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  1. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Indian TV Channels Banned in Pakistan

    Compared to Indian viewership ..pakistan's viewership is miniscule..and won't be sorely missed...but surely this decision will be a pot stirrer for Pakistani Cable operators..last time the channels were banned ..they went on strike.
  2. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Indian Military was ready for a swift war after 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack

    I am happy..that India did not attack after Mumbai..Pakistan is already on its way to self destruct..so why interfere!!
  3. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    SSBNs of different navies

    LA class is a SSN and not SSBN..air intake are required in conventional submarines(non nuclear)..for air breathing diesel engine...process is call snorkeling.
  4. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Helicopters idling in India,needed in Pakistan

    Fine that is perfectly reasonable.:tup:
  5. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Helicopters idling in India,needed in Pakistan

    I don't understand ..why is there so much fuss about the aid issue..When India offered Pakistan aid..I believe Pakistan was left with no option but to accept it ...because at time of natural disaster ..one can not be choosy. Had Pakistan declined Indian aid ..it would have been very difficult...
  6. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Taliban Rules, Decrees, Laws and Prohibitions - 1996

    Pls could elaborate these differences. Why just a consensus in Afghanistan...why not Pakistan too.. either accept them in Pakistan and then recommend them in Afghanistan...or if you oppose them..then oppose them everywhere. This clearly exposes your hypocrisy ..you are happy with Taliban...
  7. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Taliban Rules, Decrees, Laws and Prohibitions - 1996

    Well as I understand they are knocking on your doors too..they want too apply similar law in Pakistan (briefly they even did.. in Swat..with your govt's permission)..So if you don't mind them being in Afghanistan..so why not reconcile with them Pakistan too and hand them over the reins ..coz...
  8. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Taliban Rules, Decrees, Laws and Prohibitions - 1996

    Fine!!!.. if this is all rubbish ..then what is your understanding(experience...if any) of the great Taliban regime??
  9. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    India stole intellectual rights on Bangladeshi tradition

    Looks like you are facing some kind of identity crisis...you are talking as if you are an Arab..who just arrived here on a camel...accept the reality...just because your forefathers converted to Islam ..now you consider yourself part of their culture..claim their heritage..:lol:..talk about...
  10. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    The Anarchic Republic of Pakistan

    The stuff you red on this forum, I read it in my morning newspaper..and hence I know what you are talking about. As far as i know he is an independent analyst now So either you prove him wrong based some sound numbers(and breakup of each state) ..or you prove that RAW has paid him to write the...
  11. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    The Anarchic Republic of Pakistan

    Ya right!!..first RAW paid some "morons" to stop your flood aid and then Indian govt decided compensate for your losses(in aid money) from their own pockets. Paranoia has no cure!!
  12. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Zaid Hamid returns: Zaid Hamid on Royal News Man made Pakistan's flood

    He has more than 78000 fans on facebook ..and none of them is an Indian...even on this forum...we have some die hard Pakistani fans of his brilliance...but yes you are right, Indians are eternal fans of his idiocarcy. I think you did listen to his sermon carefully..he clearly mentioned that...
  13. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    India stole intellectual rights on Bangladeshi tradition

    If you are not interested in the legality of the issue or rather how to get back what has been stolen(allegedly) from you..then are you just here for your daily dose of India bashing??:azn:
  14. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    India stole intellectual rights on Bangladeshi tradition

    Those who are hell bent on propaganda press..gets your act together ..get your govts to sue India..we will see you international court of Justice..everyone is innocent, until proven guilty in court of law.
  15. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    India to reopen Kabul mission: report

    Yes you are right ..we even learn from our enemy's mistakes...we are seeing how your army and civilian(alike) are getting "packaged" at the hands of Taliban ..hence we are a bit reluctant, to send in our boys..we will let you guys kill each other...and then move in...hwz that for a plan??:azn:
  16. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Zaid Hamid returns: Zaid Hamid on Royal News Man made Pakistan's flood

    Well if you carefully examine ..then our water management is also lacking as there are no big dams on two major rivers of India... Yamuna and Ganges(only small irrigation barrages)..and as we can see...Yamuna is already flowing above the danger mark..delhi can get flooded, any time now...
  17. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Zaid Hamid returns: Zaid Hamid on Royal News Man made Pakistan's flood

    His accusation of India releasing water form dams is still somewhat logical as India can control the water flow in 3 southern rivers ...but how can afghans release water ..as there are no reservoir dams on Kabul river.
  18. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Zaid Hamid returns: Zaid Hamid on Royal News Man made Pakistan's flood

    More conspiracy theories :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: "All Indian went n peed in the Indus and RAW arranged for all the Afghans to pee in the Kabul river..that why these rivers flooded"...hows that for a conspiracy theory??:azn:
  19. Neither Right Nor Wrong

    Pakistan's Human Cockroaches

    If that is true ..then it is sad ..purpose of the article is introspection and not embarrassment for the would be readers(Pakistani).
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