defence against such systems(and...
  10. vnomad

    How effective is baktar shikan against india's tank?

    I believe that 1200mm is the official figure for the HJ-8. This would decrease with increase in target distance(leading to a lower impact velocity). Also, HEAT warheads are ineffective against modern composite armour.
  11. vnomad

    How effective is baktar shikan against india's tank?

    Well the T-90M, which is going to be the backbone of the Indian Army, is equipped with the very latest Russian 'Kaktus' ERA, which replaces the 'Kontakt-5' on the T-90S. The M1A1 employed the M829A1 'Silver Bullet' DU round(of Gulf War 1 fame) which was soon replaced by the M829A2, when it...
  12. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Politically and offset conditions-wise every other aircraft would be preferable to the Rafale. At what speed are they more maneuverable. The delta/swept-back wing configuration has a better performance and high speeds while a straighter wing configuration will perform better at a lower speed...
  13. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Well the list of confirmed international orders the Rafale has secured is pretty short. I'm convinced that opting for the F-18E/F is the right decision. Its airframe is comparable to the Rafale but the rest of the aircraft outshines the Rafale in every other aspect. Its fly away cost is much...
  14. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Thing is if End User Agreements or sanctions are still a worry, well that ship has sailed. India has already signed agreements for the C-130J, C-17 and most importantly the P-8I. I guess India and the US are past the stage where sanctions were a concern.
  15. vnomad

    Comparision of Insas and G3 Assault Rifle

    They are not really comparable weapons. One might as well include the MP-5 in the discussion. Comparing the FN-FAL with the G3 makes more sense. Vis-a-vis, the INSAS and G3, the scenario will determine which gun is preferable. The INSAS would be preferable at short quarters within 200-300...
  16. vnomad

    Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

    Perhaps the MNS, should go around beating up the thousands who voted for him instead. Trendsetter? What sort of trend in the MNS setting? Trouble with your neighbor? Colleague? Don't call the cops, don't speak to your boss? Roll your sleeves up and start swinging away. In fact, do it in a police...
  17. vnomad

    Pakistan & China in 1.4 billion dollar J-10 jet deal

    A squadron is typically 12-24 aircraft. Assuming the PAF follows USAF trends, a squadron would be roughly 16-18 aircraft. So, two squadrons is 18x2=36 aircrafts.
  18. vnomad

    Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

    He's in the legislative assembly by public mandate. He's not an appointee. His constituency chose him to represent them, not someone backed by Marathi loving Thackeray. That's news to me. Could you post some reference.
  19. vnomad

    US Offers Taliban 6 Provinces for 8 Bases

    'An anonymous insider in the Afghan foreign ministry told islamonline.com.' Less than credible, wouldn't you agree.
  20. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    Its probably missing, question is so what? You can't expect the Mumbai police/civil administration to be as efficient as London's. In the carnage and confusion, one of the bulletproof jackets was misplaced or lost, and that's understandable. Here's a possible scenario. It may have happened at...
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