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  1. A

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Nonsense. You don't see Indians making fun of Haiti or Houndaras or Zimbabwe, do you? Azerbaijan officially supported Pakistan's stance on Kashmir, so they can expect to be mocked and ridiculed by Indians. They are being mocked not for being economically weaker or smaller than us, but for their...
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    Babri Masjid Case Ruling Today

    Nope. Only a handful of crazies believe in the 'tejomahalaya' theory. Comparing that with Ayodhya is laughable.
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    Babri Masjid Case Ruling Today

    I agree with you completely. These Pakistani posters who pretend to be sympathetic to Indian Muslims are trying their best to poison relations and create rifts even where minimal/no passions exist. As India improves its earnings and standard of living, these nonsense issues of Mandir-Masjid will...
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    Babri Masjid Case Ruling Today

    The Pakistani posters on this thread are behaving like mischief mongers. A neutral report from BBC has been quoted but the poster has put in his own huge headline in bold as though it actually came from the BBC! And understand one thing: today's verdict is about whom the real estate belongs...
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    Fort Delhi, complete with missiles and Sukhois

    Yes, 26/11 was a conspiracy, 9/11 was a conspiracy, all terrorist attacks which are traced by world agencies to Pakistan are gigantic conspiracies. Everyone's picking on poor lil' Pakistan, eh? Really, people like you exemplify Pakistan's problem.
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    where is the cancer ? In Pakistan.. says Woodward

    If you talk such nonsense, no one will take you seriously. Don't denigrate the sufferings of those who perished in the holocaust by placing it as the same level as the "Indian atrocities" as you call it. In the past few months itself, any neutral observer with half a brain will say that...
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    where is the cancer ? In Pakistan.. says Woodward

    Hold it right there. The past is connected with the present, since those policies of Zia were continued several years after Zia's death. You were delighted with the mayhem that your people were causing in Kashmir in the 90s, admit it. And go easy on the toilet business, I can speak a lot...
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    Australian journalist's sting operation on CWG security was "fake" !!

    Firstly, regarding this incident itself: the point is, this "reporter" was not entering the games village at all. He was out on the road, walking. And lets face it - in a city of 23 million, people do walk around the road with luggage. It is laughable to expect the Delhi police to check each and...
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    WG secured against any aerial threat, fighters in ready mode

    It's not that far-fetched. When terrorists can hijack several planes and fly them into iconic skyscrapers, there is no guarantee that some brainwashed moron will not try it in Delhi now. Better be safe than sorry.
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    US doesn't want to arm Pak against India: Obama to Zardari

    But but... I thought it was Bush (republican) who pushed hard for the Indo-US nuclear deal and got it through, even convincing a huge band of nations to accept it? Huh?
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    Please, no debates between Rajni fans and Rajni haters! I know where such discussions end up - I have seen enough!
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    India, Japan set to boost military ties

    Excellent news. For far too long, India has focused excessively on its immediate neighbourhood. We need to get a broader perspective and engage with more nations. This is a good move.
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    WG secured against any aerial threat, fighters in ready mode

    Cost. We'll go bankrupt if we try to do this 24X7X365
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    India and Commonwealth Games.. will india show its power??

    Finally turning into a tragedy, eh? Did you miss the part about things being rectified, and getting perfect towards the last couple of days? Selective vision, I must say.
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    Sri Lanka Starts Nuclear Power Talks with Russia

    Cool. More and more nations should start using nuclear power, which is the best hope going forward, as we start seeing depletion of fossil fuels and greater dependency on electricity. The only part I do not agree with is this: Sri Lanka, and all other countries should aggressively pursue...
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    Dhaka to Delhi: crack down on drug factories near border

    Agreed, it would be great if we could demolish those factories. But the article is missing important information, namely: Is the production of this 'drug' legal or illegal in India? If the production of that drug is legal in India, then the BSF and BDR must make a joint plan to prevent the...
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    'Shame Games' Put India Further Behind China

    I recommend a course in logical reasoning for you. The Chinese poster mentioned something about the media and how the Chinese were affected by it, and I replied to him. One has to be incredibly dense and thick to talk nonsense about 'comparison' with other countries. If anything, it is the...
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    Pak Man in Soup for Taking Lady's Photo in Metro Station

    Aunty, You are a raving maniac. No one in India even thought about linking this with CWG. People like you, who gloat at small Indian slip-ups, are going to be responsible for taking away the goodwill that the Pakistani team has generated.
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    'Shame Games' Put India Further Behind China

    Now I can understand how the Chinese must have felt at that time. I was wondering why some Chinese posters are making such a big deal about media coverage in 2008 before the olympics! Now I understand.
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    'Shame Games' Put India Further Behind China

    Well, it is indeed true that the facilities are not as bad as was made out initially, and that a lot of good work has been done at the last moment to iron out all the basic issues. But the point the well-known anti-India troll poster is making is also correct - India's reputation has been...
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