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  1. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    Come on....what did i do ..I just posted news from a source. I am "rational" too ! :D
  2. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    This is today's news Page last updated at 05:33 GMT, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 06:33 UK So much for peace returning. Seems that PRC has taken all the male Ughirs to prison and that is why all the females are out on the streets to protest Source
  3. B

    Witnesses' account of Xinjiang riot

    You calling India a rouge super power ??
  4. B

    CIA, RAW, Mehsud, Hafiz-Gul, and other Evil-doers EXPOSED! Must Watch For Pakistanis

    The US will stop the Aid to Pakistan and start a navel blockade of Karachi and Gwader.What will happen then? With only 2 weeks of Fuel supplies left and no more aid.....Ask Zaid Hamid what will he do then? I love the chick,She moves here head like she understands every word he said. They are...
  5. B

    Indian Foreign Affairs News & Discussions (non-US & Pakistan related

    So Sinoindus friendship dude...how about some links to the claims made by you. Huh! O come on .....I want to see severed bodies of people beside the Mumbai railway tracks as claimed by you. If you do not have anything on that then QUIT TROLLING.
  6. B

    Intelligence is the first line of defence in today’s world and India lags behind

    Tell this to people who are saying RAW caused all the trouble in Xinjang province in China
  7. B

    After partition: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

    Like i said Army is/was not involved in majority of these operation.They are treated as state law and order problem Police are expected to take care of them. More over even if all of them are put together they will be nothing in compare with taliban ot ttp.
  8. B

    Indian Foreign Affairs News & Discussions (non-US & Pakistan related

    Give me a link to it. If you cannot then please stop saying such things
  9. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    So where are the Turkish people from ? Sino Indus friendship please tell us where are the Turkish people from ? I second that.!
  10. B

    Witnesses' account of Xinjiang riot

    You have Muslim Indian members in this forum too. How is this even remotely related to Hindu/Nazi nexus? Please tell us. Today is the first time i am hearing the word Hindu Nazi nexus. Where do you guys get these kind of words.? Is there some kind of hate dictionary you have...?
  11. B

    which websites, news agensices would come under "Accepatble" ??

    From my humble experience here in the forum If it is CNN/BBC saying anything bad about China/Pakistan....it is not acceptable as they are owned by Mossad/CIA/RAW. If it is any one saying bad about India or even if it is some dumb nitwits blog site....it is acceptable
  12. B

    Witnesses' account of Xinjiang riot

    OOOkay So where does CIA/RAW/Mossad nazi/hindu nexus fit in this equation ?
  13. B

    Witnesses' account of Xinjiang riot

    This one cracked me up dude:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :yahoo: I some times feel sad that i left a super power country to live in a non super power country :rofl: He has no idea what he is talking about. Some thing bad has happened in his country and he wants to blame it on & RAW/CIA:guns:
  14. B

    Witnesses' account of Xinjiang riot

    OMG....Here we go again. I mean you dudes are over estimating RAW terribly.. If RAW could do it ,it would have done it in the Olympics when it could get the maximum effect of it. What is the point of doing it now.? I am glad to know that you guys kept Mossad out of this one at least.
  15. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    self delete
  16. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    ^^^^^^ All that copy paste must have made you tired. I din't read it...Next time you might want to think of posting interesting lines and give the links so that we can follow them Coming back to your post You contradict yourself. You say attackers but the videos show mob violence Al...
  17. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    Then you should also probably stop worry about rioting incidents like Godhra which also happen in India. And also the the Kashmir Issue. What say....?
  18. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    From my little understanding and reading... Uighur Muslims are being targeted by PRC for holding a protest rally against the PRC. The protest rally went bad when the police started shooting them,about 195 (NYT figures) ugihur Muslims died in those shooting, and in that anger the rest of the mob...
  19. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    Appreciated. So what is Pakisan's take in this regard, with the Muslims being oppressed and killed right now in China.
  20. B

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    And they called tanks....And the army who has AK 56. Sounds logical to me. But the documentary proof and videos show other wise. Why would I be disappointed ? I am happy that the massacre of the poor ughir muslims has come to a end finally.
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