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    Indian Civil Nuclear News & Discussions.

    There is rumors of Australia warming up to India and selling us Uranium in-spite of China asking it to not to.
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    India, Turkmenistan ink MOU on programme of cooperation

    Indian OIL companies preferred over China's :Woot:
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    G-20 summit: More power to India

    Your incomprehensible English makes it hard for me to respond to you. Anyway from the some what time spent on reading your post I will answer what I can make sense of your question. Gulfnews: Ignore Dr Khan, focus on Islamabad May be you should spend more time is reading stuff than making a...
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    Indian Air Force News & Discussions

    We need Sukhoi's in Leh and Sikkim.
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    G-20 summit: More power to India

    Anyway coming back to the topic.... India got more power at the G 20 Summit and said at point blank at obama's face that it will not sign NPT. What is the point of signing a NPT when countries which have signed are continuing in open proliferation like china which keeps supplying nuclear...
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    India to deploy two fighter squadrons near Pakistan and China border

    We need to add more Su 30 MKI & Mig 29 in LAC...Arunanchal, Tezpur, Sikkim, Leh. The rest (LCA, MIG 21, Jag, Mir ) and can man the LOC. Atleast 3 -4 more squadrons of SU 30 MKI in the LAC.
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    IAF strengthening air defence radars along LAC with China

    Probably the same reason Balochistan (BLA) is fighting you ?
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    Gurkhas to declare independent state in India

    Just like Chattisgrah and Jharkhand have been carved from MP and Bihar
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    Indian Space Capabilities

    Here Not laughing now, are you? !
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    China apologises to Nigeria over fake drugs

    Did that make sense to any one....So what you are saying is that, China is incompetent of monitoring its huge economy? Do you think Tata and reliance are the only companies in India? Dude... is it your poor english or your arrogance or your foolishness.?
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    China apologises to Nigeria over fake drugs

    I wonder what the Chinese have to say about this..... A slap in the face is what I will call it.
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    Russia to deliver engines for Indian MiG fighters

    So MiG 29K will have TVC ?
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    Russian Phazotron-NIIR Corp. ready to develop a new advanced radar jointly with India

    Come on guys...face it.. We are not going to but F16, F18 as they are American and they are not reliable suppliers EF is too steep a price.. We are getting MiG 35 MKI. === Is F 16 obsolete ? It was inducted at the time of MiG 21's. Think before you speak dear.
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    Zhuk-AE X-band AESA radar offered to India

    One more reason to go for MiG 35 MKI.
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    IAF unwilling to phaseout Flying coffins MiG-21

    Am din't the Isreali radar in Mig 21 bison kick F 16 put of the sky in Cope India 2004 Probably that is why.? More over they have had a series of refits and upgrades. They can stay for a couple of years longer, I guess.
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    Indian Air Force News & Discussions

    The next thing you know,,, we put up a few MKi's over there. We need more airstrips in the eastern sector...Arunanchal and Assam
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    IAF Indian Air Force Better Than PLAAF?

    Ya i know...we only get to know about its successes...the failures are kept under the wraps.... It must the only country in the world where no failures occur. All the projects are HUGE Successes
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    Worlds Fastest Gun shooter

    He can never beat this chap
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    So by your logic, How is Rafel better than Su 30 MKI again? And by the way ..I too am rooting for MIG 35 (MKI version ofcourse)
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