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  1. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Peepli Live Destroys Farid Zakaria's Myth of "Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous" India

    C'mon don't bring Pakistani movie clips into this ..or this thread will have to be transfered to joke section :lol: Peepli live is a good movie ..It is time we introspect ..rectify our shortcomings. Mod Edit: Using bold and capital letters unnecessarily makes one look like an attention-seeking...
  2. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Continuous atrocity and killing of Kahmiris – Boycott Commonwealth game in Delhi

    Yes I agree!! Bangladesh should withdraw from Commonwealth games and from cricket world cup in 2011 taking place India ...and also break all diplomatic ties with India..that is way to protest..go ahead:tup:
  3. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    The Asian Floods—Signs of Climate Catastrophes to Come?

    Well as I understand ....govts have been ignorant for many years now ..why so much destruction this time ??...and as these are the biggest floods in Pakistan in over hundred years. Plus it is not a localised catastrophe ..there are floods in China(over a thousand killed) ..cloud bursts in...
  4. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    India adds to flooding of Punjab in Pakistan

    Surplus water will also flow to Pakistan ..because Pakistan is down stream but first it will flood Indian villages and if the dam collapses due to excessive water pressure then you will have massive floods in India and Pakistan.
  5. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Men Wear Bras So Women Can Go Topless

    Don't worry that day will also come...a couple hundred years ago this could have never had happened in US ...we are on the same track..we ll be there sooner or later.
  6. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    India adds to flooding of Punjab in Pakistan

    Dumb conspiracy theories..it does not take a genius to understand ..when there are rain flood in Pakistan and there are rain floods in China ..it is also raining in India..because India is a part of same weather sys ..and once the reservoir gets full ..where will the water go ..if not...
  7. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Last Days of The Raj

    Situation in Bengal was the same..it is where Mr Gandhi begun his hunger strike unto death..to calm things down.
  8. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    Even if you talk about belief ..it is essentially a human emotion...hence not divine or eternal. It is not about importance ..I don't think anybody here minds, if somebody is choosing religion over nation..but giving wrong reasons to justify your choice.:no: Well I love my country, not...
  9. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    Because when you say something is eternal..it mean that "it" existed before man came into existence and it will continue to exist long after man perishes. eg air, water, earth , fire ..these existed before first human was born and will exist even after all humans die...can the same be said...
  10. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    It does not matter what ppl believe or consider..history speaks otherwise!! Religion is a man's creation and like all the things, the man has created it too is perishable..just the like numerous religions, which have perished before.
  11. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    A very wrong assumption neither religion nor a nation state is permanent. Sikhism, Islam ,Budhism, Christanity are relatively recent relgions..they did not exist 2000yrs ago..but some religions which existed 2000yr are are not practiced anymore eg Greek Olympian Gods(Zeus , Ares , Athena...
  12. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Should India allow Pakistani Kashmiris into indian institutes?

    Any specific reason for you hemorrhaging your head??
  13. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Should India allow Pakistani Kashmiris into indian institutes?

    I think Indian universities should let these students from Pak occupied Kashmir compete here..I mean every year already more than 200, 000 students compete in JEE, what difference will a 100 more make??...but there should be no reservation for these guys ..in fact reservation qutoa should be...
  14. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    :) On the contrary this shows, the maximum amount of criticism UN is willing to do..looks like India and the rest of the world is on the same page.
  15. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Obviously even if Autonomy under Indian Constitution is provided..Armed Forces will withdraw from the Civilian areas.... but will man the borders.. and all the political prisoners will freed.. now the ball is in your court either be with us and prosper or keep fighting us and remain miserable.
  16. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    $5 billion JF-17 exports to Azerbaijan, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Venezuela etc.

    Iran is under UN sanctions ..under the new 4th round of sanctions you can not sell them any offensive weapons.
  17. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I think you are mistaking India with Pakistan ..we do not commit genocide on own own ppl.
  18. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    That again shows the freedom of expression, they enjoy in India...I doubt it... you can burn a Pakistani flag in Pakistan.
  19. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    ^^check the source mate..Moin Ansari's blog:no:
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