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  1. solid snake

    Pakistan rupee exchange rate news

    There is a dire need to arrest the decline and I'm glad the government is working on it.
  2. solid snake

    70 RUPEES PER 1 DOLLAR??? WHERE IS ISHAQ DAR? investors starts running away

    No, this will hurt us because our trade deficit will grow massively. We can't help but import oil, and a sliding ruppee and climbing oil prices mean it will hurt us very, very badly. There are some thing we cannot help but import.
  3. solid snake

    Indian Submarine Acquisitions (Conventional)

    No, India simply feels the ratio is enough for it's defence purposes.
  4. solid snake

    Itching for another Coup?

    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! No coups! never ever again! It will set Pakistan back by about 10 years if there is another coup. We cannot take international sanctions at this point. Our military strength will be reduced to the 1990s level and the economic situation of 1999 will look like a cakewalk.
  5. solid snake

    Pakistan Nuclear Energy Developments

    Why are they building only 300MW power plants? That is practically nothing compared to the demand all across Pakistan. A handful of 300MW powerplants won't help much, maybe for 5 years, then what? The smallest nuclear power plant in the US is 400 something MW.
  6. solid snake

    Pak says it does not want another war with India

    I am glad that both countries are focusing on economic development. But still, weapons galore in South Asia.
  7. solid snake

    70 RUPEES PER 1 DOLLAR??? WHERE IS ISHAQ DAR? investors starts running away

    PKR has never appreciated against the dollar as far as I know. It was at 60 for a long time but now it's getting out of hand. This huge decline in the Rupees value is really hurting me.
  8. solid snake

    The US Planning on Another 9/11 ?

    Oh yeah. As if the people in government aren't Americans and as if they don't care for the lives of their fellow citizens.
  9. solid snake

    Nawaz needs to be watched, US house panel told

    Nice to hear Americans talking some sense. Now that we have en elected government, the American senators and congressmen seem to have considerably dulled down their crticism of Pakistan.
  10. solid snake

    Five Pakistanis held in Spain

    Thank God it wasn't for trying to blow someone up.
  11. solid snake

    Microsoft Vista Users ,Your opinion please !!!

    I have heard Vista is just eye candy, nothing really good about it other than the visuals. You can make your Windows XP look just like Vista. I have installed a few programs that make my XP look exactly like Vista. Besides, Windows 7 is coming out in 2010 which will hopefully be much better...
  12. solid snake

    Why Indians are fat

    Let me just say, and this will be classified as racist, but black girls are as far away from being "good physical specimens" as any can be. Black guys are usually tall and muscular, but black girls are usually overweight and loud and stupid.
  13. solid snake

    Why Indians are fat

    You are probably right. My Arab friend and I always say that the blacks in America are so tall and strong because of the slavery years. Look at their cousins in Africa.
  14. solid snake

    Why Indians are fat

    Gene making Indians fat found-India-The Times of India First a report finds that you guys have small penises and now that you guys are fat? Don't mean to be immature but this is quite funny :rofl:
  15. solid snake

    India Using "flawed methodology" to Calculate Inflation?

    I understand economics only in laymans terms, having only ever taken one semester of macroeconmics. But if what this article claims is true, then the Indian government is only hurting itself. No amount of lying can change the ground reality. This kind of reminds me of the accusations that...
  16. solid snake

    NGOs say five nations unfit to serve on UN rights body

    Why exactly did they say Pakistan is unfit?
  17. solid snake

    Failing Economy of Pakistan! Growing hunger of normal Pakistanis..and New Govt!

    Do you mean gasoline prices? Because they are never coming down.
  18. solid snake

    Facebook is the Eighth Most Visited Website in Pakistan

    Like I have said before in another thread, Pakistan is not Afghanistan. People in urban areas don't care about males being friends with females. Many of my religious friends in Karachi were on Orkut with the knowledge of their parents. Now they are moving onto Facebook. I find the...
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