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  1. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    None of the aircraft except for the SH have an AESA in production. Also, the KSAF doesn't have ToT for the aircraft, so they aren't likely to leak the technology to Pakistan. Its the best of the lot as far avionics go, even better than the Eurofighter and Rafale. And it features the most cost...
  2. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Nothing comes even remotely close to the performance of the F-22:-
  3. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Take your time no hurry. Its just a friendly debate. India can buy the F-35 if it wants but the delivery schedule doesn't really suit the IAF's urgent need for replacement aircraft as the MiGs are phased out. As for ToT, forget it... good ties is one thing, but its something the US isn't...
  4. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    The DERA simulation was just that ... a simulation. The real acid test of the F-22 was when it went to participate in air force exercises. Some of the best US pilots from the USAF's aggressor squadrons were eager to take the F-22 on. They were simply blown away. The only time they knew a F-22...
  5. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Not really my friend. The F-22 is the closest thing to 'invincible' that's ever flown in sky. Its scored kill ratios of 144-0 at Ex. Northern Edge and over 120-1 at Red Flag. Nothing comes close.
  6. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    So show meaning what exactly? They didn't really give it(they charged us a hefty bundle for them). And Mirage 2000 was available to everyone, with the exception of perhaps USSR, PRC, Cuba and a few others. And ink had barely dried on that contract before they were marketing the Marlin to...
  7. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    We bought a custom built American aircraft. The 'others' in this case are the British. Please ask Pakistanis how they view the close alliance with the US. Russia yes, France hell no. France hasn't given a crap either way for 60 years. They don't distinguish between countries in South...
  8. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Some friction always exists. India had/has similar problems with Russia with regard to the Brahmos. From India's perspective, UK or France; neither equates to indigenous production. The naval-Eurofighter was only mooted as a negotiating tactic to get push the US to release certain F-35...
  9. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Well the MMRCA contract is for 126 aircraft and in the interests of fairness I pretty sure the contract doesn't admit modification of terms of procurement. In any case, if theoretically it was possible to club the sale of the Rafale with Eurocopter or the like, then the very same would have...
  10. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Block?! That's pretty obvious. India can buy pretty much anything in the world as long as it is within international laws and norms and is non-Chinese. I'm not sure where the question of blocking comes in. From a British perspective: why all the emphasis on independent air-to-ground weapons...
  11. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    That's exactly where their focus is. EF GmbH's pitch is a completely independent offer. With respect to getting them to pitch for the Rafale (why?), France has minimal influence with EADS Deutschland and EADS CASA. Yes, but I guess it wasn't a bad decision in retrospect(except for France)...
  12. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    Well what I've been saying all along has been confirmed. The loss of the bulletproof jacket occurred while Karkare's body was sent to the hospital.
  13. vnomad

    Pak court indicts 7 accused in Mumbai attacks

    Perhaps, one should hold judgement and let the Pakistani judiciary try them and pronounce its decision. Even if the justice is delayed but delivered, I for one would salute the Pakistani judicial system. At this point, deciding its all a sham is premature.
  14. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Well since France is a major part of EADS, I suppose they would support Eurofighter's bid. France supports everyone. Point is how would an Indian order change the status quo of relations; it wouldn't. India can't expect any strategic decisions(esp. with regard to arms exports) by France...
  15. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Thrust by itself isn't relevant or the RD-33(MiG-29) would have been integrated onto the Tejas long back. Technically, most foreign engines(esp. EJ-200) are far superior to what the Kaveri is aimed to be. You can export an aircraft with a imported engine(Gripen exported to RSA-AF). And at...
  16. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    One can download the whole thing from: http://www.mininova.org/get/2729257 Its got better quality than the streaming video.
  17. vnomad

    Pak court indicts 7 accused in Mumbai attacks

    The stalled peace process should hopefully receive a fillip from this.
  18. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Alternatively the IAF could get the EJ-200 on the Tejas and buy the Eurofighter. The Kaveri from everything I've read so far is a lost case. Can be retrieved certainly, but its not worth the hassle. By March 2010, ADA will presumably award a contract for 100 engines(with an option for another...
  19. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Far from it. EADS isn't going to support the Dassault bid anymore than Boeing is going to pitch for the F-16. I think we've strayed from the original line of debate. My original assertion was that politically France(along with Sweden) was the worst choice, yielding little benefit. The M-MRCA...
  20. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Again, I must emphasize the context. Will French 'interference' somehow jeopardize a supposed Eurofighter contract? The answer is no. As far as the Eurofighter goes French influence is insignificant. Firstly, because the EF manufacturing is split between the consortium countries and France is...
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