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  1. B

    More bad news for Delhi: Mig 35s delayed by a decade

    Lets have a voting or a bet kind of a thing here at def.pk on who will win the MMCRA. You know, just for fun. My vote goes for MiG 35 Can't some one open up a poll kind of a thingy in a new thread.
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    Russian MiG-29 fleet grounded

    I was trying to give an example....Anyway My bad...
  3. B

    Russian MiG-29 fleet grounded

    HAL manufactures MiG 29's RD 33 engine in India. I guess we can replace the radar with a DRDO tarang and go on with it or... give the radar contract to Israelis and live our life
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    Indian Army News & Discussions

    For example....Pakistan is buying up JF 17 from china... Does it mean F 16 is bad ? Akash system is also being ordered by Indian Army along with the Spyder. May be Spyder will be riddled along the borders of china and Akash will be used in Pakistan border. There may be many reasons as to why...
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    More bad news for Delhi: Mig 35s delayed by a decade

    The real race is between Mig, Gripen and Rafael. F 18 can join in if they upgrade to F 22 or F 35 ,,, which in either case is doubtful. I would personally love to have F 22 Raptor...But that would be wishful thinking. Me thinks that Mig 35 will win the MMCRA with the EADS helping in making...
  6. B

    Indias 8,000km and 12,000km Ranged missile, Surya1 and Surya 2

    SO the chinese space walk was a fake..... Well you can't really blame the chinese on that.... That's what they are good at....faking things.....
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    Indias 8,000km and 12,000km Ranged missile, Surya1 and Surya 2

    Just as you forgot about ATV I presume. A nuclear powered Submarine.
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    More bad news for Delhi: Mig 35s delayed by a decade

    Rupee news...Yiyye.. The only news established not controlled by the Zionist. Its controlled by Lunatics.
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    Indian Air Force in 2020

    I'd say Mk2 You did not mention of the AWACS that DRDO is working on. That might get inducted too. And if it does get inducted it will be in huge numbers and will be taken up by the army and the navy both in huge numbers because it will be so cheap to buy and even cheaper to operate
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Broadsword: Duel in the sky: Testing the MMRCAs and rating their chances The world’s toughest testing ground The Indian Air Force (IAF) has assembled a team of its hottest top guns for evaluating the six fighters in the fray. Overseeing the entire testing process will be Air Commodore...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    I know too...China.it has border issues with Taiwan, India & USSR I thought I answered the question long back. I'll copy paste my post again And hence the Israeli help.
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    Mumbai Attacks

    self delete
  13. B

    Shah Rukh detained in US airport - over 'Khan' name

    Salman Khan says "not a big deal"
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Funny.... Coupled with the recent Indo China border tension a poll which said Chinese viewed India as a threat and this... posting..... you have to be blind deaf and dumb to not see the obvious. Then you should be worry about pakistan's nukes as of now.The whole world is. Chinese trolls...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Okay, well said. I sure hope not. That would be too outlandish... even for a dream. Now if you just prove the point you made here with any of the following INDIAN news sources CNN IBN Times Now Hindustan Times I will stand corrected if you can do it. There is nothing really I can say to...
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    Mapping application 'Bhuvan' related news

    The site is working now...Use IE and download the plugin. I hope they move to firefox soon
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    Chinese drugs with "Made in India" Tag - Interpol probe

    So let me get this straight...Chinese are in competition with India to become Number one fake drug lord....??? man Chinese can stoop to level that one can't even imagine.
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    Fear of influence

    How dare you quote some thing from the Don't you know it is controlled by the Zionist/ CIA/RAW Regime :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    Mumbai Attacks

    As amateurish as Zaid Hamid who goes in Pakistani TV and says Ajmal Kasab is Amar Singh? Let me know. You wanted to show me proof of Raw activities in Baloch and FATA. Where is the proof now.? There is no proof...but your main stream media keeps parroting on how RAW is fermenting trouble in...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Did you even read what I wrote? Well, when I talk about Muslim oppression in XingJang province or July 4th revolution,Chinese execution buses, Chinese democracy, green dam ....you must see the Chinese then. Cat gets their tongue then. Atleast Pakistan is better in terms of democracy, freedom...
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