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  1. solid snake

    Club football discussions

    I haven't posted in years, but I am a Liverpool supporter. We must hold on to Luis Suarez, ideally. The club has already announced that they will not sell to a rival like Arsenal under any circumstances. So if Real Madrid comes in for him, we should let Suarez go, but even then only under the...
  2. solid snake

    Favourite English TV shows

    The Wire is by far the best TV show in history.
  3. solid snake

    Upcoming Indian movie D-Day

    Of course he is in Pakistan. His daughter graduated from IoBM in Karachi. But I'm also happy if he is here. Men who worked for Pakistan must be protected.
  4. solid snake

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    Is S/L Hussain's death confirmed? :frown: What a naive comment. Did you know that multiple F-22's have crashed both during testing/prototype phase and after induction? The production F-22s also crashed soon after induction. The F-35 has also crashed. Even before an investigation into the...
  5. solid snake

    American life through the eyes of a Pakistani

    I have graduated from an American high school, and also spent 2 years at an American college before deciding to return. Pakistanis should study and work abroad, but accepting a foreign country's passport is too much, imo. To pledge allegiance to another country means you are no longer a...
  6. solid snake

    The mystery of the "Bandpass Radome"

    Very interesting topic of discussion, but one in which I lack knowledge, despite being a final year electronics engineering student. Is there anyone here who can explain this technology? Actually, to understand this, you will have to extensively study the internal construction of such radars...
  7. solid snake

    Pakistan communication satellite PAKSAT 1R lauched - August 11, 2011

    Thank you Imran Khan. I have been reading this forum sometimes but didn't comment, due to lack of time. Now I'm once again devoting time to national security articles and issues. I also remember you very well. Cheers!
  8. solid snake

    Pakistan communication satellite PAKSAT 1R lauched - August 11, 2011

    This caught me by surprise. I was under the impression the launch was on 14th of August. Well done to all involved, may this be just a stepping stone to greater things for SUPARCO.
  9. solid snake

    NCA okays Nuclear Power Prog 2050, Space Prog 2040

    Is there any info on this 2040 space vision? I want to see a specific document outlining what goals have been set for Pakistan to achieve in space by 2040.
  10. solid snake

    Air Force Question Thread

    I have an important question regarding the air force. I am about to complete my Bachelors in Engineering, Electronics (specializing in Mechatronics). In today's (Sunday's) dawn newspaper, there is an ad for the 108 non-GD course and it states that persons with BE degrees can apply for Special...
  11. solid snake

    Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?

    India can defend all of its coastline quite comfortably through surface ships and submarines. As for defending sea lines beyond India's waters, I think the only rival India could face is China. Neither China nor India will use their A/C's in even a major standoff. Its too risky. Hence, the A/C's...
  12. solid snake

    Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

    There is no doubt that the terrorists who attacked PNS Mehran had training & orders from a professional military entity. Either the Americans or the Indians. Of course the attackers themselves probably didn't know that. They were brainwashed into thinking they were doing Jihad. Its the handlers...
  13. solid snake

    Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?

    Pakistan has currently no need of an aircraft carrier. We won't need one for decades. AC's are for force projection around the world. Our current concern is to secure our own borders and our focus is on the internal security threat. Even India does not need an aircraft carrier right now...
  14. solid snake

    Daring attempt: Army colonel drowns in Attabad Lake

    Can't believe some of you are being so judgmental. His men got stuck, he went there to help them himself. I don't see anything wrong with that. I salute him, RIP Col. Arif.
  15. solid snake

    New integrated vehicle management system (VMS) developed for Pakistani MBTs and AFVs

    Will it not be exceedingly simple to throw this network centric warfare system into chaos? If we come up against an advanced enemy, they could posses the ability to destroy satellites in space. What will happen in the event that satellite(s) being used by the Pak army is blown up during a major...
  16. solid snake

    Indian female spy arrested in Pakistan (Pak-Afghan Border: Indian Terrorism)

    Well, what if it turns out there was some sort of misunderstanding and the arrested female is actually a Pakistani? If she is indeed Indian then she was likely upto no good, but still, evidence must always be collected before condemning someone. If she is shown to be a spy, she must never be freed.
  17. solid snake

    Indian female spy arrested in Pakistan (Pak-Afghan Border: Indian Terrorism)

    Make sure she really is a spy, and then punish her with life in prison without the possibility of release.
  18. solid snake

    Writings of Ben Gurion on Pakistan

    So? If we expected everyone to respect internationally recognized borders at all time, there would be little need for a military.
  19. solid snake

    Writings of Ben Gurion on Pakistan

    No offense dude, but you look like the product of a public school in Punjab using a history textbook from the 80s. Read DAWN and other papers, all political and social analysts of Pakistan agree with me. Like I said before, if you take your gloves off in a boxing ring, you will get socked on...
  20. solid snake

    Pakistan ranks 34th in WEF’s Financial Development Report

    That is great! Although I wish we didn't rank on top of the 'Frequency of banking crises' column :o
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